地球科学进展  2018 , 33 (4): 425-434 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.04.0425



裔传祥12, 辛晓洲2, 胡继超1, 张海龙2, 李小军2, 龚围3

1.南京信息工程大学 应用气象学院,江苏 南京 210044
2.中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所遥感科学国家重点实验室,北京 100101
3.重庆师范大学,重庆 400047

Analysis of Cloud Scale Error of Low Resolution Satellite Based on GF-4 and Its Influence on Downward Radiation Calculation

Yi Chuanxiang12, Xin Xiaozhou2, Hu Jichao1, Zhang Hailong2, Li Xiaojun2, Gong Wei3

1.School of Applied Meteorology,Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;
2.State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science,Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China
3.Chongqing Normal University,Chongqing 400047,China

中图分类号:  P405

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1001-8166(2018)04-0425-10

通讯作者:  *通信作者:辛晓洲(1976-),男,北京人,副研究员,主要从事地表辐射与能量平衡遥感估算理论与方法研究.E-mail:xin_xzh@163.com

收稿日期: 2017-10-9

修回日期:  2018-02-10

网络出版日期:  2018-04-20

版权声明:  2018 地球科学进展 编辑部 

基金资助:  *中国科学院重点部署项目“混合像元能量平衡遥感模型及其参数化方法研究”(编号:KZZD-EW-TZ-18)国家自然科学基金项目“卫星像元尺度地表能量平衡遥感算法研究”(编号:41371360)资助.


First author:Yi Chuanxiang(1992-), male, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, Master student. Research areas include application of meteorological.E-mail:18761808890@163.com





关键词: GF-4 ; Himawari-8 ; FY-2 ; 云检测 ; 下行短波辐射


In order to study the scale error of low resolution meteorological satellite cloud detection and its impact on the calculation of downlink radiation, cloud detection using high resolution stationary satellite GF-4 data and error analysis were carried out. Firstly, the cloud detection of GF-4 data is carried out by using visible channel threshold method and time series method, and the error of cloud detection results of Himawari-8 and FY-2 (FY-2G, FY-2E) is analyzed based on the results of GF-4 cloud detection.In the study area, FY-2G, FY-2E and Himawari-8 cloud images could distinguish the clouds and clear sky. The main reason for the error was the scale effect produced by different spatial resolution satellites(the differences caused by cloud detection algorithms are not discussed here).Most of the errors occurred in the areas of thin clouds and broken clouds.High resolution data could detect broken clouds, while low resolution data lead to false and missed detection. On this basis, the error of remote sensing calculation of short wave radiation was analyzed,and it was found that the error of the actual cloud amount in the pixel would bring significant error to the estimation of the downward radiation.The relative error of the instantaneous downward radiation in the selected test area was -173.52%, and the maximum relative error of shortwave radiation was -20.20%.The results show that the high resolution stationary satellite data can significantly improve the estimation accuracy of the downlink shortwave radiation in the regions with more broken clouds.

Keywords: GF-4 ; Himawari-8 ; FY-2 ; Cloud detection ; Downward shortwave radiation.


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裔传祥, 辛晓洲, 胡继超, 张海龙, 李小军, 龚围. 基于GF-4数据分析低分辨率卫星云检测尺度误差对下行辐射计算的影响[J]. 地球科学进展, 2018, 33(4): 425-434 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.04.0425

Yi Chuanxiang, Xin Xiaozhou, Hu Jichao, Zhang Hailong, Li Xiaojun, Gong Wei. Analysis of Cloud Scale Error of Low Resolution Satellite Based on GF-4 and Its Influence on Downward Radiation Calculation[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2018, 33(4): 425-434 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.04.0425

1 引 言

下行短波辐射是地表辐射收支平衡的重要组成部分,直接影响着地表的气候状况,准确计算下行短波辐射的时空分布及其变化对地球系统能量平衡和全球变化研究有着重要的科学意义,因此,利用卫星遥感数据估算下行短波辐射一直被众多学者所研究[1,2]。太阳辐射在经过大气时会受到云、水汽、气溶胶等大气因子的吸收和散射作用[36],其中云对辐射的削弱作用尤为明显:李霞等[7]发现短波中云体吸收小于1 100 nm的辐射量大于总短波辐射的60%。Liepert[8]和Stjern等[9]指出云量是影响美国和北欧太阳辐射年际变化的主要原因;王学锋等[10]同样发现云量是影响云南地区太阳辐射的主要因子之一。此外,在下行辐射遥感估算中,需要根据像元云检测标志区分云天和晴天,进而采用不同的模型和参数分别计算,余珊珊等[11]分析了12个晴天大气下行辐射参数化模型与8个云天模型,指出不同模型间的差异;在计算短波辐射时引入天空有效云覆盖度与区域真实云覆盖度2个参数,能够有效提高短波辐射遥感反演精度[12]。因此云检测结果的准确性对下行短波辐射的遥感估算会产生很大影响。云检测是气象卫星资料应用研究最基本的工作之一,也是实际中对卫星遥感资料分析首要解决的问题之一[13,14]。在云检测方法方面,国内外学者对多种卫星数据进行了大量研究,并取得了显著成果,形成诸多较为成熟的算法,包括阈值法、多光谱云检测法以及树判别结构云检测法等[1519]

现今卫星云产品空间分辨率呈多样化,如MODIS云产品空间分辨率为1 km,向日葵8号(Himawari-8)云产品空间分辨率为2 km,风云二号(FY-2)系列云产品空间分辨率为5 km,国际卫星云气候计划(International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project,ISCCP)云气候资料集空间分辨率为280 km。利用遥感数据进行云检测时,出现误差的原因除了云检测算法带来的影响外,不同空间分辨率卫星所产生的尺度效应也是一个重要的影响因素[20]。 云覆盖着地球约2/3的面积,丁守国等[21]基于ISCCP资料统计出的全球低云量约占总云量的41%,低云中存在着大量碎积云、碎雨云以及碎层云,由于这些破碎的云体较小,且比较零散地分布在天空,面积远小于低分辨率卫星数据单个像元,使得低分辨率卫星云检测结果产生尺度误差。随着卫星遥感技术的普及,影像空间分辨率以及探测通道也变得多样化,不同空间分辨率卫星影像云检测结果的尺度误差是客观存在且不可避免的。

对于卫星云检测结果的误差,本文主要分析不同空间分辨率卫星所产生的尺度效应这一原因(云检测算法不同造成的差异在此不予讨论),运用高空间分辨率卫星云图检验低分辨率卫星云检测结果的误差,并在此基础上对计算下行短波辐射所产生的影响进行分析。进行卫星云图对比时,需要源数据时间与空间的一致。考虑到云变化快,卫星过境时间需一致的特点,本文选择静止卫星数据进行研究:利用分辨率为50 m的高分四号(GF-4)静止卫星影像为基准影像,检验2 km空间分辨率Himawari-8和5 km空间分辨率FY-2(FY-2G和FY-2E)云检测结果的尺度误差。其次利用大气辐传输模型(Santa Barbara DISORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer,SBDART)模型,针对FY-2卫星云检测结果的误差,分析其对计算下行短波辐射产生的影响。

2 研究区与数据

2.1 数据源说明

静止卫星具有高频次观测的优势,非常适合用于下行辐射遥感估算,但是较低空间分辨率卫星对于碎云、小尺度云等识别能力不高,容易造成云检测误差,从而造成下行辐射的计算误差。本文选择GF-4,Himawari-8和FY-2卫星研究不同分辨率数据对下行辐射计算的影响。GF-4卫星幅宽为400 km,能够对中国以及周边地区(约占地球表面1/3区域)进行观测,配置着我国目前最大口径的凝视光学遥感相机,分辨率由之前数公里或几百米提高到了几十米的级别。GF-4卫星具有6个波段。GF-4卫星具有多项技术创新,如高轨高分辨率光学遥感卫星设计技术、高轨道遥感卫星成像品质技术等[22],这为本文的研究奠定了基础;Himawari-8卫星由日本气象厅发射,其卫星图像的质量及观测频率都有很大的提高;风云二号气象卫星是我国自行研制的第一代静止气象卫星,共发射6颗,构成我国气象卫星应用体系。由于GF-4没有云产品,由此选取的GF-4数据为1级相对辐射校正产品,并进行云检测;Himawari-8为云检测产品;FY-2G为云检测产品,FY-2E为云分类产品。


表1   数据源统计表

Table 1   Data source statistics table

1A级产品50 m无固定时间
Himawari-8静止气象卫星云产品2 km1 h(整点)2016年12月14日和29日9:00,12:00,15:00
FY-2G静止气象卫星云检测产品5 km1 h(整点)2016年12月14日和29日9:00,12:00,15:00
FY-2E静止气象卫星云分类产品5 km1 h(半点)2016年12月14日和29日10:30,13:30,16:30


2.2 研究区概况

所选地区的范围为22.36°25.73°N,111.53°114.90°E,区域大致为广东省及其周边地区。研究区地处东亚季风区,受台风影响较为频繁。其中,广东年均温在20 ℃以上,12月均温远高于0 ℃,研究区内海拔较低,没有冰雪因素给云检测带来的误差。

2.3 数据处理

进行卫星云图对比时,均需要对检验源数据与被检验数据进行时空属性匹配处理。首先需要对GF-4数据进行预处理,主要包括:几何校正、辐射定标以及配准,影像裁剪;由于Himawari-8云产品已经过几何校正,只需对其进行裁剪即可获得研究区域对应的数据;根据风云二号的经纬度查找表文件对FY-2G和FY-2E产品进行几何校正,并裁剪出经纬度范围相同的区域。为保证投影信息一致,将上述数据的投影统一转换为WGS_84投影。以50 m空间分辨率GF-4云检测结果作为“真值影像”,对其他不同分辨率的遥感影像云检测结果进行评价。根据待检验像素的几何信息,计算其覆盖范围的边界,然后统计落入其中的GF-4像元总数与云像元数量,从而得到“真实云含量”。

3 计算方法


3.1 GF-4云检测



3.2 下行辐射误差计算

本文使用SBDART模型计算下行短波辐射,它是由美国加利福尼亚大学所开发,用于计算有云与晴空下的平面平行辐射传输。辐射传输方程利用离散纵坐标法程序(Discrete Ordinate Radiative Transfer,SIDORT)来计算发生在紫外线、可见光和红外波段的所有重要辐射过程[27]。为使下行短波辐射的模拟相对准确,参数气候模型、光谱起止值、表面海拔根据研究区域的条件来设置;水汽含量、云层光学厚度、气溶胶光学厚度均由MODIS卫星反演产品得到,其中晴空区域的云层光学厚度为0,云区则有值;太阳天顶角可从相对应的GF-4卫星头文件资料中查找获得;其余参数则为模型默认值。


Lestimated=L, (1)



Ltrue=L×c+L×(1-c), (2)

式中:Ltrue为下行短波辐射值,L为晴空状况下行短波辐射,c为云像元实际云面积所占比。同样当像元为晴空时计算公式与上述相似。并利用绝对误差(Absolute Error,AE)以及相对误差(Relative Error,RE)分析低分辨率数据短波辐射遥感估算的误差。

4 结果与分析


4.1 GF-4云检测结果评价


图1   GF-4彩色合成图以及云检测结果图

Fig.1   GF-4 color composite map and cloud detection result
(a)5, 4 and 3 band composite graph;(b)Cloud detection result

4.2 气象卫星云图的尺度误差分析

图2列出了2016年12月14日9:00,12:00和15:00 3个时刻GF-4,Himawari-8以及FY-2G云图,可以发现分辨率不同的云图结果差异明显。对比GF-4与Himawari-8,2种卫星云图在空间分布上基本一致,Himawari-8 3个时刻上半部分的密云区域与GF-4相差不大,但下半部分区域的薄云检测结果相比GF-4稍显粗略。同样,FY-2G较另外2种卫星而言略显模糊,存在着少许“马赛克”现象。在碎云较多的区域,随着单个像元的增大,混合像元中云面积比不固定,导致像元类型难以判别,这使得不同空间分辨率影像云检测结果的尺度差异客观存在且显著。

选取14日12:00的Himawari-8与FY-2G,13:30的FY-2E云图进行误差分析,发现这3种数据云像元对应的GF-4云面积比小于0.1的百分比稍多,FY-2G与FY-2E分别达到11.85%和12.83%,Himawari-8为9.17%,晴空像元也存在类似现象,这说明2 km与5 km空间分辨率卫星云检测结果存在着一定的误差。


统计本文研究区FY-2G,FY-2E和Himawari-8云像元中GF-4云面积所占比例统计结果(图4)发现,FY-2G与FY-2E云像元中GF-4云面积所占比例分布基本一致:云像元所对应的GF-4云面积比为1的百分比最大,所占比例分别为40.46%和44.98%,远大于其他比例。分辨率较高的Himawari-8云像元中GF-4云面积比为1的比例高达72.73%。气象卫星云像元所对应GF-4云面积比为00.1的比例稍高,分辨率更低的FY-2G与FY-2E云检测结果出现误差的比例更多。空间分辨率的差异导致Himawari-8在检测小尺度云时具有优势,可以发现5 km空间分辨率的FY-2卫星对云的检测,由于尺度效应产生的误差现象更明显。


图2   GF-4的5,4,3波段合成图(a,b,c)以及GF-4(d,e,f)、Himawari-8(g,h,i)和FY-2G(j,k,l)云图结果

Fig.2   GF-4, 5, 4 and 3 band composite graphs (a, b, c), and GF-4 (d, e, f),Himawari-8 (g, h, i) and FY-2G (j, k, l) cloud picture results
The first column is at 9 o’clock in December 14, 2016; The second column is at 12 o’clock; The third is at 15 o’clock

图3   14日12点Himawari-8与FY-2G云检测误检示意图

Fig.3   At 14, 12 o’clock Himawari-8 and FY-2G schematic diagram of cloud detection error detection
The blue part is the clear sky pixel error detection,the red part is the cloud pixel error detection

4.3 下行辐射误差分析


图4   FY-2G,FY-2E,Himawari-8云像元对应GF-4云所占比例统计结果

Fig.4   FY-2G,FY-2E,Himawari-8 cloud pixels of cloud products statistical results corresponding to the GF-4 cloud


表2可以看出,下行短波辐射误差随云量变化的大小是不相同的。当FY-2像元为云,实际云所占的比例很高时,下行辐射的相对误差相对较小;而当实际云所占比例较低时,也会出现下行辐射误差较小的现象,产生这样的原因是下行短波辐射与大气水汽含量、云层光学厚度、太阳天顶角等都有一定关系。假设每个时刻的下行短波辐射误差为该时段的平均误差,则该地区下行辐射会产生一个累积误差,由表3可以看出所选择的区域瞬时绝对误差最大达到-591.86 W/m2,相对误差最大为-173.52%,一天相对误差最大为20.20%(序号2),最小为1.32%(序号1)。比较序号2与1各时刻像元类型中实际云所占比例,可以发现序号2中云像元中实际云所占比例相对较少,像元类型与实际情况不符,导致下行短波辐射误差总和较大。从上述误差分析可以看出运用低分辨率卫星数据时,会给该地区瞬时下行短波辐射的估算带来影响,继而会使一天的下行短波辐射量产生累积误差。在进行下行短波辐射遥感估算时,由于低分辨率卫星云检测尺度误差的存在会给计算结果带来偏差,因此在碎云较多的区域,使用高分辨率静止卫星数据可提高下行短波辐射的估算精度。

表2   风云二号数据模拟下行短波辐射误差统计表

Table 2   Short wave radiation error statistics table for FY-2 data simulation



5 结论与讨论


研究结果表明,使用可见光通道阈值法并结合时间序列法对GF-4遥感数据进行云检测,可以将云与晴空较好地区分开,能够达到预期检测效果。在研究区内FY-2G,FY-2E与Himawari-8云图能够将云和晴空较好地区分开。不同空间分辨率卫星所导致的云检测结果的尺度误差现象客观存在且显著,随着空间分辨率由2 km下降到5 km,研究区内云产品纯像元所占比例也由Himawari-8的77.16%下降到FY-2G的54.98%与FY-2E的57.06%。造成这种状况的原因是,在碎云较多的区域随着空间尺度增大,会有更多的混合像元难以被准确识别,导致云检测结果的误差变大。




致 谢:感谢中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所胡斯乐图研究员研究小组提供Himawari-8云产品的数据,谨此致谢。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] Li L, Xin X, Zhang H, et al.

A method for estimating hourly Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) in China by combining geostationary and polar-orbiting satellite data

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2015, 165:14-26.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) is an important parameter in ecosystem and land surface models. PAR represents the amount of solar radiation in the spectral range of 400–70002nm that travels through the atmosphere to the top of the vegetation canopy. In recent years, various methods using different input data to estimate PAR and produce different PAR products have been developed. However, most of the algorithms used in these state-of-the-art studies have not fully compensated for the low spatial and temporal resolution of the data, which affects the accuracy of the PAR estimates. In this study, we have developed a method for estimating hourly PAR based on a combination of geostationary and polar-orbiting satellite data. The Multifunctional Transport Satellite (MTSAT) was selected to retrieve cloud optical depth (COD) with a higher spatial resolution, and the polar orbit satellite data of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) products were used to derive surface parameters based on multispectral characteristics. A look-up table was established by the Second Simulation of a Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum-Vector (6SV) model and the Santa Barbara DISORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (SBDART) model consisting the following parameters: solar zenith angle, total water vapor, total ozone column, aerosol optical depth (AOD), COD, surface elevation, surface albedo and PAR. The instantaneous PAR was linearly interpolated from the input data for the selected parameters and the look-up table. The root mean square error (RMSE) between the estimated and observed instantaneous PAR at the Huailai station was 45.7202W/m 2 for all sky conditions. The RMSE between the estimated and observed daily PAR at the meteorological stations was 17% in the eastern regions of China. The mean bias error (MBE) was between 61022.83 and 32.4302W/m 2 for the Tibetan Plateau. These results indicated that the proposed method can significantly improve the accuracy of PAR estimates and can be used to produce PAR products with high spatial and temporal resolution. However, the method requires further improvement, especially with respect to cloudy conditions.
[2] Jiao Jingjun, Xin Xiaozhou, Yu Shanshan, et al.

Estimation of surface energy balance from HJ-1 satellite data

[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2014, 18(5):1 048-1 058.

[本文引用: 1]     

[矫京均, 辛晓洲, 余珊珊,.


[J]. 遥感学报, 2014, 18(5):1 048-1 058.

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利用遥感数据估算和监测地表能量平衡的研究和应用一直以来都是学术探索的前沿和焦点,目前针对国际主流卫星数据(如MODIS,Landsat TM等)的算法研究有很多,且在不同的尺度上发展了一系列遥感技术和应用方法。本文以环境一号卫星(HJ-1)数据为主要数据源,研究和分析了地表能量平衡遥感估算方法。在下行短波和长波辐射,以及地表净辐射估算的基础上,重点研究了地表显热和潜热通量(蒸散)的估算方法,针对辐射温度代替空气动力学温度所引起的误差校正,对比分析了基于KB-1系数的热力学粗糙度长度,以及附加阻抗两种方法。使用2010年HJ-1B数据反演得到海河流域地表能量平衡各分量瞬时值,利用3个地面站点的测量数据对反演结果进行验证和误差分析。结果表明下行短波辐射的反演误差是地表净辐射反演误差的主要来源,地表温度的反演精度以及地表粗糙度的模拟精度是影响显热通量反演精度的主要因素。利用两种方法估算的显热通量趋势基本一致,但KB-1系数法的反演结果一般低于附加阻抗法。在下垫面较为复杂的区域,模型结果误差较大,需要更加精细的模型以刻画地表非均匀性的影响。
[3] Hu Liqin, Liu Changsheng.

The influence of cloud layer and aerosol on absorption of solar radiation

[J]. Plateau Meteorology,2001,20(3): 264-270.


[胡丽琴, 刘长盛.


[J]. 高原气象, 2001, 20(3):264-270.]

DOI      URL      Magsci      摘要

[4] Dan L, Chen J P, Pilewskie P, et al.

Microphysical examination of excess cloud absorption in the tropical atmosphere

[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 1996, 101(D12):16 961-16 972.

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To investigate the excess shortwave absorption by clouds, a numerical cloud generation model has been coupled to a plane-parallel discrete ordinates radiative transfer model. The former was used in a time-dependent fashion to generate a cumulonimbus turret and three types of cirrus anvil (precipitating, extended, detached) representing three stages of cloud evolution outward from the turret. The cloud particle size distributions, as a function of altitude, were used as input to the radiative transfer model using indices of refraction for pure water and pure ice and equivalent sphere Mie theory. The radiative transfer model was used to calculate the ratio of cloud forcing at the surface to cloud forcing at the top of the atmosphere, both for the broadband shortwave and as a function of wavelength. Recent empirical studies have placed this cloud forcing ratio at around 1.5, and our coupled model results approach this value for small solar zenith angles, when the cloud contains large (>100 m) ice particles that absorb significantly in the near infrared (primarily the 1.6-m window). However, the empirical studies are based on diurnal averages, and our plane-parallel radiative transfer model yields an area and diurnally averaged cloud forcing ratio of only 1.18 for a tropical cumulonimbus and cirrus anvil system, primarily because of the rapid decrease of the ratio with solar zenith angle. The ratio decreases because of the increase in albedo with solar zenith angle, which is a characteristic feature of plane-parallel clouds. Adding dust or aerosol to the cloud layers, to make them absorb at visible wavelengths, makes the instantaneous cloud forcing ratio larger for an overhead Sun but also makes the solar zenith angle dependence in the cloud forcing ratio more pronounced. These two effects cancel, eliminating interstitial aerosol as a possible explanation for the excess cloud absorption in plane-parallel radiative transfer modeling. The strong dependence of the surface/top of the atmosphere cloud forcing ratio on solar zenith angle may be a fundamental defect with the plane-parallel approach to solar radiative transfer in a cloudy atmosphere.
[5] Ruckstuhl C, Philipona R, Morland J, et al.

Observed relationship between surface specific humidity, integrated water vapor, and longwave downward radiation at different altitudes

[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 2007, 112(D3):599-608.

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[1] Atmospheric water vapor and surface humidity strongly influence the radiation budget at the Earth's surface. Water vapor not only absorbs solar radiation in the atmosphere, but as the most important greenhouse gas it also largely absorbs terrestrial longwave radiation and emits part of it back to the surface. Using surface observations, like longwave downward radiation (LDR), surface specific humidity (q) and GPS derived integrated water vapor (IWV), we investigated the relation between q and IWV and show how water vapor influences LDR. Radiation data from the Alpine Surface Radiation Budget (ASRB) network, surface humidity from MeteoSwiss and GPS IWV from the STARTWAVE database are used in this analysis. Measurements were taken at four different sites in Switzerland at elevations between 388 and 3584 m above sea level and for the period 2001 to 2005. On monthly means the analysis shows a strong linear relation between IWV and q for all-sky as well as for cloud-free situations. The slope of the IWV-q linear regression line decreases with increasing altitude of the station. This is explained by the faster decrease of IWV than of q with height. Both q and IWV are strongly related with LDR measured at the Earth's surface. LDR can be parameterized with a power function, depending only on humidity. The estimation of LDR with IWV has an uncertainty of less than 5% on monthly means. At lower altitudes with higher humidity, the sensitivity of LDR to changes in q and IWV is smaller because of saturation of longwave absorption in the atmospheric window.
[6] Liu Xin, Liu Xiaoru, Ma Yaoming, et al.

An analysis of diurnal variations of atmospheric features over the northern region of the himalayas in spring

[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2010, 25(8):836-843.


[刘新, 刘晓汝, 马耀明,.


[J]. 地球科学进展, 2010, 25(8):836-843.]

Magsci      摘要

[7] Li Xia,Zhang Lei, Cao Xianjie.

Analysis of aerosol radiative properties and surface radiation characteristics over Lanzhou in the winter of 2008

[J]. Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Sciences),2010,46(5): 56-62.

[本文引用: 1]     

[李霞, 张镭, 曹贤洁.


[J]. 兰州大学学报:自然科学版, 2010, 46(5):56-62.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

利用2008年1月10日至2月16日兰州地区地面长短波辐射和 积分浑浊度仪等观测资料,分析了气溶胶光学厚度和散射特性、气溶胶对辐射能量平衡的影响、长短波辐射特征以及云对太阳短波辐射的影响.结果表明:观测期间 气溶胶光学厚度较大,869.5 nm气溶胶光学厚度平均为0.57,大气浑浊度系数较高,大于0.2.日平均气溶胶光学厚度与地表短波辐射变化趋势相反.气溶胶总散射系数呈双峰型日变化 特征,且与风速呈负相关,与相对湿度呈正相关.不同天气类型下地面长波辐射表现不同的特点,晴天波动小,阴天和降雪天振荡较大;短波辐射具有明显的日变化 特征,云对短波辐射的影响非常显著.
[8] Liepert B G.

Observed reductions of surface solar radiation at sites in the United States and worldwide from 1961 to 1990

[J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 2002, 29(10):61-1-61-4.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Surface solar radiation revealed an estimated 7 W/mor 4% decline at sites worldwide from 1961 to 1990. Here I find that the strongest declines occurred in the United States sites with 19 W/mor 10%. The clear sky optical thickness effect accounts for -8 W/mand the cloud optical thickness effect for -18 W/min three decades. If the observed increases in cloud cover frequencies are added to the clear sky and cloud optical thickness effect, the higher all sky reduction in solar radiation in the United States can be explained. It is shown that solar radiation declined below cloud-free sky because of the reduction of the cloud-free fraction of the sky itself and because of the reduction of clear sky optical thickness. Solar radiation exhibits no significant changes below cloud-covered sky because reduced cloud optical thickness is compensated by increased frequencies of hours with overcast skies.
[9] Stjern C W, Kristjnsson J E, Hansen A W.

Global dimming and global brightening-an analysis of surface radiation and cloud cover data in northern Europe

[J]. International Journal of Climatology, 2010, 29(5):643-653.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

There has been a general tendency to attribute the majority of the observed surface solar radiation trends to aerosol changes caused by changes in anthropogenic emissions. This study stresses the importance of the contribution of clouds and the atmospheric circulation to global dimming and global brightening. Copyright 2008 Royal Meteorological Society
[10] Wang Xuefeng, Zhu Yong, Fan Lizhang, et al.

Spatial temporal variations of solar global radiation in Yunnan Province during 1961-2007

[J]. Advances in Climate Change Research, 2009, 5(1):29-34.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]     

[王学锋, 朱勇, 范立张,.


[J]. 气候变化研究进展, 2009, 5(1):29-34.]

DOI      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[11] Yu Shanshan,Xin Xiaozhou,Liu Qinghuo.

Comparison of atmospheric downward longwave radiation parameterizations

[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2011, 26(7):751-762.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]     

[余珊珊, 辛晓洲, 柳钦火.


[J]. 地球科学进展, 2011, 26(7):751-762.]

DOI      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>利用甘肃黑河流域不同下垫面的近地面气象和辐射观测数据,对已有的12个晴天大气下行长波辐射参数化模型和8个云天模型进行比较。指出晴天情况下Idso模型和Dilley &amp; Obrien模型最适用,但后者一定要进行系数校正,云天情况下Maykut模型误差最小。经过平均日变化分析表明,晴天模型能较好地抓住大气下行长波辐射的日变化特征,模拟结果在夜间出现较大负偏差主要是由于逆温现象引起的;云天的平均日变化特征不明显。针对模型在不同季节模拟性能不同,将盈科绿洲站点的数据集分成春夏和秋冬季节,分别得到晴天模型在相应季节的拟合系数。</p>
[12] Zhao Jing.

Enhanced shortwave radiative transfer model based on SBDART

[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2017,21(6): 853-863.

[本文引用: 1]     



[J]. 遥感学报, 2017,21(6): 853-863.]

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[13] Pavolonis M J, Key J R, Wang X.

Antarctic cloud radiative forcing at the surface estimated from the ISCCP D2 and AVHRR Polar Pathfinder data sets, 1985-1993

[C]∥Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2002. IGARSS’02. 2002 IEEE International. IEEE, 1996:3 237-3 239.

[本文引用: 1]     

[14] Wang Yi.The Development of the Earth Observation System and Its Main Applications[M].Beijing: Meteorological Press,2006.

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[王毅. 国际新一代对地观测系统的发展及其主要应用[M]. 北京:气象出版社, 2006.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[15] Saunders R W, Kriebel K T.

An improved method for detecting clear sky and cloudy radiances from AVHRR data

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1988, 9(1):123-150.

DOI      URL      摘要

To obtain accurate estimates of surface and cloud parameters from satellite radiance data a scheme has to be devised which identifies cloud-free and cloud-filled pixels (i.e. fields of view). Such a scheme has been developed for application to high resolution (11 km pixel) images recorded over Western Europe and the North Atlantic by the AVHRR on the TIROS-N/NOAA polar orbiters. The scheme consists of five daytime or five night-time tests applied to each individual pixel to determine whether that pixel is cloud-free, partly cloudy or cloud-filled. The pixel is only identified as cloud-free or cloud-filled if it passes all the tests to identify that condition; otherwise it is assumed to be partly cloudy. Surface parameters (e.g. skin temperature, reflectance, vegetation index, snow cover) can then be inferred from the cloud-free radiances, and cloud parameters (e.g. cloud top temperature, optical depth and liquid water content) from the cloud-filled radiances. Only fractional cloud cover is derived from the partly cloudy pixels which, together with the number of cloud-filled pixels, gives total cloud cover over a given area. The scheme has been successfully applied to data for all seasons, including images with unusually cold or warm surface temperatures. To assess the method both daytime and night-time NOAA-9 passes over the U.K. were obtained for a week in April 1985 and some results from this data set are presented here.
[16] Li W, Li D. The universal cloud detection algorithm of MODIS data[C]∥Geoinformatics2006:

Remotely Sensed Data and Information

. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2006:64190F-64190F-6.

[17] Chen Zhenwei,Zhang Gou,Ning Jinsheng, et al.

An automatic cloud detection method for ZY-3 satellite

[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2015, 44(3): 292-300.


[陈振炜, 张过, 宁津生,.


[J]. 测绘学报, 2015, 44(3):292-300.]

DOI      Magsci      摘要

[18] Hagolle O, Huc M, Pascual D V, et al.

A multi-temporal method for cloud detection, applied to FORMOSAT-2, VENμS, LANDSAT and SENTINEL-2 images

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2010, 114(8):1 747-1 755.

DOI      URL     

[19] Irish R R, Barker J L, Goward S N, et al.

Characterization of the Landsat-7 ETM+ Automated Cloud-Cover Assessment (ACCA) Algorithm

[J]. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 2006, 72(10): 1 179-1 188.

DOI      URL      摘要

A scene-average automated cloud-cover assessment (ACCA) algorithm has been used for the Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) mission since its launch by NASA in 1999. ACCA assists in scheduling and confirming the acquisition of global "cloud-free" imagery for the U.S. archive. This paper documents the operational ACCA algorithm and validates its performance to a standard error of 5 percent. Visual assessment of clouds in three-band browse imagery were used for comparison to the five-band ACCA scores from a stratified sample of 212 ETM+ 2001 scenes. This comparison of independent cloud-cover estimators produced a 1:1 correlation with no offset. The largest commission errors were at high altitudes or at low solar illumination where snow was misclassified as clouds. The largest omission errors were associated with undetected optically thin cirrus clouds over water. There were no statistically significant systematic errors in ACCA scores analyzed by latitude, seasonality, or solar elevation angle. Enhancements for additional spectral bands, per-pixel masks, land/water boundaries, topography, shadows, multi-date and multi-sensor imagery were identified for possible use in future ACCA algorithms.
[20] Liu Jian, Cui Peng, Xiao Meng.

The bias analysis of FY-2G cloud fraction in summer and winter

[J]. Journal of Applied Meteorological Sciende, 2017, 28(2):177-188.

[本文引用: 1]     

[刘健, 崔鹏, 肖萌.


[J]. 应用气象学报, 2017, 28(2):177-188.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[21] Ding Shouguo, Shi Guangyu, Zhao Chunsheng.

Using ISCCP D2 data to analyze the change of cloud cover and its possible impacts on climate in recent 20 years in the world

[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2004, 49(11):1 105-1 111.

[本文引用: 1]     

[丁守国, 石广玉, 赵春生.

利用ISCCP D2资料分析近20年全球不同云类云量的变化及其对气候可能的影响

[J]. 科学通报, 2004, 49(11):1 105-1 111.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[22] Li Guo,Kong Xianghao,Liu Fengjing, et al.

GF-4 satellite remote sensing technology innovation

[J]. Spacecraft Recovery & Remote Sensing, 2016, 37(4):7-15.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]     

[李果, 孔祥皓, 刘凤晶,.


[J]. 航天返回与遥感, 2016, 37(4):7-15.]

DOI      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[23] Griggin M, Burke H, Mandl D, et al.

Cloud cover detection algorithm for EO-1 Hyperion imagery

[C]∥Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IGARSS’03. Proceedings. IEEE International. Toulouse, France, 2003.

[本文引用: 1]     

[24] Wen Tao, He Mingyuan, Zhao Zengliang, et al.

Research on cloud detection method based on GMS-5 satellite data

[J]. Infrared,2016, 37(2):29-35.

[本文引用: 1]     

[文韬, 何明元, 赵增亮,.


[J]. 红外, 2016, 37(2):29-35.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[25] Feng Shuyi, Zhang Ning, Shen Ji, et al.

Method of cloud detection with hyperspectral remote sensing image based on the reflective characteristics

[J]. Chinese Optics, 2015, 8(2):198-204.

[本文引用: 1]     

[冯书谊, 张宁, 沈霁,.


[J]. 中国光学, 2015, 8(2):198-204.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[26] Yang Changjun, Xu Jianmin,Zhao Fengsheng.

Application of time series in FY-2C cloud detection

[J]. Journal of Atmospheric and Environmental Optics,2008,3(5): 377-391.

[本文引用: 1]     

[杨昌军, 许健民, 赵凤生.


[J]. 大气与环境光学学报, 2008, 3(5):377-391.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[27] Ricchiazzi P, Yang S, Gautier C, et al.

SBDART: A research and teaching software tool for plane-parallel radiative transfer in the Earth’s atmosphere

[J]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 1998, 79(10):2 101-2 114.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

SBDART is a software tool that computes plane-parallel radiative transfer in clear and cloudy conditions within the earth's atmosphere and at the surface. All important processes that affect the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared radiation fields are included. The code is a marriage of a sophisticated discrete ordinate radiative transfer module, low-resolution atmospheric transmission models, and Mie scattering results for light scattering by water droplets and ice crystals. The code is well suited for a wide variety of atmospheric radiative energy balance and remote sensing studies. It is designed so that it can be used for case studies as well as sensitivity analysis. For small sets of computations or teaching applications it is available on the World Wide Web with a user-friendly interface. For sensitivity studies requiring many computations it is available by anonymous FTP as a well organized and documented FORTRAN 77 source code.
[28] Sun Zhi’an, Liu Jingmiao,Zeng Xianning, et al.

Estimation of global and net solar radiation at the Earth surface under cloudy-sky condition

[J]. Journal of Meteorology and Environment,2014, 30(3):1-9.

[本文引用: 1]     

[孙治安, 刘晶淼, 曾宪宁,.


[J]. 气象与环境学报, 2014, 30(3):1-9.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

