Advances in Earth Science ›› 1992, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (3): 9-. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.1992.03.0009
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Chen Moxiang
Chen Moxiang. ADVANCES OF STUDIES OF GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES IN CHINA[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 1992, 7(3): 9-.
Based on recent year's advances of geothermal resources studies and explorations in China,this paper reviews the basic distributive characteristics of hot springs in the uplifted area and geothermal water in the Meso一Cenozonic sedimentary basins,suggests that two hydrothermal activity concentrated zones (S Tibet Autonomous Region—W Sichuan Province—W Yunnan Province and coastal area of SE China),one large basin (North China Basin) and two smaller basins (Weihe Basin and Leiqiong Basin) are major areas of studies and explorations of geothermal resources in China continent, corysiders that geothermal resources in China have certain potential of exploitation and should be used,but thescale of exploitation seems to be limited, they cannot occupy an importan position in energy supply and can only be regarded as a supplementary energy source.