地球科学进展  2018 , 33 (7): 665-674 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.07.0665



夏军1, 左其亭2*, 韩春辉2

1.水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室,武汉大学,湖北 武汉 430072
2.郑州大学 水利与环境学院,河南 郑州 450001

Disciplinary System and Development Strategy for Eco-hydrology

Xia Jun1, Zuo Qiting2*, Han Chunhui2

1.State Key Laboratory of Water Resources & Hydropower Engineering Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072,China;
2.School of Water Conservancy & Environment, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China;

中图分类号:  P33

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1001-8166(2018)07-0665-10

通讯作者:  *通信作者:左其亭(1967-),男,河南固始人,教授,主要从事水文学及水资源研究.E-mail:zuoqt@zzu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2017-11-27

修回日期:  2018-03-20

网络出版日期:  2018-07-20

版权声明:  2018 地球科学进展 编辑部 

基金资助:  *中国科学院学部学科发展战略研究项目“中国生态水文学学科发展战略”(编号:2017DXA)资助.


First author:Xia Jun(1954-), male, Xiaogan City, Hubei Province, Professor, Academician of Chinese Academy Sciences. Research areas include hydrology and water resources. E-mail:xiajun666@whu.edu.cn





关键词: 生态水文学 ; 生态学 ; 水文学 ; 学科体系 ; 学科发展战略


Eco-hydrology is a new discipline developed in recent decades. It is of great significance to accelerate and promote the development of eco-hydrology subject by constructing a perfect discipline system and formulating future development strategies. By reviewing a large number of literatures, this paper systematically combed and expounded the development and evolution of the eco-hydrology, which can be divided into five stages, the embryonic period of eco-hydrology (1970-1986), formulation terminology and the initial exploration period of eco-hydrology (1987-1991), discipline establishment and the initial development period of eco-hydrology (1992-1995), the rapid development period of eco-hydrology (1996-2007) and the improvement period of eco-hydrology (2008-present). Based on the analysis of the development of eco-hydrology, the disciplinary system of eco-hydrology was proposed as a framework of “theory-method-practice-branch discipline”. Finally, combined with the authors’ understanding, this paper put forward the development strategy system of the eco-hydrology, including the disciplinary research plan, the key research project, the country’s major demand, the discipline construction and the international cooperation, which will provide support for the promotion and establishment of a sound disciplinary system of eco-hydrology.

Keywords: Eco-hydrology ; Ecology ; Hydrology ; Disciplinary system ; Disciplinary development strategy.


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夏军, 左其亭, 韩春辉. 生态水文学学科体系及学科发展战略[J]. 地球科学进展, 2018, 33(7): 665-674 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.07.0665

Xia Jun, Zuo Qiting, Han Chunhui. Disciplinary System and Development Strategy for Eco-hydrology[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2018, 33(7): 665-674 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.07.0665

1 引 言




2 生态水文学的发展历程


表1   生态水文学各阶段发展历程

Table 1   The development of Eco-hydrology in various stages

生态水文学萌芽期国际水文十年计划(1965—1974);1970年Hynes出版《The Ecology of Running Water》;1971年人与生物圈计划(MAB)及1986年第一阶段会议;生态水力学、土壤水文学等的重要理论探索和发现等
1992—1995年生态水文学学科建立与初步发展期1992年联合国水和环境国际会议正式提出生态水文学概念;1993年Heathwaite编著的《Mires: Process, Exploitation and Conservation》;1995年Kloosterman和Gieske等对湿地生态系统的研究;1993年马雪华编著的《森林水文学》等
1996—2007年生态水文学学科快速发展期1996年Wassen等给出生态水文学的明确定义;ERB第6次研讨会; (UNESCO/IHP)-V(1996—2001)和 (UNESCO/IHP)-Ⅵ(2002—2007);1997年Zalewski、1999年Baird等和刘昌明、2001年Acreman、2002年Eagleson编著的生态水文学相关专集或著作;2001年创办《Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology》期刊;2000年成立的英国沃林福德生态与水文学研究中心;2005年组建UNECSO欧洲生态水文学中心;Hatton等、Rodriguez、王根绪等、Nuttle、夏军、Naiman等大量学者针对生态水文学不同领域进行的研究等


2.1 生态水文学萌芽期(1970年左右至1986年)

“生态水文学”一词被提出之前,经历了一段时间的演化,也是生态学和水文学逐渐交叉在一起研究的伊始,目前很难考证和说清具体的起源时间。能找到的具有代表性的较早事件有:国际水文科学协会(International Association of Hydrological Sciences,IAHS)提出的国际水文十年计划(1965—1974),对水文过程的研究开始考虑来自生态环境及其他交叉学科的影响[15];1970年Hynes[16]出版的《The Ecology of Running Water》中初步对水文过程和生态过程的结合展开研究;1971年联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,UNESCO)倡议的人与生物圈计划(Man and Biosphere Programme,MAB),从生态学的角度对人与环境的关系进行了深入研究,并于1986年举办了第一阶段会议,讨论了陆地生态系统和水生生态系统之间的过渡带[17]。此外,这一时期其他学科如生态水力学[18]、土壤水文学[19]、山坡水文学[20]和河流生态学[21,22]等的新理论和发现也有助于该学科的形成。总体来看,该时期学者们已经开始尝试对水文和生态的交叉过程开展研究,为生态水文学奠定了基础。

2.2 生态水文学术语提出与初步探索期(1987—1991年)


2.3 生态水文学学科建立与初步发展期(1992—1995年)

1992年联合国水和环境国际会议正式提出生态水文学概念。1993年Heathwaite[29]出版了以生态水文学为主题的专著《Mires: Process, Exploitation and Conservation》。1995年Kloosterman等[30]从生态水文学的角度对荷兰南部近几十年来的植被格局和水文状况进行了分析,从而揭示了湿地和栖息地环境恶化的原因;Gieske等[31]应用生态水文学理论提出了一种定量描述地下水短缺或干枯对水生态和湿地生态系统影响的方法。我国在该阶段没有及时引入生态水文学概念,没有开展专门的研究,但是相关研究已有所涉及,如马雪华[32]对森林水文生态的研究。可以看出,该阶段是生态水文学学科创立的初始时期,还处于摸索阶段。

2.4 生态水文学学科快速发展期(1996—2007年)

1996年是生态水文学开启快速发展的起点。在这一年,Wassen等[33]给出生态水文学的明确定义;欧洲实验与代表性盆地网络(European Network of Experimental and Representative Basins,ERB)第6次研讨会出版了论文集《Ecohydrological Processes in Small Basins》;联合国教科文组织国际水文计划第五阶段(UNESCO/IHP)-V(1996—2001)启动,其中生态水文学首次被作为其中的重要研究内容之一。在接下来的几年里,生态水文学获得了长足的发展,一直持续到(UNESCO/IHP)-Ⅵ(2002—2007)末期。在著作方面:如1997年Zalewski等[34],1999年Baird等[35](2002年由赵文智等[36]译为中文),刘昌明[37],2001年Acreman[38],2002年Eagleson[39](2008年由杨大文等[40]译为中文)编著的生态水文学相关专集和著作。在会议召开方面:如1998年召开的(UNESCO/IHP)-V(2.3-2.4)关于生态水文学的工作组会议;1998年召开的ERB第7次会议“变化环境中流域的水文和生物地球化学过程”;2003年举办的UNESCO MAB/IHP有关“生态水文学:从理论到实践”的联合讲习班。在研究机构及期刊发展方面:如2000年合并而成的英国沃林福德生态与水文学研究中心;2001年创办的Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology学术期刊;2004年成立的英国生态与水文中心;2005年组建的UNECSO欧洲生态水文学中心。在科学研究方面,产生了大量代表性成果,如Hatton等[41]、Rodriguez[42]、Zalewski[43]、王根绪等[1]、严登华等[3]、武强等[44]、Nuttle[45]、夏军等[13,46]、崔保山等[47]、Suschka[48]、Naiman等[49]、Porporato等[50]、Kundzewicz[51]、Bonnell[52]和Hiwasaki等[53]的研究。可以说,这些丰富的研究成果极大地促进了生态水文学的发展。

2.5 生态水文学学科完善期(2008年至今)

从2008年开始,(UNESCO/IHP)-Ⅶ(2008—2013)的主题3“面向可持续的生态水文学”、 (UNESCO/IHP)-Ⅷ(2014—2021)的主题5“生态水文学——面向可持续世界的协调管理”中均将生态水文学作为一个独立的专题来进行研究。同年,Ecohydrology期刊创刊和UNESCO海滨生态水文学中心成立。在著作方面,如2008年Wood等[54](2009年王浩等[55]译为中文)、Harper等[56] (2012年严登华等译为中文),2010年程国栋等[57],2012年杨胜天[58]编著的生态水文学著作。在技术和应用方面,开展了较为系统的研究,特别是对生态水文模型的研究。在研究机构建设和会议召开方面,如2009年成立的南京水利科学研究院生态水文实验中心,2014年举办的国际水文及应用生态大会。在科研成果方面:如Ghimire等[59]、Zalewski等[60,61] 和张琪琳等[62]开展的研究,拓展到了更广阔的领域。可以说,生态水文学能取得今天的成就,是广大科研工作者共同努力的结果,但仍不完善,需不断深入和补充。

3 生态水文学学科体系探讨

3.1 生态水文学概念



3.2 生态水文学学科体系框架



图1   生态水文学学科体系框架

Fig.1   Disciplinary framework of Eco-hydrology

3.3 生态水文学的研究对象


3.4 生态水文学的核心内容




3.5 生态水文学的分支学科





4 生态水文学学科发展战略

4.1 学科发展战略框架



图2   生态水文学学科发展战略框架

Fig.2   The development strategy system of Eco-hydrology

4.2 发展战略布局与实施计划











5 结 语


致 谢:本文为中国科学院学部学科发展战略研究项目成果之一,受项目组全体成员研究成果的启发,并得到有关专家的指导和建议,特此感谢。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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生态水文学,作为水文学和生态学交叉的一门边缘学科,是研究水文过程如何影响生态格局以及生态动力变化如何反作用于水文过程的交叉学科。随着淡水资源短缺逐渐成为全球性问题,生态水文学方法成为水资源可持续发展的科学指导依据,其研究也越来越受到重视。介绍了学科定义及国际研究计划和研究特点,主要从两个方面总结了近10 a生态水文学的研究进展:①生态水文学近年来的主要研究内容及成果;②生态水文学的研究热点及未来发展方向。
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生态水文学是研究生态格局和生态过程变化水文学机制的科学。它的一个重要研究方向是在不同时空尺度上和一系列环境条件下探讨生态水文过程。生态水文过程是指水文过程与生物动力过程之间的功能关系 ,它包括生态水文物理过程、生态水文化学过程及其生态效应。在探讨以上基本概念和总结生态水文过程研究特点的基础上 ,着重探讨生态水文物理过程、生态水文化学过程及其生态效应等生态水文过程核心内容的研究进展 ,并简要分析了生态水文过程研究中存在的主要问题和未来的研究热点。
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[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 1990, 120(14): 381-404.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Ecohydrology, the interdisciplinary field of research directed to the application of hydrological knowledge to landscape ecology, is introduced to evaluate a test data set of 412 analyses of groundwater samples from 60 locations in a Dutch coversand area, numerically classified into 17 water types. Three types of simple groundwater quality classification are identified: single parameter, combined parameter and multiparameter. Single quality parameters like pH, electrical conductivity (EC) and ion concentration values, are rarely used in ecohydrology. The representation of the complex conditional relationships between groundwater and the living part of ecosystems with these parameters is unsatisfactory, as also proved with the test data set. It is difficult to differentiate groundwater types reliably on the basis of one single parameter. Combined quality parameters which are widely used are a pH-EC plot, a plot of pHCO 3 vs. (pH-pCa), after Kemmers, and an IR-EC plot after van Wirdum, where the ionic ratio (IR) is a Ca ( Ca + Cl) ratio. The latter two parameters indicate the residence time of the groundwater sampled as well as the hydrochemical conditions related to vegetation distribution and development. The IR is very popular for discriminating between atmocline (precipitation-like) and lithocline (long-residence groundwater-like) water types. In the test data set, objections to its use are discussed with regard to the conditions assumed in its application. Especially in the intermediate IR range, which should indicate potentially marked ecologic gradients, its theoretical basis is narrow. However, general relationships can be deduced from the IR-EC plot. In the test data set as well as in the general Dutch setting, the transformation of atmocline into lithocline water types determines to a large extent ecosystem diversity, although a third, metacline, pollution-induced water type increasingly interferes. Finally, multiparameter classification of groundwater types is discussed. Statistical classification gives good results but is site specific. It is recomended that efforts be combined in the search for an internationally applicable composite classification adapted to ecohydrological research.
[27] Caspary H J.

An ecohydrological framework for water yield changes of forested catchments due to forest decline and soi l acidification

[J]. Water Resources Research, 1990, 26(6): 1 121-1 131.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[28] Hooghart J C, Posthumus C W S.

The use of hydro-ecological models in the Netherlands: Technical meeting 51

[C]//Proceedings and Information No.47, TNO Committee on Hydrological Research, Delft, The Netherlands, 1993.

[本文引用: 1]     

[29] Heathwaite A L.

Mires: Process, Exploitation and Conservation

[M]. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 1993.

[本文引用: 1]     

[30] Kloosterman F H, Stuurman R J, Meijden R van der.

Groundwater flow systems analysis on a regional and nation-wide scale in The Netherlands: The use of flow systems analysis in wetland management

[J]. Water Science and Technology, 1995, 31(8):375-378.

[本文引用: 1]     

[31] Gieske J M J, Runhaar J, Rolf H L M.

A method for quantifying the effects of groundwater shortages on aquatic and wet ecosystems

[J]. Water Science and Technology, 1995, 31(8): 363-366.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper describes a method for quantifying the effects of groundwater shortages or parching on aquatic and wet ecosystems. Linear relations are determined between hydrological indicators and the degree to which ecosystems are parched. The degree of parching is expressed as a number between 0 (not affected) and 1 (fully affected). The method takes into account the following processes: lowering of water tables, decreasing intensity of upward seepage, increasing water table fluctuations and inflow of allochthonous surface water. It enables the degree of parching to be determined annually. The method was developed by the TNO Institute of Applied Geoscience and the Centre of Environmental Studies Leiden at the request of the Dutch government, which wishes to evaluate the effect of its environmental policy annually. It can also be used to monitor nature reserves on a local scale. : Buy this article for (IWA MEMBER PRICE: ) All prices include VAT. For customers where VAT should not be applied, the VAT amount will be removed upon payment
[32] Ma Xuehua.Forest Hydrology[M]. Beijing: Chinese Forestry Press, 1993: 11-39.

[本文引用: 1]     

[马雪华. 森林水文学[M].北京:中国林业出版社, 1993:11-39.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[33] Wassen M J, Grootjans A P.

Ecohydrology: An interdisciplinary approach for wetland management and restoration

[J]. Vegetation, 1996, 126:1-4.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The vigour of Lolium perenne during its establishment year was evaluated under subtropical conditions. Both plant and individual tiller vigour were monitored under nitrogen (N) applications ranging from 120-720 kg/ha/yr. Plant vigour, as indexed by etiolated growth per unit area, increased with increasing levels of applied N up to 480 kg/ha/yr. Increasing levels of applied N increased tiller density, but reduced individual tiller vigour. Irrespective of treatment effects, vigour in perennial ryegrass under subtropical conditions during the establishment year declines during mid- to late summer.
[34] Zalewski M, Janauer G A, Jolankai G.

Ecohydrology: A New Paradigm for the Sustainable Use of Aquatic Resources[R]

. UNESCO IHP Technical Document in Hydrology No.7.IHP-V Project2.3/2.4. UNESCO Paris, 1997, 60(5): 823-832.

[本文引用: 1]     

[35] Baird A J, Wilby R L.

Eco-hydrology:Plants and Water in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments

[M]. London: Routledge U K, 1999.

[本文引用: 1]     

[36] Baird A J, Wilby R L.Eco-hydrology:Plants and Water in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments[M]. Zhao Wenzhi, Wang Genxu, translated. Beijing: China Ocean Press, 2002.

[本文引用: 1]     

[ Baird A J, Wilby R L.生态水文学:陆生环境和水生环境植物与水分关系[M]. 赵文智, 王根绪, 译. 北京: 海洋出版社, 2002.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[37] Liu Changming.Water Cycle Process and Water Saving Regulation inSoil-Plant-Atmosphere Interface[M]. Beijing: Science Press,1999.

[本文引用: 1]     

[刘昌明. 土壤—作物—大气界面水分过程与节水调控[M].北京: 科学出版社, 1999.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[38] Acreman M C.

Hydro-ecology: Linking Hydrology and Aquatic Ecology

[M]. Wallingford: IAHS Publisher, 2001.

[本文引用: 1]     

[39] Eagleson P S.Ecohydrology:Darwinian Expression of Vegetation Form and Function[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

[本文引用: 1]     

[40] Eagleson P S.Ecohydrology[M]. Yang Dawen, Cong Zhentao, translated. Beijing: Water Resources and Electric Power Press, 2008.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Eagleson P S.生态水文学[M]. 杨大文,丛振涛,译. 北京:水利水电出版社, 2008.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[41] Hatton T J, Salvucci G D,Wu H I.

Eagleson’s optimality theory of an eco-hydrologicale quilibrium: Quovadis?

[J]. Functional Ecology, 1997, 11: 665-674.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

First page of article
[42] Rodriguez I.

Ecohydrology: A hydrological perspective of climate-soil-vegetation dynamics

[J]. Water Resources Research, 2000, 36: 3-9.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The hydrologic mechanisms underlying the climate-soil-vegetation dynamics and thus controlling the most basic ecologic patterns and processes are described as one very exciting research frontier for the years to come. In this personal opinion I have concentrated on those processes where soil moisture is the key link between climate fluctuations and vegetation dynamics in space and time. The soil moisture balance equation at a site is shown to be the keystone of numerous fundamental questions which may be instrumental in the quantitative linkage between hydrologic dynamics and ecological patterns and processes. Some of those questions are outlined here, and possible avenues of attack are suggested. The space-time links between climate, soil, and vegetation are also explored from the hydrologic perspective, and some exciting research perspectives are outlined.
[43] Zalewski M.

Ecohydrology: The scientific background to use ecosystem properties as management tools toward sustainability of water resources

[J]. Ecological Engineering, 2000, 16(1):1-8.

[本文引用: 1]     

[44] Wu Qiang, Dong Donglin.

Main eco-hydrological problems and basic methodologies

[J]. Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology, 2001, 28(2):69-72.

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[J]. 水文地质工程地质, 2001, 28(2):69-72.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[45] Nuttle W K.

Eco-hydrology’s past and future in focus

[J]. Eos Transactions American Geophysical Union, 2002, 83(19): 205-212.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Lately, something called eco-hydrology has blazed forth as the next big thing in hydrologic science. A series of four papers on the topic appeared in Advances in Water Research last year [Rodr0102guez-Iturbe et al., 2001]. Before that, in 1996, the International Hydrology Programme (IHP) initiated a new project under the title of eco-hydrology [Zalewski et al., 1997]; and the AGU Spring Meeting, also in 1996, included a special session on eco-hydrology. Since then, a book of edited contributions has appeared [Baird and Wilby, 1999], and eco-hydrology was the topic of both a 090008vision for the future090009 in Water Resources Research [Rodr0102guez-Iturbe, 2000] and the Langbein Lecture at AGU's 2000 Spring Meeting. Another session on the topic will be featured at this year's AGU Spring Meeting, and a Chapman Conference on Eco-hydrology of Semiarid Landscapes will be held in September 2002.
[46] Xia Jun.

The development of ecological hydrology and the challenges in the study of ecological water demand in western China

[C]//Chinese Society for Geodesy. Building A Well-off Society in An All-Round Way: The Historical Responsibility of Chinese Science and Technology Workers—Proceedings of 2003 CAST Annual Meeting, 2003.

[本文引用: 1]     



[C]//中国测绘学会.全面建设小康社会:中国科技工作者的历史责任——中国科协2003年学术年会论文集(上), 2003.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[47] Cui Baoshan, Zhao Xiang, Yang Zhifeng.

Eco-hydrology-based calculation of the minimum ecological water requirement for lakes

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 25(7): 1 788-1 795.

[本文引用: 1]     



[J]. 生态学报, 2005, 25(7):1 788-1 795.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[48] Suschka J.

Integration of waste-water treatment and sludge handling on small scale, for the conservation and restoration of water and land quality: Ecohydrology for Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive

[J]. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 2006, 6(1/4):189-195.

[本文引用: 1]     

[49] Naiman R J, Bunn S E, Hiwasaki Li, et al. The Science of Flow-Ecology Relationships: Clarifying Key Terms and Concepts[R].

UNESCO, Paris,

International Hydrological Programme Paper, 2007.

[本文引用: 1]     

[50] Porporato A, Odorico P D, Laio F,et al.

Ecohydrology of water-controlled ecosystems

[J]. Advances in Water Resources, 2002, 25(8): 1 335-1 348.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Ecosystem dynamics in arid and semiarid climates are strongly dependent on the soil water availability which, in turn, is the result of a number of complex and mutually interacting hydrologic processes. This motivates the development of a process-based framework for the analysis of the soil water content in the root zone at the daily time scale. This paper reviews the results that the authors have obtained using a probabilistic echanistic model of soil water balance for the characterization of the seasonal regimes of soil moisture with different combinations of climate, soil, and vegetation. Average seasonal soil water content and level-crossing statistics have been used to study conditions of water stress in vegetation. The same framework has been applied to the analysis of the impact of interannual climate fluctuations on the seasonal regime of soil moisture and water stress.
[51] Kundzewicz Z W.

Ecohydrology for sustainable development and management of water resources

[J]. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 2002, 2(1): 49-58.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

There have been no ubiquitous, and unanimously accepted, definitions of the notions of ecohydrology and sustainable development. Aside from the interpretation by the UNESCO IHP-V Projects 2.3/2.4, there exist other ways, in which the terms “ecohydrology” and “hydroecology” are understood. Also several competing definitions of the notion “sustainable development” are available. Yet, a robust finding, holding across a range of definitions and interpretations, is that ecohydrology is a very important tool serving sustainable development and management of water resources. As the water problems of the world are getting increasingly severe, due to the population rise, striving towards higher quality of life and adverse climate change impacts, broadening applications of ecohydrology will be indispensable in the future.
[52] Bonnell M.

Ecohydrology—A completely new idea?

[J]. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2002, 47(6): 809-810.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

I do not wish to become embroiled in differentiating between ecohydrology and hydroecology definitions (Kundzewicz, 2002). My brief comments relate to whether this upsurge in interest in ecohydrology or hydro-ecology is entirely new when concerning lateral fluxes of water, chemical and sediment transfer. Post-war academic hydrology was very much dominated by engineering hydrology as encapsulated by standard texts such as Linsley et al. (1949, 1958) and Wisler & Brater (1949). "Non-engineering " hydrology gained prominence in the 1960s, especially through forest-related, land management questions linked with the impacts of forest conversion to other land uses (agriculture, urbanization). The first International Forest Hydrology Symposium in 1965, hosted by Pennsylvania State University, produced the classic proceedings volume, unfortunately long out of print (Sopper & Lull, 1967). In fact, the establishment of long-term experimental programmes, notably in the United States (Coweeta) and South Africa (Cathedral Peak), even before the Second World War, had already stimulated interest in forest hydrology. Later, Law's (1956) conclusions in the UK that the planting of coniferous forest in reservoir catchment areas
[53] Hiwasaki L, Arico S.

Integrating the social sciences into ecohydrology: Facilitating an interdisciplinary approach to solve issues surrounding water, environment and people

[J]. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, 2007, 7(1): 3-9.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[54] Wood P J, Hannah D M, Sadler J P.

Hydroecology and Ecohydrology: Past, Present and Future

[M]. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons, 2008.

[本文引用: 1]     

[55] Wood P J, Hannah D M, Sadler J P.Hydroecology and Ecohydrology: Past, Present and Future[M]. Wang Hao, Yan Denghua, Qin Dayong, et al, translated. Beijing: China Water & Power Press, 2009.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Wood P J, Hannah D M, Sadler J P.水文生态学与生态水文学:过去、现在和未来[M]. 王浩, 严登华, 秦大庸, 等,译. 北京:中国水利水电出版社, 2009.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[56] Harper D, Zalewski M, Pacini N.Ecohydrology: Processes, Models and Case Studies. An Approach to the Sustainable Management of Water Resources[M]. Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK: CABI Publishing, 2008.

[本文引用: 1]     

[57] Cheng Guodong, Xiao Honglang, Chen Yaning, et al.Study on Eco-hydrological of Inland River in Western China[M]. Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 2010.

[本文引用: 1]     

[程国栋, 肖洪浪, 陈亚宁. 中国西部典型内陆河生态—水文研究[M]. 北京:气象出版社, 2010.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[58] Yang Shengtian.Ecohydrological Models: Introduction and Application[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2012.

[本文引用: 1]     

[杨胜天. 生态水文模型与应用[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2012.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[59] Ghimire S R, Johnston J M.

Impacts of domestic and agricultural rainwater harvesting systems on watershed hydrology: A case study in the Albemarle-Pamlico river basins (USA)

[J]. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, 2013, 13(2): 159-171.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[60] Zalewski M, Harper D, Wagner I.

Ecohydrology—Why demonstration Projects throughout the world?

[J]. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, 2009, 9(1): 3-11.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The implementation of Ecohydrology (EH) – a transdisciplinary problem-solving science - has to be based upon the development of system solutions for river basins which have to harmonise hydrological processes with ecosystems dynamics and societies’ needs. The network of the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme EH Demonstration Projects was organised for scientific advancement, knowledge transfer, calibration of methods, education and capacity building. From the methodological point of view, the goal has been to accelerate transition from the stage of information collection and knowledge development into wisdom generation, which in practical dimension means a shift from understanding of relationships and patterns to understanding of processes and finally, formulation of principles for action. The selected Demonstration Projects from different continents cover the broad scope of water, ecosystem and society problems in such ecological systems as basin landscapes, wetlands/grasslands and floodplains, cities, lakes & reservoirs and estuaries & costal zones. This unique set of projects of large scale, long term testing and development by adaptive assessment and management, has become not only a fundamental lesson for cost-efficient implementation of the ecohydrology principles for IWRM, but also a starting point for “engineering harmony” between society and environment.
[61] Zalewski M.

Ecohydrology, biotechnology and engineering for cost efficiency in reaching the sustainability of biogeosphere

[J]. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, 2014, 14(1): 14-20.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[62] Zhang Qilin, Wang Zhanli, Wang Dongdong, et al.

Advances in researches of the effects of grassland vegetation on soil erosion in Loess Plateau

[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2017,32(10):1 093-1 101.

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[J].地球科学进展,2017,32(10):1 093-1 101.]

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