地球科学进展 ›› 2013, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (3): 374 -390. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2013.03.0374
研究论文 上一篇 下一篇
Wei Qinsheng 1,3,Wang Huiwu 2,Ge Renfeng 2,Wang Baodong 1
Based on the data of suspended matter colleted from the southern Yellow Sea investigation during 20062007,the vertical distribution of the suspended matter and implications were analyzed.The result shows that the pattern of the suspended matter concentration being high in the west but low in the east is the common feature in the vertical distribution of the suspended matter in the northern transects of the southern Yellow Sea, and that the southward transportation of the suspended matter carried by the Lubei Coastal Current and the northward invasion of the Yellow Sea Warm Current are the important mass exchange processes between the northern Yellow Sea and the southern Yellow Sea.From spring to autumn,the highconcentration area displaying cloudy distribution in the surface or the midlayer maximum phenomenon of the suspended matter in the deep waters of the central transects of the southern Yellow Sea has close relationship with the biological activities.In the transect outside Jiangsu shoal,the suspended matter concentration decreases offshore gradually all the year around,and the concentration in the nearshore waters in winter and spring is higher than that in summer and autumn,meanwhile,the suspended matter in the nearshore waters also shows the outward transport trend during winter half year(from autumn to spring).In the transect northeast of the Yangtze Estuary,there are two highconcentration areas of the suspended matte,the one situated in the western nearshore waters is influenced by the Yangtze River Diluted Water (summer) or Jiangsu Coastal Water (winter) while the east one located in the deep waters is the result of mass transportation complying with the Yellow Sea Western Coastal Current,which also in general corresponds to the mud area southwest of Jeju Island. The mass exchange processes between the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea are implemented mainly through the northeastward expanding of the Yangtze Diluted Water in summer and the southward of the Yellow Sea Western Coastal Current and the northward invasion of the Yellow Sea Warm Current in winter half year. Besides, the stratification and the shelf front also have great impact on the vertical distribution of the suspended matter in the southern Yellow Sea, and the front is the main physical mechanism controlling the horizontal transport of the suspended matter.
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