Interesting classifications of basinogenesis and basins have been proposed by many scientists. They classify basinogenesis and basins mainiy from a single angle, either from a historical angle of from a dynamic angle. In order to more comprehensively understand them for more effectively guiding prospecting and exploration, the author integrates the two methods of analysis with each other and proposes an integrative classification. According to the historical - dynamic integrative classification, basinogenes and basins can be divided into three types aceanic crust type,embryo-contineiital (transitional) crust type and continental crust type. Oceanic crust type can be subdivided into mobilc region type (mainly rensional) and stable ragion type.Embryo-continental type includes pre-geosynclinal type(divisible into several mobiie region types and stable region types with tensional type predoninating among mobiie regin rypes) and early-geosynclinal type (mainly tensional).Continental curst tpe includes late-geosynclinal (fold beit) type (compressional or tensional),platform type(mainly snking and rarely tensional subsidence-aulacogen) and geodepression (diwa) type (compressional,tensional or compressional-rensional).