地球科学进展 ›› 1996, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (3): 245 -251. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.1996.03.0245
学科发展与研究 上一篇 下一篇
Zhao Yuelong; Liu Yanhua
This paper analysed the relationship between fragil environment and poverty with the method of correlative analysis. The conclusion is: there is correlation between fragil environment and poverty, but in different region, the correlation between fragil and poverty is different due to different degree of economic development and different geographic location and communication. Generally, in me east and south of China, because of which high degree of industry (including rural industry) and eonomic development and good communication and geographic location, the correlation between fragil environment and poverty is nuclear. I. e.the poverty is not due to the fragil environment,the fragil environment is not due to the poverty too. Oppositly, in the west and north of China, because of which low degree of industry (including rural industry) and eonomic development and bad communication and geographic location, the correlation between fragil environment and poverty is obvious.It is almost the relationship of reason and result between the fragil environment and the poverty. I. e. the fragil environment causes the poverty, and the poverty intensifies the ragil environment. After discussing the problem of coordinate between environmental construction and economic development, according to the characteristic of different relationship between the fragil environment and poverty in different region, the paper pointed out a suggestion that deal with the relationship between environmental construction and economic development differently in different region. It also suggests that the key of improving environment is developing economy, especially developing industry (including rural industry) which based on local resources in the west of China.
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