地球科学进展 ›› 1999, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3): 269 -273. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.1999.03.0269

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刘化清 1,袁剑英 1,苏 醒 1,完颜容 1,魏东涛 1,沈光隆 2   
  1. 1.中国石油天然气集团公司西北地质研究所,甘肃 兰州 730020;2.西北大学地质系,陕西 西安 710069
  • 收稿日期:1998-10-16 修回日期:1998-12-03 出版日期:1999-06-01
  • 通讯作者: 刘化清,男,1969年8月出生,工程师,从事古生物学及地层学方面的研究工作。


LIU Huaqing 1,YUAN Jianying 1,SU Xing 1,WAN Yanrong 1,WEI Dongtao, 1SHEN Guanglong 2   

  1. 1.Northwest Geology Research Institute,CNPC,Lanzhou730020,China;2.Department of Geology,Northwest University,Xi an710060,China
  • Received:1998-10-16 Revised:1998-12-03 Online:1999-06-01 Published:1999-06-01


Differences are obviously existed between the Chinese and Euroamerican floras in the late Palaeozoic.The Chinese middle-late Devonian floras were mainly occupied by the primitive lepidophytes includingLepidodendropsis,Protolepidodendron,Lepidosigillaria,SublepidodendronandLeptophloeum. In contrast,the synchronous Euroamerican floras were dominated by ferns and progymnosperms,the common members of which are Hyenia,Reimannia,Rellimia,Archaeopteris,RhacophytonandAneurophyton.While primitive lepidophytes were relatively rare.In Tournaisian-Visean,the Chinese floras were characterized by flourishing of the lepidophytes.Besides some primitive elements such asLepidodendron volkmannianumandLepidodendron Lossenii,a few oriental type species with relatively large leaf scars (i.e.Lepidodendron ninghsiaense,Bothrodendron ruchengenseandBothrodendron criculare)also appeared.In addition,the so-called Euroamerican Westphanian Flora members ofParipteris,LinopterisandEusphenopterishave been found in the Chouniukou Formation of North Qilian Mountains.However,both the Tournaisian and the Visean floras in the Euroamerican massland were dominated by the primitive ferns with radiate venation,the most common elements areAdiantites,Anisiopteris,FryopsisandSpathulopteris.
According to the above mentioned,“Procathaysian Flora”is suggested to represent the Chinese middle Devonian-Visean floras in this paper.
From Namurian to Permian,many typical oriental type lepidophytes(includingLepidodendron ninghsiaense,Lepidodendron oculus-felis,Lepidodendron posthumiiandCathaysiodendron nanpiaoense)and some endemic genera(Tingia,Conchophyllum,Gigantoperis,Emplectopteris,Lobatannularis)appeared one after another on the Chinese Composite Continents,suggesting that the gap between the Chinese and the Euroamerican floras enlarged and the famous Cathaysian Flora occured in this time.
The present authors believe to a great extent that it was the east-west climatic differentiation(mainly the change of humidity)that caused the differences between the two floras.Since the Caledonian orogeny at the end of Silurian,the North American plate,the European plate and the Gondwana continent collided in succession,and thus resulted in continuous growth of the united continent(Pangea).In this case ,the equatorial current and the trade wind of the ancient Tethys ocean had fewer and fewer effect on the hinterland and dry continental climate strengthened there.As a response,the mesophilous plants(ferns)were extremely prosperous.On the contrary,the Cathaysian continent was constituted by certain water surrounded small islands in the overwhelming majority of late Palaeozoic,so the humid maritime climate developped and the lepidophytes lushed.


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