地球科学进展 ›› 2010, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (2): 184 -192. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2010.02.0184

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  1. 中国海洋大学海洋学系,山东  青岛  266100
  • 收稿日期:2009-04-07 修回日期:2010-11-02 出版日期:2010-02-10
  • 通讯作者: 王刚 E-mail:gangwang@foxmail.com
  • 基金资助:


Preliminary Research on the Center's Location and Interseasonal variabilities of the Cold Eddy in East China Sea

Wang Gang,Lan Jian,Sun Shuangwen   

  1. Ocean Department, Ocean University of China, Qingdao  266100, China
  • Received:2009-04-07 Revised:2010-11-02 Online:2010-02-10 Published:2010-02-10

使用1958—2001年SODA温度场资料,较为系统地对东海冷涡附近海域具代表性剖面温度场进行逐月分析,对冷涡中心提取方法进行了总结完善。结果表明,35 m深处冷涡44年的平均中心位于(32.0°N,125.7°E);冷涡的中心位置存在较显著的季节性变化:经向变化方面,由夏季、秋季至冬季,冷涡中心位置自北向南逐渐移动;从冬季、春季至夏季自南向北移动。纬向变化方面,冬季冷涡中心明显偏西,其他季节冷涡中心偏东且中心经度变化不大。以上变化主要是由冷涡周边流场的季节性变化引起的。冷涡中心在冬末春初和秋初表现不明显,这应是由环流场季节性转换导致。

To determine the center location of the Cold Eddy in East China Sea(CEECS)′s center, we analyzed typical sections of temperature fields in the sea area around the eddy and improved the proper method to acquire the eddy′s center based on the temperature data of SODA from 1958 to 2001. Results show that the CEECS′s mean center was located at 32.0°N, 125.7°E at the depth of 35 meters during 44 years, while the center was not fixed in one place. From summer to winter, the center of the eddy moves from north to south gradually while it moves from south to north gradually from winter to summer in the longitudinal direction. In the latitudinal direction, the center is obviously in the west only in winter, while in the other seasons it is in the east and the latitude of it changes lightly. The main factor should be Tsushima Current and the Yellow Sea Coastal Current which control the variance of the center′s location. The eddy′s center is not obvious in early fall, late winter and early spring, which should be associated with the seasonality of the current fields.



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