地球科学进展 ›› 2003, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (2): 263 -269. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2003.02.0263

研究论文 上一篇    下一篇

徐中民 1,2,张志强 3,陈东景 2   
  1. 1.西北师范大学地理系,甘肃 兰州 730070;2.中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所冻土工程国家重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730000;3.中国科学院资源环境科学信息中心,甘肃 兰州 730000
  • 收稿日期:2002-05-08 修回日期:2002-09-30 出版日期:2003-04-10
  • 通讯作者: 徐中民 E-mail:xzmin@ns.lzb.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:



Xu Zhongmin 1,2,Zhang Zhiqiang 3,Chen Dongjing 2   

  1. 1. Department of Geography, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070,China;2. State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering, CAREERI,CAS, Lanzhou 730000,China;3. Scientific Information Center for Resources and Environment, CAS, Lanzhou 730000,China
  • Received:2002-05-08 Revised:2002-09-30 Online:2003-04-10 Published:2003-04-01


    Growing pressures on the environment and increasing environmental awareness have generated the need to account for the manifold interactions between all sectors of the economy and the environment. Conventional national accounts focus on the measurement of economic performance and growth as reflected in market activity. For a more comprehensive assessment of the sustainability of growth and development, the scope and coverage of economic accounting needed to be broadened to include the use of non-marketed natural assets and losses in income-generation resulting from the depletion and degradation of natural capital. The integrated environmental and economic accounting (SEEA), provides a comprehensive framework, in which to identify the contribution of the environment to economy and to indicate whether the environment is being used sustainably.
    The leading approaches to building SEEA are introduced in this paper. This paper translates the complex methods of integrated environmental and economic accounting into logical sequence of activities within the overall SEEA framework, which can be fell into 10 steps. ① compilation of the supply and use accounts;② Identification and compilation of environmental protection expenditures; ③ compilation of produced natural asset accounts; ④ compilation of physical natural resource accounts; ⑤ valuation of natural resources: compiling the monetary accounts; ⑥ compilation of physical environmental asset accounts; ⑦ compilation of emissions by economic sector; ⑧ compilation of maintenance costing of emissions; ⑨Aggregation and tabulation; ⑩ comparison of conventional and environmentally adjusted indicators.  At the same time, a detailed conceptual discussion on every step was presented in this paper.
    Based on above discussed and reviews, some proposals on build regions environmental and economic accounting have been put forward.  Potential policy applications of the system of integrated environmental and economic accounting have been illustrated in details, which mainly focuses on how SEEA data can improve economic policy-making and promote economic growth, and facilitate the formulation ofintegrated environmental policies.


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