地球科学进展  2018 , 33 (1): 93-102 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.01.0093



王蕾彬1, 魏海涛1, 贾佳1, 李国强1, 陈发虎12*

1.兰州大学资源环境学院西部环境教育部重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730000
2.中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越创新中心, 北京 100101

Advances and Issues in Luminescence Dating of Loess Deposits in Arid Central Asia

Wang Leibin1, Wei Haitao1, Jia Jia1, Li Guoqiang1, Chen Fahu12*

1.Key Laboratory of West China’s Environmental System, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
2.CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China

中图分类号:  P597.3

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1001-8166(2018)01-0093-10

通讯作者:  *Corresponding author:Chen Fahu(1962-), male, Danfeng County, Shaanxi Province, Professor. Research areas include environmental change and the evolution of human civilization.E-mail:fhchen@itpcas.ac.cn

收稿日期: 2017-07-18

修回日期:  2017-12-13

网络出版日期:  2018-01-10

版权声明:  2018 地球科学进展 编辑部 

基金资助:  中国科学院国际合作局对外合作重点项目“一带一路”国际合作专项(编号:131C11KYSB20160061)中国科学院学部咨询项目“欧亚腹地环境变迁与丝路文明兴衰的战略研究”(编号:2017ZWH006A-018)资助


First author:Wang Leibin(1989-), female, Lingqiu County, Shanxi Province,Ph. D student. Research areas include optical dating.E-mail:wanglb15@lzu.edu.cn




中亚干旱区广泛分布的黄土沉积为研究这一区域的大气粉尘、环境和气候演化提供了良好载体,而黄土年代学是气候环境研究的基础。近几十年来逐渐发展并日趋成熟的释光测年方法是建立黄土地层序列的重要手段。通过对中亚干旱区的测年进展(主要是释光测年)进行总结梳理,得到如下认识:①释光测年方法与14C测年方法比较,测年范围更广,测年材料易得,在此区域黄土框架的建立中有广泛适用性;②石英光释光单片再生法(SAR)能够用于建立中亚干旱区末次冰期以来黄土沉积的年代框架,但是需要考虑部分地区石英灵敏度偏低、不同粒径结果不一致等问题,这些问题的解决仍然需要更多的方法学的研究;③长石的两步法(pIRIR)与多步法(MET-pIRIR)已经基本克服了传统IRSL方法中信号的明显异常衰退现象,在此区域可以建立MIS 7以来的年代框架,长石的灵敏度高,可以用来测试石英灵敏度低而无法得出可靠年代的样品,其测年范围比石英更广,在具体的应用中需要根据样品灵敏度高低、年老程度等因素综合考虑来建立年代框架。

关键词: 中亚干旱区 ; 黄土沉积 ; 石英OSL测年 ; 钾长石pIRIR和MET-pIRIR测年


High-resolution loess deposits are widely distributed in Arid Central Asia (ACA) and provide important records associated with dust transportation, paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic evolution. The chronology is the foundation of the research into loess deposits as an environmental archive. In recent decades, the gradually developed optical dating method has been increasingly matured and become an important approach to establishing the loess-paleosol sequences. Here, we summarized and discussed previous work on loess chronology mainly based on optical dating approach in ACA. The following understandings have been listed: ① In comparison with optical dating method, the suitable material for 14C dating is uncommon in ACA. However, the dating range of luminescence dating is more extensive, and the dating materials are accessible. Thus, the optical dating is widely applicable in the establishment of loess framework in this area. ② Until now, the quartz Single Aliquot Regeneration (SAR) method can be applied to the establishment of loess-paleosol sequence since last glacial period. But several issues remain unaddressed. For example, the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) signal sensitivity of quartz grains are low in some areas. Furthermore, the results of OSL dating of different grain sizes within a single sample are inconsistent in some areas. The solution of these problems still requires more methodological research. ③ The post-IR IRSL (pIRIR) and multiple elevated temperature stimulation (MET-pIRIR) protoCols of feldspar have basically overcome the anomalous fading issue in the traditional IRSL dating process. In ACA, the framework since MIS 7 can be established with K-feldspar luminescence dating method. Compared with quartz luminescence characteristics, the K-feldspar luminescence signals are more sensitive and exhibit a high saturation level. In specific applications, it is necessary to establish the age frame according to the luminescence sensitivity, the age of samples or other factors.

Keywords: Arid central Asia ; Loess deposits ; Quartz OSL dating ; K-feldspar pIRIR and MET-pIRIR dating.


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王蕾彬, 魏海涛, 贾佳, 李国强, 陈发虎. 亚洲中部干旱区黄土释光测年研究进展及其问题[J]. 地球科学进展, 2018, 33(1): 93-102 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.01.0093

Wang Leibin, Wei Haitao, Jia Jia, Li Guoqiang, Chen Fahu. Advances and Issues in Luminescence Dating of Loess Deposits in Arid Central Asia[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2018, 33(1): 93-102 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.01.0093

1 引 言


古地磁测年方法和锆石U-Pb测年方法被用于中亚长时间序列粉尘沉积年代序列的建立[5~11]。例如,使用古地磁测年发现,新疆昆仑山北麓黄土形成于0.95 Ma前[12,13],伊犁盆地黄土形成于0.86 Ma前[14],天山北麓黄土形成于0.8 Ma前[7]或者更早[15],塔里木盆地西侧22 Ma前可能已有粉尘黄土沉积[16],塔吉克斯坦最早的黄土形成于2~2.5 Ma前[5],甚至早至37 Ma前[10],中亚五国个别地区黄土在第四纪早期就开始堆积[6,17]等。但古地磁方法适用于长时间尺度框架的黄土年代的建立,时间分辨率低。14C测年方法也被尝试应用于中亚干旱区黄土年代的建立[18],但是, 14C测年方法应用于中亚干旱区黄土记录研究过程中,存在可靠的14C测年材料不易获得的问题:①利用蜗牛等软体动物壳体14C测年时由于软体动物可能选择吸收周围环境中缺14C的物质来合成壳体,导致14C年代不准确[19];②干旱区的植物往往产生庞大的根系,土壤中植物残体分泌的腐殖酸也会对14C测年材料产生污染;③14C测年只能用于距今4~5万年以来的样品年龄测定,限制了黄土记录轨道尺度年龄框架的建立。这些均导致了14C测年方法在中亚干旱区黄土测年过程中的局限性[19~21]

光释光 (Optically Stimulated Luminescence,OSL) 测年是一种基于矿物发光现象而发展起来的测年方法,可以测量沉积物最后一次见光事件至今的埋藏年龄[22]。其测年材料(石英、长石等矿物)在沉积物中普遍存在,因此该方法在晚第四纪年代学研究中得到了广泛的应用,测年对象包括风成沉积物[23,24]、河湖相沉积物[25,26]、冰川沉积物[27~29]、火山烘烤层[30]、海洋沉积物[31]、构造活动如断层泥[32]和岩石暴露面[33]等。其中,黄土等风成沉积物在沉积前经历了较远距离的搬运,充足的曝光可使得释光信号“回零”,满足了光释光测年的前提条件[34]。目前,光释光测年手段在我国黄土高原黄土研究中成果丰硕[24,35~37],同时,这种方法也被学者们探索性地应用于中亚干旱区黄土记录的年龄测定[38~43]。石英OSL测年手段被广泛用于中亚干旱区末次冰期以来黄土沉积年代测定和粉尘沉积模式研究[21,42,44~49]。近年来钾长石红外释光(Infrared Stimulated Luminescence,IRSL)测年技术不断发展,并被用于中亚干旱区黄土记录的测年,取得了一些新的进展[41,43,48,50]。本文通过梳理中亚黄土释光测年的发展历程,总结释光测年已有的研究成果,对目前使用不同释光测年方法获得的测年结果进行阐述,针对测年过程中存在的问题提出可能的解决思路,以期对中亚黄土研究起到借鉴作用。

2 区域概况

狭义的中亚干旱区仅指中亚五国(哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦,土库曼斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦)所在的区域,广义的中亚干旱区还包括伊朗北部、我国新疆地区、蒙古高原、阿富汗北部和巴基斯坦北部[51,52],其地理范围为50°~90°E,36°~54°N。中亚干旱区受到西风环流的影响,且远离海洋,气候干旱,为典型温带大陆性气候。这一区域年均降水量随地形海拔差异很大,平原地区为200~400 mm,甚至更少,而部分山区可达600~1 000 mm[53~55];年均温在不同区域差异较小,在伊犁河谷地区约为10 ℃[56,57];帕米尔高原西部的盆地平原为11 ℃,厄尔布士山脉以北地区可达17 ℃[40]

中亚干旱区的黄土主要分布于沙漠(如克孜勒库姆沙漠、卡拉库姆沙漠、塔克拉玛干沙漠和莫因库姆沙漠等)外围山麓地带和河谷盆地(图1)。在我国新疆地区,黄土主要分布于北天山北麓、伊犁河谷和昆仑山北麓的弧形地带,分布海拔分别在700~2 400 ,800~2 100和2 000~4 000 m[7,57],沉积厚度大致随海拔高度的升高先变厚后变薄,昆仑山北麓黄土厚度可能超过500 m(据方小敏,私人交流);在中亚五国及以西地区,黄土分布地区与新疆地区类似,主要为河流阶地、高原面以及山麓地带,主要分布在2 500 m以下[58~60],小部分黄土分布在海拔4 000 m以上的高山地区[6,55]。在中亚五国中塔吉克斯坦南部和乌兹别克斯坦的黄土最厚,达100~200 m[5,55]

图1   研究区位置和发表的黄土沉积记录研究点分布图
a.Toshan剖面[50];b.Darai Kalon剖面[44];c.Orkutsay剖面[38];d.Bishkek剖面[49];e.Remsowka剖面[18];f.昭苏波马(ZSP)剖面[20];g.塔勒德(TLD)剖面[42];h.肖尔布拉克(XEBLK)剖面[47];i.尼勒克(NLK)剖面[21,46];j.则克台(ZKT)剖面[18,19];k.鹿角湾(LJW)/ 鹿角湾10(LJW10)剖面[43];l.水西沟(SXG)剖面[43];m.柏杨河(BYH)剖面[48]

Fig.1   Location of the study area and published loess record sites in the arid Central Asia
a:Toshan section[50].b:Darai Kalon section[44].c:Orkutsay section[38].d:Bishkek section[49].e:Remsowka section[18].f:Zhaosuboma(ZSP) section[20].g:Talede (TLD) section[42].h:Xiaoerbulake (XEBLK) section[47].i:Nilka(NLK) section[21,46].j:Zeketai (ZKT) section[18,19].k:Lujiaowan (LJW) / Lujiaowan10 (LJW10) section[43].l:Shuixigou (SXG) section[43].m:Baiyanghe (BYH) section[48]

3 中亚黄土石英OSL测年进展及其问题

3.1 中亚黄土石英OSL测年进展

石英是黄土沉积物的主要组成矿物,其化学性质稳定不易风化,石英OSL信号在自然条件下容易被晒退,利于释光信号“回零”,因此被广泛应用于我国黄土高原的黄土[24,36,37,61,62]、欧洲黄土[63,64]和美洲黄土[65~68] OSL测年研究中,并获得了大量可靠的年龄序列。在中国黄土高原黄土的石英OSL测年中,前人的研究发现,采用不同粒径石英OSL测年方法均能够获得可靠的黄土地层年龄[24,35~37,69,70]

发展相对成熟的石英OSL测年技术在中亚黄土测年研究中获得了广泛应用,所使用的方法有单片再生法(Single Aliquot Regeneration-dose Protocol, SAR)、标准生长曲线法(Standardised Growth Curve, SGC)以及简单多片再生法(Simplified Multiple Aliquot Regenerative-dose Protocol, SMAR)[21,42,46,49,71]。天山北麓石英SAR方法成功地用于4万年以来可靠年代框架的建立[41,43,48]。同时,石英OSL测年也用于天山中部伊犁河谷末次冰期(约70 ka)以来黄土沉积的年代框架的建立和粉尘沉积研究。Feng等[18]使用石英SMAR测年方法和14C方法对伊犁河谷则克台(ZKT)黄土剖面进行了年代测定,获得的细颗粒(4~11 μm)石英年龄和蜗牛壳体的14C年龄相比差异很大,并认为石英OSL年龄无法用来重建黄土—古土壤序列年龄框架;但是E 等[19]使用中颗粒(38~63 μm)石英单片再生剂量法也对则克台黄土剖面进行了研究,获得了与Feng等[18]大体一致的细颗粒石英年龄框架,认为石英OSL年龄是可信的。同时,Song等[20]对比了伊犁河谷昭苏波马(ZSP)剖面细颗粒混合矿物红外后蓝光的石英OSL年龄与14C年龄,也得出区域14C年龄比实际地层年龄年轻的结论。随后Song等[21]对厚度为20.5 m的尼勒克(NLK)黄土剖面利用中粒径石英SAR-SGC法建立末次冰期69 ka以来的黄土年代框架,并对全剖面不同深度发现的蜗牛壳体使用14C测年进行了年龄测定,获得的蜗牛14C年龄和石英OSL年龄在25 ka以来表现出了较好的一致性,他们认为石英OSL测年可用于70 ka 以来黄土样品年龄测定,而14C测年只能提供25 ka以来地层的可靠年代。在古气候的研究方面,Kang 等[42]对厚度5 m的塔勒德(TLD)剖面应用细颗粒石英SAR方法建立了黄土剖面年龄序列,发现30 ka以来黄土连续堆积并且在MIS 2黄土沉积速率高,在末次盛冰期(Last Glacial Maximum,LGM)达到最高,相对末次冰期沉积速率慢。Yang 等[46]对喀什河的河流阶地上的尼勒克黄土剖面用石英SAR法建立末次冰期以来45~14 ka的年龄框架,使用最大年龄模型重建的剖面年龄框架表明在距今45 ka,35~19 ka和14 ka这3个时期区域内粉尘堆积速率较高。

14C方法相比,石英的光释光测年上限高,且中亚干旱区黄土沉积的独特性限制了14C方法的应用,伊犁河谷的尼勒克剖面14C年代超过25 ka就不再增加,则克台剖面则是全剖面蜗牛壳体的14C年龄整体偏低,反映了干旱区沉积14C测年的材料的局限性。石英OSL测年所用的石英矿物在黄土中广泛存在,能够弥补14C测年不能测得的年代范围空缺,也为不同研究中讨论末次冰期以来(约70 ka)气候环境变化提供了可能。

3.2 中亚黄土石英OSL测年中存在的一些问题

在中亚黄土已有的石英OSL测年研究中也存在一些问题。例如,有些剖面的石英信号较暗,灵敏度不高[43],这种现象应当与石英的物源以及距离物源的远近有关[72,73]。中亚地区的黄土多分布在河谷以及沙漠外围的山麓地区,距离源区较近,且物源多样,容易出现灵敏度低的现象。另外,不同粒径石英OSL测年得出的年龄在有些区域一致性很高[18,19](图2a),但在一些区域差异很大[21,46,49]。Song等[21]和Yang等[46]分别用中粒级和粗粒级石英SAR法对尼勒克黄土剖面进行测试,结果如图2b所示,部分粗粒径年龄明显小于中粒径年龄。Youn等[49]对厚20 m的位于天山西段山间河流阶地Bishkek黄土剖面使用细颗粒、粗颗粒石英SAR法开展对比研究(图2c),发现细粒径石英OSL年龄结果整体大于粗粒径石英OSL年龄结果,他们认为成壤作用和土壤扰动或者沉积前的部分晒退可能导致细颗粒年龄比粗颗粒偏老,因而选择了粗粒径年代。区域内黄土不同粒径石英测年获得的年龄不一致,可能与样品晒退情况[74]、沉积过程[75]、沉积后的地层稳定性[76~78]和剂量率估算误差[79]等因素有关。中亚干旱区黄土沉积由于物源复杂,搬运距离整体较近,容易导致石英晒退不完全,图2b和图2c均为粗粒径的年代小于细粒径的年代,而粗粒径的年代误差比细粒径的误差更大,极有可能是晒退情况导致。颗粒越细,在单片测试时测片上就会附着更多的发光颗粒,使得测片间的差异变小,样品的晒退情况难以分辨。若是沉积前晒退完全的样品,对不同粒径测试,均可获得一致的结果(图2a)。但如果样品埋藏前未得到彻底晒退,则测片上粒径越大(发光颗粒数目越小)越会表现出高的超离散度[46],通常最小的年代模型被采用[80];测片上的粒径越小(发光颗粒数量级增多)则测片间的超离散度越小,样品真实晒退程度被掩盖。因此将石英SAR测年应用于中亚干旱区黄土样品时,我们建议先开展详细的方法学研究。

图2   中亚3个黄土剖面石英光释光测年结果以及14C测年结果

Fig.2   The quartz OSL dating results and 14C results from three loess section in the arid central Asia
(a)Zeketai (ZKT) loess section in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China[18,19]. (b) Nilka (NLK) section in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China[21,46]. (c) Bishkek loess section in Kyrgyz Republic[49]

4 钾长石IRSL测年及其进展

4.1 钾长石测年进展

长石矿物在黄土中的含量仅次于石英,长石IRSL信号也可用于沉积物年龄测定。与石英OSL测年相比,长石IRSL测年存在很多优点:①灵敏度高,在测试信号弱的年轻样品时具有优势[81,82];②长石释光信号饱和剂量比石英高,可用于更老的样品测试;③长石IRSL测年可以应用于含有长石的混合矿物的测试,便于测量一些无法提纯获得足够石英的样品。但是,长石测年过程中也存在一些缺点:①长石信号较石英信号晒退较慢;②长石IRSL信号存在异常衰退现象,容易造成样品年代低估[79]。中亚黄土测年研究早期热释光(Thermoluminescence,TL)方法利用细颗粒混合矿物信号建立年代[5,83,84],长石信号比石英亮,在混合矿物TL信号中贡献率高。但是有一些学者发现TL和放射性碳的年代并不相同[5,85,86]。Zhou等[38]对乌兹别克斯坦的Orkutsay剖面进行了TL测年,发现TL不能提供老于130 ka 地层的可靠年代。Frechen等[44]对塔吉克斯坦南部的黄土用TL和IRSL这2种方法进行测年也得到了相同的结论,即老于MIS 5阶段所测出来的地层年代存在低估。这主要是由于TL信号不稳定以及长石IRSL信号的异常衰退,使得传统方法建立的年代框架可靠性不高[79,87~89]。前人尝试了多种方式解决这一问题,如通过测试长石信号的衰退速率g值(g-value)对年代进行校正[89~91];此后发展了利用内剂量率及内剂量率产生的等效剂量测年的等时线法对年代进行计算[90,92,93];近年来随着释光测年方法学发展,发现使用钾长石红外激发后红外释光(Post-IR Infrared Stimulated Luminescence,pIRIR,简称两步法)信号可克服IRSL信号的异常衰退现象,获得较为可靠的钾长石年龄,这种方法首先由Thomsen等[94]基于钾长石在 225 ℃激发的红外后红外释光信号(pIRIR(50,225))比在50 ℃激发的常规红外释光信号衰退速率低这一现象提出,他们认为低温IRSL信号主要源于距离较近的电子—空穴对之间通过隧穿效应发生的复合,而在高温激发的红外激发后红外释光信号是由距离较远的电子—空穴对之间的复合所产生,温度越高,则信号越稳定,衰退速率越低。钾长石pIRIR法的第一步红外激发去掉易衰退的红外释光信号,第二步在225 ℃下激发获得不易衰退的稳定信号用于等效剂量计算。此后,Murray等[95]提出可以将预热温度提高到320 ℃,使得第二步激发温度可以提高到290 ℃。基于此,Thiel等[96]提出了第二步激发温度提高到290 ℃的钾长石pIRIR(50,290)方法。全球范围内,对具有独立年龄的样品应用此方法进行测量对比发现,在200~300 ka以内,该方法可得到与独立年龄一致的年代(相应的等效剂量约为800 Gy,年剂量率为3~4 Gy/ka)[96,97]。同时,Li等[98]提出了钾长石多步红外激发测年法(Multi-elevated-temperature post-IR IRSL,MET-pIRIR,简称多步法),该方法通过逐步升高温度激发逐渐去除不稳定信号从而获得稳定的红外释光信号,他们认为基于多步红外激发的MET-pIRIR法较之于基于两步红外激发的pIRIR法的优势在于,多步法测年过程中可以用等效剂量—温度坪(Equivalent dose-Temperature,De-T)对测试条件进行验证,坪区温度范围内长石红外释光信号不存在异常衰退[98]

在中亚干旱区黄土沉积钾长石测年研究早期,传统的IRSL测年方法只能获得最小年龄[40,44,45]。Machalett等[45]通过对伊利河谷厚度为80 m的Remisowka剖面(位置如图1)开展钾长石多片附加剂量法建立了剖面上部48 m的IRSL年代框架,获得剖面底部最小年龄约为94 ka,而该地层的期待年龄应当至少老于MIS 5。在里海沿岸的伊朗北部黄土分布区,使用钾长石IRSL信号测年导致的地层年龄低估的现象同样存在[40,44,60,99]

随着长石测年方法的发展,钾长石pIRIR测年在中亚干旱区黄土测年中得到了尝试性地使用,并取得了一定进展[41,100]。已有研究表明,使用pIRIR(50,290)信号(两步激发温度分别为50和290 ℃)钾长石pIRIR法能够建立MIS 7 以来(190~170 ka)黄土沉积物的可靠年代框架,从而为恢复古环境气候变化提供可靠年龄支持[100]。在全新世较年轻的黄土沉积年代学研究方面,Li等[48]通过对天山北麓鹿角湾10(LJW10)剖面2.8 m厚黄土—古土壤序列开展了粗颗粒石英OSL和钾长石pIRIR信号稳定性研究,开展了不同激发温度的钾长石pIRIR信号稳定性试验、阳光晒退实验、剂量恢复实验以及前置温度实验,提出粗颗粒钾长石pIRIR(50,170)信号可以用于末次冰消期以来黄土样品的年龄测定,获得的钾长石pIRIR(50,170)年龄与石英OSL年龄相比一致性很好,表明测年结果可靠,在此基础上,结合黄土—古土壤序列、年龄框架及古环境代用指标磁化率重建了全新世天山北麓有效湿度变化,发现5.5 ka前的早中全新世气候干旱,5.5 ka以来中亚干旱区气候湿润,有效湿度逐渐增加。Zhao等[43]对天山北麓鹿角湾(LJW)和水西沟(SXG)剖面开展年代学研究,发现剖面大多数石英信号太暗而难以得到可靠性较高的等效剂量(De),因此以信号灵敏度较高的长石MET-pIRIR(110,140,170)法建立2个剖面年代框架,样品在140 ℃和170 ℃出现坪区,表明在这2个温度下,长石信号异常衰退的影响可以忽略,经过阳光晒退实验和De离散度分析等对结果进行可靠性检验,最终以170 ℃的红外释光信号来建立年代框架。结合粒度测量结果,在6.7 ka前的全新世早期,区域环境以干旱为主导;而距今4~2 ka时天山北部地区发生了干旱事件。Lauer等[50]对伊朗北部Toshan剖面进行研究,提取细颗粒混合矿物用pIRIR(50,290)测年法得到127~22 ka以来的年代序列,指出在MIS 2时气候可能湿润;Li 等[41]应用石英OSL测年和钾长石pIRIR(50,290)测年方法对天山北麓30 m 厚更新世黄土沉积(柏杨河剖面,BYH)进行了测年研究,建立了150 ka以来的年代框架,并揭示了天山北麓黄土存在大于50 ka的沉积间断,沉积间断主要发生在末次间冰期,黄土主要是在冰期堆积。Lauer等[100]随后用细颗粒混合矿物中的长石pIRIR(50,290)信号,在伊朗北部建立了MIS 7~MIS 2较长序列黄土年代框架,并指出在伊朗北部170~100 ka间存在由侵蚀导致的沉积间断。


4.2 钾长石测年需要注意的问题

目前长石测年虽然克服了传统IRSL方法带来的显著异常衰退,但是在进行钾长石的pIRIR法和MET-pIRIR法测试时仍然有以下问题需要注意,如高温下长石会有更多的残余剂量,在测试不同年龄段时pIRIR法激发温度的选取,在测试年轻样品时MET-pIRIR法需要考虑信号的强弱等。我们建议除了常规的剂量恢复实验和残余剂量测试外,应当通过g值测量检验所选温度下钾长石信号的稳定性。对于全新世的年轻样品,选择低温信号(140~170 ℃)可以避免高的残余剂量造成年龄高估。Li等[101]对钾长石MET-pIRIR法和pIRIR法进行了比较,发现对于小于100 ka的沉积物,pIRIR法与MET-pIRIR法并无多大差异,大于100 ka,pIRIR(50,290)信号的不稳定性增加,建议选取多步法。但是钾长石pIRIR法相比MET-pIRIR法信号要强,MET-pIRIR法高温信号很弱,影响了年代的精度,MET-pIRIR法的测试更具优势[102]。Buylaert等[103]将pIRIR第一步温度提高到200 ℃,并利用pIRIR(200,290)建立了黄土高原靖边剖面L2以来的年代框架,认为当沉积物De<500 Gy(~150 ka)时,pIRIR(200,290)与MET-pIRIR可获得一致的结果,提高了pIRIR测年的上限。

5 结 论

本文对中亚干旱区黄土释光测年的已有成果进行了梳理,总结了释光测年方法所取得的一些进展。目前此区域的研究成果表明:释光方法比14C方法测年范围广,测量材料丰富;石英光释光测年主要被应用于末次冰期以来中亚干旱区黄土框架的建立;长石pIRIR以及MET-pIRIR测年能够用于MIS 7阶段以来黄土序列的建立;长石pIRIR与MET-pIRIR方法克服了传统IRSL方法的显著异常衰减问题,较石英信号灵敏度高,在应用中具有优势。但目前长石测年方法在中亚干旱区黄土测年中的应用仍处在初步的应用阶段,需要独立年代去验证。中亚干旱区黄土分布相对离散,多沉积在河谷地区和山麓地带,物源相对复杂,释光性质比物质均一的黄土高原复杂得多,因此我们在采用释光方法建立黄土序列年代时,需进行详细的方法学研究,以得到可靠的黄土—古土壤年代框架。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] An Z S, Kutzbach J E, Prell W L, et al.

Evolution of Asian monsoons and phased uplift of the Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau since Late Miocene times

[J]. Nature, 2001, 411(6 833): 62-66.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract The climates of Asia are affected significantly by the extent and height of the Himalayan mountains and the Tibetan plateau. Uplift of this region began about 50 Myr ago, and further significant increases in altitude of the Tibetan plateau are thought to have occurred about 10-8 Myr ago, or more recently. However, the climatic consequences of this uplift remain unclear. Here we use records of aeolian sediments from China and marine sediments from the Indian and North Pacific oceans to identify three stages of evolution of Asian climates: first, enhanced aridity in the Asian interior and onset of the Indian and east Asian monsoons, about 9-8 Myr ago; next, continued intensification of the east Asian summer and winter monsoons, together with increased dust transport to the North Pacific Ocean, about 3.6-2.6 Myr ago; and last, increased variability and possible weakening of the Indian and east Asian summer monsoons and continued strengthening of the east Asian winter monsoon since about 2.6 Myr ago. The results of a numerical climate-model experiment, using idealized stepwise increases of mountain-plateau elevation, support the argument that the stages in evolution of Asian monsoons are linked to phases of Himalaya-Tibetan plateau uplift and to Northern Hemisphere glaciation.
[2] Dodonov A E, Zhou L P.

Loess deposition in Asia: Its initiation and development before and during the Quaternary

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Onset of Asian desertification by 22 Myr ago inferred from loess deposits in China

[J]. Nature, 2002, 416(6 877): 159-163.

DOI      URL      摘要

姝he initial desertification in the Asian interior is thought to be one of the most prominent climate changes in the Northern Hemisphere during the Cenozoic era.But the dating of this transition is uncertain,partly because desert sediments are usually scattered,discontinuous and difficult to date.Here we report nearly continuous aeolian deposits covering the interval from 22 to 6.2 million years ago,on the basis of palaeomagnetic measurements and fossil evidence.A total of 231 visually definable aeolian layers occur as brownish loesses interbedded with reddish soils.This new evidence indicates that large source areas of aeolian dust and energetic winter monsoon winds to transport the material must have existed in the interior of Asia by the early Miocene epoch,at least 14 million years earlier than previously thought.Regional tectonic changes and ongoing global cooling are probable causes of these changes in aridity and circulation in Asia.
[4] Licht A, Van Cappelle M, Abels H A, et al.

Asian monsoons in a late Eocene greenhouse world

[J]. Nature, 2014, 513(7 519): 501-506.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract The strong present-day Asian monsoons are thought to have originated between 25 and 22 million years (Myr) ago, driven by Tibetan-Himalayan uplift. However, the existence of older Asian monsoons and their response to enhanced greenhouse conditions such as those in the Eocene period (55-340002Myr ago) are unknown because of the paucity of well-dated records. Here we show late Eocene climate records revealing marked monsoon-like patterns in rainfall and wind south and north of the Tibetan-Himalayan orogen. This is indicated by low oxygen isotope values with strong seasonality in gastropod shells and mammal teeth from Myanmar, and by aeolian dust deposition in northwest China. Our climate simulations support modern-like Eocene monsoonal rainfall and show that a reinforced hydrological cycle responding to enhanced greenhouse conditions counterbalanced the negative effect of lower Tibetan relief on precipitation. These strong monsoons later weakened with the global shift to icehouse conditions 340002Myr ago.
[5] Dodonov A E, Baiguzina L L.

Loess stratigraphy of Central Asia: Palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental aspects

[J]. Quaternary Science Reviews, 1995, 14(7/8): 707-720.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 5]      摘要

The loess-palaeosol succession of Central Asia is comparable with that of the Loess Plateau in North China. Palaeomagnetic investigations and palaeontological studies in South Tadjikistan suggest a date of 2-2.5 Ma for the oldest loess, indicating that dust storms became frequent in the region since 2-2.5 Ma BP. Under the prevalently arid and semi-arid environments of Central Asia, aeolian processes had a gradually increasing influence on subaerial sedimentation during the Pleistocene. However, atmospheric aeolian processes in Central Asia have mainly developed in accordance with Pleistocene climatic cyclicity, without extremely high intensification during the late Pleistocene as implied by the previous TL dating results. The identification of loess and palaeosol horizons with respective glaciations and interglacials is sometimes disputable. Nevertheless the available data, in spite of limited evidence, characterise well-developed palaeosols of the middle and late Pleistocene, as warm and wet intervals associated with interglacials. Palynological studies of loess sections show that loess and palaeosol horizons have palynological spectra that are sometimes difficult to interpret. Interregional loess-palaeosol correlation with glacial-interglacial events as well as with oxygen isotope records should be supplied by multidisciplinary investigations.
[6] Dodonov A E.

Loess of central Asia

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[7] Fang X M, Shi Z T, Yang S L, et al.

Loess in the Tian Shan and its implications for the development of the Gurbantunggut Desert and drying of northern Xinjiang

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[8] Fang X M, Lü L Q, Yan, S L, et al.

Loess in Kunlun Mountains and its implications on desert development and Tibetan Plateau uplift in west China

[J]. Science in China (Series D), 2002, 45(4): 289-299.

DOI      URL      摘要

正Loess on the northern slope of Kunlun Mountains is the synchronous deposition of the Taklimakan Desert. The paleomagnetism and climatic records of an over 80 m loess-paleosol sequence on the highest river terrace at the foot of Kunlun Mountains show that the loess formed at - 880 ka B.P., suggestin
[9] Carrapa B, Decelles P G, Wang X, et al.

Tectono-climatic implications of Eocene Paratethys regression in the Tajik Basin of Central Asia

[J]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2015, 424: 168-178.

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61We date the regression of the Paratethys at ca. 39 Ma in Tajikistan.61The marine connection between the Tarim and Tajik basins was disrupted between ca. 39 and 37 Ma.61A foreland basin was in place by ca. 40 Ma indicating active tectonics in the Pamir.61The regression followed and north-westward trend consistent with Pamir growth.61Uplift of the Pamir severed the seaway connection and aridified central Asia.
[10] Wang X, Kraatz B, Meng J, et al.

Central Asian aridification during the late Eocene to early Miocene inferred from preliminary study of shallow marine-eolian sedimentary rocks from northeastern Tajik Basin

[J]. Science in China (Series D), 2016, 59(6): 1 242-1 257.

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[11] Wang X, Wei H T, Taheri M, et al.

Early Pleistocene climate in western arid central Asia inferred from loess-palaeosol sequences

[J]. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6.DOI: 10.1038/srep20560.

URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Arid central Asia (ACA) is one of the most arid regions in the mid-latitudes and one of the main potential dust sources for the northern hemisphere. The lack of in situ early Pleistocene loess/dust records from ACA hinders our comprehensive understanding of the spatio-temporal record of aeolian loess accumulation and long term climatic changes in Asia as a whole. Here, we report the results of sedimentological, chronological and climatic studies of early Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequences (LPS) from the northeastern Iranian Golestan Province (NIGP) in the western part of ACA. Our results reveal that: 1) Accumulation of loess on the NIGP commenced at ~2.4-1.8芒聙聣Ma, making it the oldest loess known so far in western ACA; 2) the climate during the early Pleistocene in the NIGP was semi-arid, but wetter, warmer, and less windy than during the late Pleistocene and present interglacial; 3) orbital-scale palaeoclimatic changes in ACA during the early Pleistoceneare in-phase with those of monsoonal Asia, a relationship which was probably related to the growth and decay of northern hemisphere ice sheets.
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Loess on West Kunlun Mountains and Aridification of Asian Inland[D].

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[13] Fang Xiaomin, Lianqing, Yang Shengli, et al.

Loess in Mt. Kunlun, desert development in the western regions of China, and the uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

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[方小敏, 吕连清, 杨胜利, .


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[15] Sun J M, Ye J, Wu W Y, et al.

Late Oligocene-Miocene mid-latitude aridification and wind patterns in the Asian interior

[J]. Geology, 2010, 38(6): 515-518.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

姝he Asian interior has the largest mid-latitude arid zone in the Northern Hemisphere,and so has become increasingly attractive for studying the initiation and the past extent of aridiflcation in this zone.Given the enormousness of the Asian interior,it remains unclear how old and extensive the eolian deposits might have been,and what wind regimes have been responsible for the formation of the mid-latitude arid zone.Here we report new eolian records of widespread Tertiary eolian deposits in a region far from the Chinese Loess Plateau,the giant Junggar inland basin of northwestern China.Our results demonstrate that the earliest eolian deposition initiated ca.24 Ma.We interpret that the Tertiary eolian dust in the Junggar Basin was transported by westerly winds,possibly from areas in Kazakhstan;the dust differs from the airborne dust transported by winter monsoon winds from the deserts of Mongolia and northern China that accumulated on the Loess Plateau.These results further reveal that the climate pattern,similar to that of the present,has prevailed at least since the latest Oligocene in Central Asia.
[16] Zheng H B, Wei X C, Tada R, et al.

Late Oligocene-early Miocene birth of the Taklimakan Desert

[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015, 112(25): 7 662-7 667.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract As the world's second largest sand sea and one of the most important dust sources to the global aerosol system, the formation of the Taklimakan Desert marks a major environmental event in central Asia during the Cenozoic. Determining when and how the desert formed holds the key to better understanding the tectonic-climatic linkage in this critical region. However, the age of the Taklimakan remains controversial, with the dominant view being from 090804 3.4 Ma to 090804 7 Ma based on magnetostratigraphy of sedimentary sequences within and along the margins of the desert. In this study, we applied radioisotopic methods to precisely date a volcanic tuff preserved in the stratigraphy. We constrained the initial desertification to be late Oligocene to early Miocene, between 090804 26.7 Ma and 22.6 Ma. We suggest that the Taklimakan Desert was formed as a response to a combination of widespread regional aridification and increased erosion in the surrounding mountain fronts, both of which are closely linked to the tectonic uplift of the Tibetan-Pamir Plateau and Tian Shan, which had reached a climatically sensitive threshold at this time.
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The Uzbekistan loess, genesis and distribution

[J]. GeoJournal, 1987, 15(2): 145-150.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The distribution and genesis of Uzbekistan loess rocks, their composition, properties and conditions are naturally changing from mountains to the piedmont plains. For the piedmont plains and intermontane depressions the occurrence of alluvial and deluvial loess types is typical, and in the high mountains eluvial, deluvial, eluvial-deluvial and fluvioglacial ones. This can be explained by the difference of tectonic activity as well as by climatic humidity. The study and analyss of the accumulated data of loess of various genetic type, composition and properties show that the initial material of loess formation comes from the mountainous and alpine areas. The primariy sources of the parent rocks are ancient sediments above the limit of loess occurrence. As a result of intensive developments and irrigation in the territory of the republic, loess areas are decreasing, losing their properties, while they are transforming into the loess-like rocks. It was also determined that their structural and textural properties such as porosity, density, salt composition and filtration coefficient are changing simultaneously. The same changes are also noted in the mineralogical and granulometric composition.
[18] Feng Z D, Ran M, Yang Q L, et al.

Stratigraphies and chronologies of late quaternary loess-paleosol sequences in the core area of the central Asian arid zone

[J]. Quaternary International, 2011, 240(1): 156-166.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 10]      摘要

The sporadic distribution of the Quaternary loess in Central Asia makes it hard to establish a regional pedostratigraphy through visual tracing of marker strata. The pedostratigraphic correlation presented here is thus completely based on the radiocarbon chronologies of the four studied sections. The first noticeable feature is that poorly-drained conditions predominated in the period between 6548,000 and 6530,000 14C BP, during which three entisols developed at 6545,000 14C BP, 6540,000 14C BP, and 6535,000 14C BP. After a period of loess deposition between 6530,000 and 6518,000 14C BP under poorly-drained conditions, an entisol at the westernmost site (Valikhanov, south-central Kazakhstan) developed between 6518,000 and 6510,000 14C BP, also under poorly-drained conditions. The time equivalent deposits at Romantic and Zeketai sections to the east do not exhibit any soil-forming characteristics, although poorly-drained conditions are also imprinted in the time-equivalent loess. The Holocene sequences in the Central Asian domain consist of an early Holocene loess unit deposited between 6510,000 and 655,000 14C BP and a late Holocene soil formed during the past 655000 years. In comparison, the climate was also wet between 6548,000 and 6520,000 14C BP, during which three mollisols developed under well-drained conditions in the Chinese Loess Plateau of the East Asian domain. The loess deposited between 6523,000 and 6510,000 14C BP in the Chinese Loess Plateau has neither observable marks of soil formation nor imprints of poorly-drained conditions. The Holocene sequence in the East Asian domain exhibits an out-of-phase relationship with that in the Central Asian domain, consisting of an early Holocene soil formed between 659000 and 654000 14C BP and a late Holocene loess unit deposited during the past 654000 years.
[19] E C Y, Lai Z P, Sun Y J,et al.

A luminescence dating study of loess deposits from the Yili River Basin in Western China

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2012, 10: 50-55.DOI:10.1016/j.quageo.2012.04.022.

URL      PMID      [本文引用: 8]      摘要

The loess deposits surrounding the high mountainous regions of Central Asia play an important role in understanding environmental changes in Eurasia on orbital and sub-orbital timescales. However, problems with dating Central Asian loess have limited the interpretation of climatic and environmental data, especially on sub-orbital timescales. We selected a controversial loess section, Zeketai (ZKT, with a thickness of 23m), in the Yili basin in Xinjiang Province in western China, to establish a detailed and systematic Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) chronology. Quartz grains of 38–63μm were isolated from 15 samples and the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol was employed for D e determination. OSL ages are in stratigraphic order and range from 13.8±1 to 72±6ka, suggesting continuous loess accumulation during the last glaciation. We compared these dating results with that of the previously published fine-grain sized quartz (4–11μm) using simplified multiple aliquot regenerative-dose (SMAR) protocol, and with the previous published radiocarbon dating ( 14 C) ages on snail shells. With the exception of three young samples from the upper 6m of the section, the SMAR dating results are basically consistent with the results using the SAR protocol. Both the SMAR and SAR OSL ages are consistently older than the 14 C ages, and the radiocarbon date results should be used with caution since they appear to have been underestimated.
[20] Song Y G, Li C X, Zhao J D, et al.

A combined luminescence and radiocarbon dating study of the Ili Loess, Central Asia

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2012, 10(4): 2-7.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Similar to the loess in the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP), the loess deposits in the Ili basin of Central Asia arid area play an important role in understanding the climate and environmental changes. However, in contrast to the intensively investigated loess deposits in the CLP, the Ili loess is still insufficiently known and poorly understood. The geochronology study of the Ili loess remains controversial. In order to examine the potential of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating for the Ili loess, we carry out a combined luminescence and radiocarbon dating study on a 6.9聽m loess section in the south margin of the Ili basin. Polymineral fine grains were investigated by post infrared (IR) OSL using a Multiple-Aliquot Regenerative-dose (MAR) protocol. Radiocarbon dating of organic carbon were carried in a 3 Megavolt (MV) multi-element Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS). The results indicate that the OSL ages are in agreement with the observed stratigraphy in the field, which is well correlated with that of the CLP, but the AMS 14C ages are much younger than the OSL and assumed stratigraphical ages. Thus, the OSL dating technique may provide an absolute chronology in this loess section. Further methodological approaches and more samples analysis will lead to the improvement of this chronology for high-resolution paleoclimatic interpretation.
[21] Song Y G, Lai Z P, Li Y, et al.

Comparison between luminescence and radiocarbon dating of late Quaternary loess from the Ili Basin in Central Asia

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2015, 30: 405-410.DOI:10.1016/j.quageo.2015.01.012.

URL      [本文引用: 10]      摘要

61OSL and radiocarbon dating of late Quaternary loess from Central Asia.61Modern carbon contamination causes saturation of radiocarbon ages at 3002cal02ka02BP.61OSL dating is applicable for constructing an accurate loess chronology beyond 3002ka.61Two intervals of higher mass accumulation rate occurred at 49–4302ka and 24–1402ka.
[22] Huntley D J,

Godfrey-Smith D I, Thewalt M L W. Optical dating of sediments

[J]. Nature, 1985, 313: 105-107.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[23] Lu Huayu, Zhou Yali, Mason J, et al.

Later Quaternary climatic changes in Northern China—New evidences from sand dune and loess records based on optically stimulated luminescence dating

[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2006, 26(6): 888-894.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]     

[鹿化煜, 周亚利, Mason J, .


[J]. 第四纪研究, 2006, 26(6): 888-894.]

DOI      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[24] Sun Y B, Clemens S C, Morrill C, et al.

Influence of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation on the East Asian winter monsoon

[J]. Nature Geoscience, 2012, 5(1): 46-49.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

The last glacial period was characterized by abrupt, millennial-scale climate change. These climate fluctuations are particularly pronounced in records of the East Asian monsoon system and seem to be linked to changes in North Atlantic circulation. Here we present records of grain size variations from the northwestern Chinese Loess Plateau, dated using optically stimulated luminescence. We reconstruct changes in the strength of the East Asian winter monsoon over the past 60,000 years and find reconstructed millennial-scale variations that are broadly correlated with temperature variations over Greenland, suggesting a common forcing. We investigate the effect of a slow-down of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation on the monsoon system using a coupled climate model simulation with added freshwater flux into the northern North Atlantic, and find a strengthening winter monsoon circulation over the regions that supply dust to the Loess Plateau and a reduction in summer monsoon precipitation over East Asia. We conclude that Atlantic meridional overturning circulation is a driver of abrupt change in the East Asian winter and summer monsoon systems, and that the northern westerlies play a role in transmitting this signal from the North Atlantic to the Asian monsoon regions.
[25] Zhang J F, Liu C L, Wu X H, et al.

Optically stimulated luminescence and radiocarbon dating of sediments from Lop Nur (Lop Nor), China

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2012, 10(15): 150-155.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Lop Nur is a playa lake occupying the lowest part of the Tarim Basin, northwestern China, and is now a desolate and barren region. In the past decades, the ages of the lacustrine sediments from the lake were determined mainly by radiocarbon dating on bulk sediment. In this study, both optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon methods were used to date the sediments from a pit in the central part of the lake. The OSL ages obtained for ten samples range from 0.5 to 9.4 ka, and are in stratigraphic order except for one sample. The 14 C ages obtained for twenty-two bulk sediment samples range from 5.8 to 30.2calkaBP with erratic distribution. Based on the comparison of 14 C with OSL ages and their age-depth models, we argue that the OSL ages are relatively reliable. The disequilibria in the U decay chain for some samples are deduced from the comparison of the NAA and TSAC results. We suggest that the OSL dating technique should preferably be applied to the playa sediments from Lop Nur, but the disequilibria in the U decay chain should be considered in evaluating dose rates. Additionally, radiocarbon reservoir effects in lakes in western China are reviewed.
[26] Long H, Shen J, Wang Y, et al.

High-resolution OSL dating of a late Quaternary sequence from Xingkai Lake (NE Asia): Chronological challenge of the “MIS 3a Mega-paleolake” hypothesis in China

[J]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2015, 428(5): 281-292.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61We conducted a combined OSL and14C dating for a late Quaternary lake sequence.61The reliability and robustness of OSL dates are confirmed.6114C dating may significantly underestimate age of sediments of beyond 30 cal ka BP.61This paper challenges the14C-based “MIS 3a Mega-paleolake” hypothesis in China.61Sedimentation rate of Xingkai Lake related to global climatic changes on orbital timescales.
[27] Fuchs M, Owen L A.

Luminescence dating of glacial and associated sediments: Review, recommendations and future directions

[J]. Boreas, 2008, 37(4):636-659.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Dating glacial and associated sediments is essential to provide a temporal framework for accurate reconstructions of past climatic conditions and for helping to determine the nature and magnitude of glaciation for landscape evolution studies. There are few widely applicable, accurate and precise methods available to date Quaternary landforms and sediments, despite the numerous numerical dating methods that are currently available. Furthermore, there are few methods that can be utilized for the whole of the late Quaternary ( c . 125 kyr ago to present). Recent developments in luminescence dating, however, are providing opportunities to date a broad range of late Quaternary glacial and associated landform sediments. The application of luminescence methods requires an understanding of the nature of glacial and associated environments to select the most appropriate sediment samples for dating. Problems associated with luminescence dating of glacial sediments include insufficient bleaching, low sensitivity of quartz, and variable dose rates during the history of the sediment due to changing water content or nuclide leaching. These problems can be overcome by careful sampling and descriptions of the sampling site, testing for insufficient bleaching and modelling dose rate variability.
[28] Bateman M D, Swift D A, Piotrowski J A, et al.

Investigating the effects of glacial shearing of sediment on luminescence

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2012, 10(7): 230-236.

DOI      URL      摘要

Previously reported low luminescence of basal glacial sediment has raised the possibility that processes operating at the ice–bedrock interface have the potential to reset (or ‘bleach’) natural luminescence signals (Swift et02al., 2011). This finding indicates that certain types of glacial sediment (for example, sub-glacial diamicts) might be amenable to dating using luminescence-based techniques. Using a purpose-built ring-shear apparatus situated in a light-controlled environment, we have investigated the potential for mineral grains to be reset when subjected to conditions similar to those experienced by sediment that has undergone transport at the ice–bedrock interface. Reported here are the preliminary results of an initial experiment that used medium quartz sand with a naturally-acquired palaeodose of 654.302Gy that had been obtained from a relict dune system. Incremental sampling during the shearing experiment and measurements were made to track changes in the luminescence properties of the sand as strain/shearing increased. The results indicate that increased strain/shearing resulted in an increase in the number of zero-dose grains and evolution of the De distribution from unimodal to multimodal. In light of the very much longer shearing distances that sub-glacial sediment would endure in nature, these results would appear to suggest that geomechanical processes at the ice–bed interface of glaciers and ice sheets may be a viable mechanism for resetting sediment.
[29] Duller G A T.

Single grain optical dating of glacigenic deposits

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2006, 1(4): 296-304.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Determining the age of glacigenic sediments is difficult for many geochronological methods because of the lack of suitable materials for analysis. Luminescence dating can be applied to the mineral grains making up the glacigenic sediments. However a major source of uncertainty in previous studies has been whether the mineral grains were exposed to sufficient daylight prior to deposition for the luminescence signal to be reset. Measurements of the optically stimulated luminescence signal from single sand-sized quartz grains offers the potential for explicitly identifying if a sediment contains grains that were not exposed to sufficient daylight to reset their signal. Statistical analysis of the resulting data can then reject those grains to allow the age of the sample to be determined. This study is the first to apply single grain optical dating to glacigenic sediments, and demonstrates the issues involved by analysis of samples from Chile and Scotland. Ages from 2.4卤0.5 to 17.3卤1.5 ka are produced. Comparison of the results with independent age control suggests that the ages are reliable. The results also show that the extent of bleaching at deposition varies considerably from one sample to another. For the most incompletely bleached sample, luminescence measurements based on the average of many hundreds or thousands of grains would have overestimated the age of the sample by 鈭60 ka, but the single grain method proposed here was able to reliably date it.
[30] Zhao Hua, Wang Chengmin, Mao Hongliang, et al.

OSL dating of volcanic baked sediments in Datong area, Shanxi Province of China

[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2012, 32(3): 510-515.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]     

[赵华, 王成敏, 毛洪亮,.


[J]. 第四纪研究, 2012, 32(3): 510-515.]

DOI      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[31] Yu Tao, Jiang Tao.

Research progress and prospect of optical stimulated Luminescence dating for marine sediments

[J]. Geological Science and Technology Information, 2014,(2): 38-44.

[本文引用: 1]     

[余涛, 姜涛.


[J]. 地质科技情报, 2014,(2): 38-44.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[32] Zhang Jiafu, Zhou Liping.

Luminescence dating of sediments

[J]. Nuclear Techniques, 2007,30(11): 934-939.

[本文引用: 1]     



[J]. 核技术, 2007, 30(11): 934-939.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[33] Luo Ming, Chen Jie, Liu Jinfeng.

Research progress on luminescence dating of rock surfaces and its application

[J]. Seismology and Geology, 2017,(1):183-192.

[本文引用: 1]     

[罗明, 陈杰, 刘进峰.


[J]. 地震地质, 2017,(1): 183-192.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[34] Roberts H M.

The development and application of luminescence dating to loess deposits: A perspective on the past, present and future

[J]. Boreas, 2008, 37(4): 483-507.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Loess deposits preserve important records of Quaternary climate change and atmospheric dust flux; however, their full significance can only be revealed once a reliable chronology is established. Our understanding of loess-palaeosol sequences and the development of luminescence dating techniques have progressed hand-in-hand over the past 25 years, with each subject informing the advancement of the other. This article considers the development and application of luminescence dating techniques to loess deposits from the early days of thermoluminescence (TL) to the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) methods utilized today. Recent technological and methodological advances have led to a step-change in the accuracy and precision of quartz OSL ages; this has led to an expansion of high-resolution luminescence studies, which in turn are informing loess studies and challenging some of the basic ideas regarding the nature of loess records, their formation and their significance. Future luminescence research efforts are likely to focus on extending the age range of luminescence techniques, possibly by utilizing new luminescence signals; this, again, will allow investigation of the long-term variability of loess records in comparison with other long records of climate change to which they are frequently compared.
[35] Stevens T, Armitage S J, Lu H Y, et al.

Sedimentation and diagenesis of Chinese loess: Implications for the preservation of continuous, high-resolution climate records

[J]. Geology, 2006, 34(10): 849-852.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Chinese loess has been extensively utilized to produce continuous and high-resolution climate records of the late Cenozoic. Such work assumes uninterrupted loess deposition and limited diagenesis. Here, closely spaced optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates are used to characterize the Holocene and Late Pleistocene sedimentation histories of three sites across a NW-SE transect of the Chinese Loess Plateau. The results suggest that sedimentation is episodic at subglacial-interglacial time scales, with rates rapidly varying within units and between sites. Unconformities, noneolian deposition, and mixing of sediments also appear to be common. Existing understanding of loess deposition therefore requires reexamination, while previous reconstructions of rapid climate change, not dated using absolute methods, should be regarded with caution. Loess deposits may still yield detailed climate records from specific high-sedimentation-rate strata, and evidence for rapid climate change may yet be obtainable by targeting these units through absolute dating. The rapid changes in sedimentation presented here indicate the East Asian Monsoon has the capacity to vary on millennial scales.
[36] Lai Z P.

Testing the use of an OSL Standardised Growth Curve (SGC) for DE determination on quartz from the Chinese Loess Plateau

[J]. Radiation Measurements, 2006, 41(1): 9-16.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[37] Lu Y C, Wang X L, Wintle A G.

A new OSL chronology for dust accumulation in the last 130,000 yr for the Chinese Loess Plateau

[J]. Quaternary Research, 2007, 67(1): 152-160.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

A sensitivity-corrected Multiple Aliquot Regenerative-dose protocol has been developed for fine-grained quartz OSL dating of Chinese loess. Its reliability has been assessed on the basis of the methodology and by dating reference samples of known age close to the transition from the last interglacial paleosol (S 1 ) to the last glacial loess (L 1 ), which corresponds to the Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (MIS) 5/4 transition. On the basis of the fine-grained quartz OSL-age estimates for 33 loess samples from the upper part of the Luochuan profile, a detailed chronostratigraphy of continuous dust accumulation in the past 130ka has been proposed. Changes in the accumulation rate occurred during the last glacial period (MIS 4 to MIS 2); unexpectedly, high accumulation rates were found in the weakly developed L 1–2(S) paleosol of the last interstadial (MIS 3), rather than in the classic L 1–1 and L 1–3 loess of the cold–dry glacial condition (MIS 2 and 4). The OSL ages show some disagreement with the previous numerical chronology for the loess–paleosol sequence based on correlation of variations in grain size with sedimentation rate; the latter method resulted in an almost constant accumulation rate from 72 to 12ka.
[38] Zhou L P, Dodonov A E, Shackleton N J.

Thermoluminescence dating of the Orkutsay loess section in Tashkent region, Uzbekistan, Central Asia

[J]. Quaternary Science Reviews, 1995, 14(7): 721-730.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

The chronology of loess in Central Asia was investigated by means of thermoluminescence dating (TL) in the 1970s, when age estimates ranging from 20 ka to over 800 ka were taken as providing an absolute chronology. This has caused major misinterpretation of Central Asian loess stratigraphy and palaeoclimatic reconstruction. We present a new TL study of a loess section at Orkutsay in the Tashkent Region, Uzbekistan. Nine samples spreading over a large stratigraphic interval yield apparent TL ages ranging from 20 ka to 134 ka. We interpret our TL results with reference to recent TL dating studies of loess from other regions. We consider most of our TL age estimates obtained by the regeneration method to be underestimated. A single TL date of 92.8 ka obtained by the total bleach method for loess just below the first pedocomplex (PC 1) of the last interglacial is also significantly younger than expected. We attribute the underestimation to sensitivity change induced by the laboratory optical bleach and instability of the TL signal. We conclude that the current TL techniques as employed in this study cannot provide a reliable absolute chronology for the sequence below PC 1 and cannot provide even a relative chronology for the loess below PC2. For the Orkutsay section the dating limit is around 130 ka. The results of this study suggest that the previous Central Asian loess chronology based on early TL studies is not valid.
[39] Zhou L P, Fu D P, Zhang J F.

An analysis of the components of the luminescence signals of selected polymineral and quartz samples from loess in western China and southern Tajikistan, and their suitability for optical dating

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2010, 5(2): 149-153.

DOI      URL      摘要

Previous luminescence dating studies on loess from China and Tajikistan have focused on the establishment of the regional chronology of the loess sequences. In order to improve the precision and accuracy of optical ages derived from the loess of the last glacial period in these regions, we have examined the components of luminescence signals in three loess samples from western China and southern Tajikistan. Our results show that the polymineral IRSL and post-IR OSL, and quartz OSL signals from loess of the two regions are represented by three components, which display different bleaching and growth characteristics. While the composition of the polymineral IRSL signals is similar between samples with the same age from the two regions, in the case of quartz there is significant discrepancy in the proportion of the fast and medium components of the OSL signals. Greater difference is observed in the composition of the polymineral post-IR OSL signals for the loess from the two regions. The three components of polymineral IRSL signals yield almost identical equivalent dose values as that derived from the total IRSL signal. An apparent agreement in equivalent dose is observed between the fast component of the polymineral post-IR OSL and the quartz OSL for the loess of western China but not in the loess of the same age from southern Tajikistan. The fast component of the quartz OSL yields an equivalent dose 25% higher than that based on the total signal for the sample from the base of the Late Pleistocene loess in southern Tajikistan. This demonstrates the importance of signal selection for an accurate luminescence dating of Central Asian loess.
[40] Frechen M, Kehl M, Rolf C, et al.

Loess chronology of the Caspian Lowland in Northern Iran

[J]. Quaternary International, 2009, 198(1): 220-233.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

The loess/palaeosol sequences of the Caspian Lowland in Northern Iran provide detailed archives of climate and environmental change showing a close relationship to global cooling and warming trends for the Quaternary period. The magnitude of these changes is under discussion owing to uncertainties in the chronologies for individual sites. A chronological frame was set up for the last glacial loess record for three Upper Pleistocene key sections by infrared optically stimulated luminescence (IRSL). In the Caspian Lowland, IRSL dating gives reliable ages for sediments covering at least the past 60聽ka. However, for sediments older than 60聽ka, a significant age underestimation is likely. The first strongly developed buried Bt/Bwt horizons or pedocomplexes at the three sections under study correlate most likely with the last interglacial (MIS 5). At least four periods of increased sediment accumulation were determined for the last glacial period intercalated by periods of weak soil formation. The loess/palaeosol sequences in Northern Iran recorded coeval and similar major climatic changes as in South-Eastern Central Europe and Central Asia.
[41] Li G Q, Rao Z G, Duan Y W, et al.

Paleoenvironmental changes recorded in a luminescence dated loess/paleosol sequence from the Tianshan Mountains, arid Central Asia, since the Penultimate Glaciation

[J]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2016, 448(15): 1-12.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 5]      摘要

Mid-latitude arid central Asia (ACA) is one of the driest regions in the world and is a key source area of global atmospheric dust. Loess records of paleoclimatic changes in ACA are complex and interpretations are problematic due primarily to the lack of robust chronologies. Quartz OSL and K-feldspar pIRIR dating methods were employed to date 8 quartz and 30 K-feldspar samples from a 30 m loess sequence (BYH10 section) on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains, central ACA, northwest China. The reliability of quartz and K-feldspar ages was monitored by internal checks of luminescence characteristics and by comparison of the quartz and K-feldspar ages. The section lithology, proxy indexes of grain size and magnetic susceptibility, and the high resolution OSL chronology together indicate: (1) Quartz OSL dating can be used to date ACA loess samples less than 40 ka, while K-feldspar pIRIR dating is reliable for loess samples at least as old as 鈭150 ka from ACA; (2) Aeolian loess began to be deposited on the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains beginning at least 鈭145 ka ago, and was deposited primarily during the penultimate and last glaciation periods; (3) Rapid loess deposition occurred during MIS 6, MIS 4 to early-mid MIS 3, and MIS 2, but little or no loess deposition occurred during MIS 5, MIS 3a and MIS 1; (4) This loess depositional sequence is comparable to previously published stalagmite growth records in the region on glacial-interglacial cycles. Rapid dust deposition and lack of stalagmite growth during glacials, and lack of loess deposition and stalagmite growth during interglacials, indicate a climatic pattern of wet-warm (interglacial) and dry-cold (glacial) climatic regimes on orbital cycles in ACA; (5) Variation in the loess deposition rates in ACA was much larger than in the central loess plateau during the last glaciation; (6) Depositional hiatuses of >50 kyr occur in ACA loess sequences, and high resolution chronologies are needed when reconstructing past climatic changes.
[42] Kang S G, Wang X L, Lu Y C, et al.

A high-resolution quartz OSL chronology of the Talede loess over the past ~30 ka and its implications for dust accumulation in the Ili Basin, Central Asia

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2015, 30: 181-187.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 5]      摘要

61A fine-grained quartz SAR OSL chronology of the Talede loess over the past 3002ka.61Age discrepancy of14C when compared with quartz OSL.61Potential of fine-grained quartz OSL dating of Central Asian loess.61Rapid dust accumulation during the LGM.61Slow but increasing dust accumulation during the Holocene.
[43] Zhao H, Li S H, Li B, et al.

Holocene climate changes in westerly-dominated areas of central Asia: Evidence from optical dating of two loess sections in Tianshan Mountain, China

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2015, 30: 188-193.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 10]      摘要

Optical dating was applied to two loess-paleosol sections (Lujiaowan and Shuixigou) from the northern piedmont of Tianshan Mountain, Xinjiang province, China. The two sections are over 20002km apart and have a similar depositional sequence, which consists of two paleosol layers embedded by one loess layer. Two difficulties were met in optical dating. First, because the sections are located on the slope of the mountain, it was found that some cliff debris, with coarse grains (>20002μm), were mixed with the eolian sediments by rainfall, especially in the paleosol layers. Second, the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signals of quartz grains from the deposits were too dim to obtain a reliable equivalent dose (De). The 63–9002μm K-feldspar grains were separated to decrease the debris portion, and they yielded bright infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) signals. A multiple-elevated-temperature post-IR IRSL (MET-pIRIR) procedure was applied to determine De. Comparing the optical dating ages of the two sections, the Lujiaowan (LJW) and Shuixigou (SXG) sections recorded almost the same depositional process during the Holocene. The ages of the two loess layers (2.44–3.3802ka at LJW; 2.47–4.3602ka at SXG) suggested that one drought event happened widely in this westerly dominated area. The same drought event 2.5–3.502ka ago also happened in the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP), where the summer monsoon dominated. However, the paleosol development period (6.6–402ka) in the study area was distinguished from the monsoon dominated area (8–402ka), which suggests an arid early Holocene in the westerly area.
[44] Frechen M, Dodonov A E.

Loess chronology of the middle and upper Pleistocene in Tadjikistan

[J]. Geologische Rundschau, 1998, 87(1): 2-20.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 6]      摘要

The loess/paleosol sequences of Central Asia are continuous terrestrial records of the Quaternary period and enable detailed comparison with paleoclimatic archives such as marine and ice core records in order to reconstruct regional and global paleoclimatic and paleoecological development during the past 130 000 years. Thermoluminescence (TL) and infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) dating methods are applied to the extensively studied loess/paleosol sequence of the section at Darai Kalon/Chashmanigar, Tadjikistan, in order to determine a more accurate chronological framework and climatostratigraphic reconstruction for the last interglacial/glacial cycle. Luminescence dating suggests that the loess above the first pedocomplex from the top, PC1, accumulated during the last glacial period. A high accumulation rate of up to 1.20m per 1000 years was determined for the last glacial loess, especially for the uppermost 5-8m. PC1 formed during the last interglacial period (oxygen-isotope stage 5). The loess between PC1 and PC2 is designated to be of penultimate glacial deposition age. Infrared stimulated luminescence and TL age estimates are in agreement to 80 000 years before present (BP), indicating a long-distance transport of the aeolian dust prior to deposition. The upper numerical age-limit range is between 300 000 and 450 000 years. However, reliable dating of the loess older than 130 000 years is not possible due to age scatter between samples and an inadequate increase of paleodose with depth. This high-resolution dating study underlines the importance of the section at Darai Kalon and indicates that it is one of the most continuous loess/paleosol records of the Northern Hemisphere. The chronological results are particularly important for the reconstruction of the human evolution in Central Asia, suggesting much older age estimates than previously obtained for most of the archeological key sites associated with PC5 and PC4 in Tadjikistan.
[45] Machalett B, Frechen M, Hambach U, et al.

The loess sequence from Remisowka (northern boundary of the Tien Shan Mountains, Kazakhstan) Part I: Luminescence dating

[J]. Quaternary International, 2006, 152(3):192-201.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Similar to the Chinese loess, the loess deposits surrounding the high mountain regions of Central Asia play an important role in understanding the climate and environmental change during the Pleistocene in Eurasia. Despite their thickness and widespread distribution, the loess deposits in southeast Kazakhstan have so far not been investigated in detail. The Remisowka loess-損alaeosol sequence is located in the vicinity of the North Tien Shan Mountains at an altitude of 1070聽m above sea level. In the profile under study nine loess layers were distinguished, intercalated by eight pedocomplexes and so indicating a similar cyclicity like the loess-損alaeosol sequences in Central Asia and China. At the Remisowka section, 12 loess samples were taken to set up a more reliable chronological model for the section, using a luminescence dating approach. Polymineral fine grains were investigated by infrared optically stimulated luminescence applying the multiple aliquot additive dose protocol. Preliminary fading experiments were carried out for one sample taken from the uppermost loess layer. While the results of the uppermost layer are in agreement with geological age estimates and indicate a correlation to the Late Glacial, age underestimation is very likely for the samples below the first weak palaeosol. No significant age increase with depth was recognised. The reason for this age underestimation is not yet fully understood but could be related to anomalous fading. Further methodological approaches are necessary as well as a combination of different chronometric techniques for improvement of the results.
[46] Yang S L, Forman S L, Song Y G, et al.

Evaluating OSL-SAR protocols for dating quartz grains from the loess in Ili Basin, Central Asia

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2014, 20(2): 78-88.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 9]      摘要

61OSL ages show loess in the Ili Basin, China was deposited ca. 70 to 1402ka ago.61Equivalent dose values show high overdispersion (38–66%), thus we use Maximum Age Model.61Overall OSL ages for Basin provide more credible chronology than 14C ages.
[47] Li Y, Song Y G, Lai Z P, et al.

Rapid and cyclic dust accumulation during MIS 2 in Central Asia inferred from loess OSL dating and grain size analysis

[J]. Scientific Report, 2016, 6: 32365. DOI: 10.1038/srep32365.

URL      PMID      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Abstract Due to lack of reliable proxies from the Westerlies-dominant region, the strength change of Northern Hemisphere Westerlies remains poorly understood. The aim of this study is to provide a reliable paleoclimatic proxy about the Northern Hemisphere Westerlies change. Here we report a 30.7芒聙聣m thick loess section from the Ili basin directly controlled by the Westerlies. Based on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and high resolution grain-size records, we reconstruct the change history of the Westerlies strength during the last glacial period (mainly Marine Isotope Stages 2, MIS2), being similar with the Westerlies index recorded in the Qinghai Lake sediments. Within error limits, all ages are in stratigraphic order. We further compare the climatic records among the Ili loess, Qinghai Lake and the NGRIP, their similarity shows a good climatic coupling relationship among the Central Asia, East Asia and the North Atlantic, and the Westerlies plays a critical influence in transporting the North Atlantic signal to Central and East Asia.
[48] Li G Q, Wen L J, Xia D S, et al.

Quartz OSL and K-feldspar pIRIR dating of a loess/paleosol sequence from arid central Asia, Tianshan Mountains, NW China

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2015, 28: 40-53.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 5]      摘要

61K-feldspar pIRIR 17002°C signal can be used to date Holocene loess in ACA.61The K-feldspar pIRIR ages are consistent with their corresponding quartz OSL ages.61Loess deposition started 651602ka ago with paleosol formation between 65602ka and present.61ACA was arid during the early Holocene and humid during the mid-late Holocene.
[49] Youn J H, Seong Y B, Choi J H, et al.

Loess deposits in the northern Kyrgyz Tien Shan: Implications for the paleoclimate reconstruction during the Late Quaternary

[J]. Catena, 2014, 117: 81-93.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 8]      摘要

Loess deposits on the northern slopes of the Kyrgyz Tien Shan were examined. Their particle size characteristics show silt size dominancy (>聽80%) with minor contribution from sand (12%) and clay (7%). The loess was dated using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon methods to define the timing of deposition. The OSL ages of fine and coarse quartz fractions were consistent with each other within 2蟽 uncertainty level, except several samples deposited during MIS 2. Based on the OSL ages, four major loess depositional periods are recognized in the northern Kyrgyz Tien Shan during the Late Quaternary: the Holocene, MIS 2, MIS 3, and MIS 4. The rate of dust accumulation in the northern Tien Shan during MIS 2 was greater than that during MIS 3 or MIS 4. This implies that cold-揹ry conditions varied significantly during the Late Quaternary in the study area. The accumulation patterns of the Kyrgyz loess deposits in the northern Tien Shan are closely related to climate fluctuations during the Late Quaternary, influenced by changes in the mid-latitude westerlies, Asian summer monsoons, and Siberian High Pressure (SHP) systems, during which there was no significant cessation of deposition.
[50] Lauer T, Frechen M, Vlaminck S, et al.

Luminescence-chronology of the loess palaeosol sequence Toshan, Northern Iran—A highly resolved climate archive for the last glacial-interglacial cycle

[J]. Quaternary International, 2015. DOI:org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.03.045.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

Loess-palaeosol sequences are highly resolved archives for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and build an important link to correlate European and Central Asian loess sequences. For the loess palaeosol sequence at Toshan, Northern Iran, a luminescence-based chronological framework was established. The timing of dust accumulation and soil formation was investigated and thereby information on changes in palaeoenvironmental conditions in the region obtained. For luminescence dating, the 4–11μm grain size fraction was used and the pIRIR 290 approach was applied to polyminerals. Tests concerning bleachability, dose recovery and anomalous fading were conducted. The results show that residual doses have only minor influence on the determination of the equivalent dose. The Eemian (MIS 5e) soil seems to be preserved but a chronological classification based on luminescence ages for this soil remains difficult. The pIRIR 290 age estimates from the lower part of the profile range from 104±9 to 127±8ka. Luminescence ages from the central profile-part point to an increase in dust accumulation starting around the MIS 4/MIS 3 transition. Furthermore, a chronological framework for interstadial soils was developed indicating e.g. soil formation at around 40ka during MIS 3 and 26ka during MIS 2. The top part of the profile was dated to about 22ka. The age estimates show that the Toshan loess profile is a highly resolved loess record providing a valuable climate archive for the last glacial–interglacial cycle reflecting several climatic shifts represented by dust accumulation or enhanced degrees of soil formation (stadials and interstadials).
[51] Janos Hormata.Central Asian Civilization History[M]. Beijing:China Translation and Publishing Corporation, 2002.

[本文引用: 1]     

[哈尔马塔. 中亚文明史[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2002.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[52] Hu Zhenhua.

Central-Asia and the Central-Asia studies

[J]. Journal of the Central University for Nationalities (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2005, 32(5): 47-53.

[本文引用: 1]     



[J]. 中央民族大学学报:哲学社会科学版, 2005, 32(5): 47-53.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[53] Aizen V B, Aizen E M, Melack J M.

Precipitation, melt and runoff in the northern Tien Shan

[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 1996, 186(1): 229-251.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Precipitation and snow distribution, melt of glaciers and snow, and runoff formation in two basins in the northern Tien Shan are calculated and described. Major climatic features are a spring-summer precipitation maximum occurring simultaneously with ice and snow melt. Precipitation increases with altitude except in winter when an air temperature inversion occurs. Air temperature is a good predictor of glacial melt. Typical hydrographs have two floods: one is formed from melt of seasonal snow cover, and the other is formed from melt of glacial ice. The second flood is usually larger than the first. In mountain basins of the northern Tien Shan direct runoff from rainfall averages about 7-12% of annual volume. The glacial runoff is 18-28% of average annual runoff in basins with area of glaciation not less than 30-40%, but during summer it can increase to 40-70% of average annual runoff. Surface runoff from seasonal snow melt during spring and summer is 18% of average annual runoff, the groundwater component is 34-38% of average annual runoff.
[54] Hu Ruji.Physical Geography of the Tianshan Mountains in China[M].Beijing:China EnvironmentaI Science Press,2004.

[胡汝骥. 中国天山自然地理[M].北京:中国环境科学出版社,2004.]

[55] Dodonov A E.

Loess records|Central Asia—Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science

[J]. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, 2007, 26: 1 418-1 429.

[本文引用: 3]     

[56] Ye Wei.

Characteristics of physical environment and conditions of loess formation in Yili area, Xinjiang

[J]. Arid Land Geography, 1999, 22(3): 9-16.

[本文引用: 1]     



[J].干旱区地理, 1999, 22(3): 9-16.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[57] Ye Wei.The Characteristics and Paleaoclimate of Loess Deposits in Westerly Area[M].Beijing:Ocean Press,2001.

[本文引用: 2]     

[叶玮. 新疆西风区黄土沉积特征与古气候[M].北京:海洋出版社, 2001.]

[本文引用: 2]     

[58] Lateef A S A.

Distribution, Provenance, Age and Paleoclimatic Record of the Loess in Central North Iran

[M]. Eden D N, Furkert R I, eds. Loess-Its Distribution, Geology and Soil. Rotterdam, Balkema, 1988: 93-101.DOI:10.13140/2.1.3244.834.

[本文引用: 1]     

[59] Asadi S, Moore F, Keshavarzi B, et al.

The nature and provenance of Golestan loess deposits in northeast Iran

[J]. Geological Journal, 2012, 48(6): 646-660.

DOI      URL      摘要

Mineralogical, textural, geochemical, and weathering characteristics of loess deposits in Golestan province of Iran suggest that they are mostly derived from felsic igneous rocks and are related to Quaternary palaeoclimate. Whole-rock analyses indicate heavy minerals such as zircon, tourmaline and phyllosillicate minerals (e.g. muscovite, chlorite, illite) exert a significant control on the chemical composition. The loess samples display uniform chemical composition, indicative of similar alteration history. Chemical index of alteration suggests a weak to moderate degree of weathering in a felsic source area. Scanning electron micrographs of quartz grains reveal abundant silt-sized quartz particles, a result of glacial grinding during the Late Pleistocene in Central Asia. Subsequently, these silt particles were transported from Central Asia to their depositional site by wind and paraglacial processes. Local topography of northeast Iran (Alborz Mountains) acted as a major barrier, entrapping the airborne particles on the plains of Golestan province. Copyright 漏 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[60] Kehl M, Sarvati R, Ahmadi H, et al.

Loess paleosol-sequences along a climatic gradient in Northern Iran

[J]. Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, 2005, 55(1): 149-173.

URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Im südlichen Kaspischen Tiefland und seinen umliegenden Gebieten treten L02sse in verschiedenen geomorphologischen Positionen entlang eines rezenten Klimagradienten von subhumiden zu semiariden Verh01ltnissen auf. Drei L02ss-Pal01obodenabfolgen werden beschrieben, die im n02rdlichen Vorgebirge des Alborz (Profile Neka und Now Deh) und im L02sshügelland n02rdlich Gondbad-e Kavus (Profil Agh Band) aufgeschlossen sind. Das Profil Neka besteht aus feink02rnigem L02ss, der von zwei kr01ftig entwickelten Pal01obodenkomplexen aus Bwk-, Bt- und AhBt-Horizonten durchzogen wird. Erste Lumineszenzdatierungen weisen darauf hin, dass der obere Pedokomplex w01hrend der Sauerstoff-Isotopen-Stadien (OIS) 5a und/oder 5c gebildet wurde, w01hrend der untere das OIS 5e oder ein 01lteres Interglazial repr01sentieren k02nnte. Neun hell braune oder dunkel braune bis r02tlich-braune Pal01ob02den (CBk-, Bwk- und Bt-Horizonte) des L02sses bei Now Deh spiegeln unterschiedliche Verwitterungsintensit01ten von Interglazialen und Interstadialen des Mittleren bis Oberen Pleistoz01ns wider. W01hrend der obere Bt-Horizont von Now Deh wahrscheinlich mit dem OIS 5e korreliert, bilden die unteren Bt-Horizonte einen Pedokomplex, der das Interglazial des OIS 7 repr01sentiert. Die Pedo-komplexe in Neka und Now Deh weisen jeweils auf polyzyklische Bodenentwicklung hin, die Bodenbildung, Bodenabtrag, L02ssaufwehung und erneute Bodenbildung umfasste. In den L02sshügeln bei Agh Band bedeckt ein 40 m m01chtiges, weitgehend homogenes, gipshaltiges und feinsand- sowie grobschluffreiches L02sspaket einen braunen Pal01ob02den (Bw(t)), der vermutlich in das letzte Interglazial zu stellen ist. Die beschriebenen L02ss-Pal01obodenabfolgen dokumentieren den mehrfachen Wechsel von trocken-kalten zu feucht-warmen Klimaverh01ltnissen mit L02ssablagerung bzw. Bodenbildung. Sie stellen ausgezeichnete terrestrische Archive des quart01ren Klima- und Umweltwandels Nordirans dar.
[61] Buylaert J P, Vandenberghe D, Murray A S, et al.

Luminescence dating of old (>70 ka) Chinese loess: A comparison of single-aliquot OSL and IRSL techniques

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2007, 2(1): 9-14.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[62] Stevens T, Lu H Y,

Thomas D S G, et al. Optical dating of abrupt shifts in the late Pleistocene East Asian monsoon

[J]. Geology, 2008, 36(5): 415-418.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Chinese loess is regarded as one of the most detailed and complete terrestrial archives of late Cenozoic climate change. However, high-resolution optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates presented here reveal that the suborbital chronological framework of Chinese loess used in many previous climate reconstructions requires reassessment. Chronological uncertainty of as much as 10-15 k.y. for the late Pleistocene is largely a result of the widespread use of nonradiometric dating techniques that fail to account for site-specific depositional conditions associated with loess emplacement and diagenesis. OSL-based age models that account for these processes are used to examine detailed records of past sedimentation, as well as grain size and magnetic susceptibility proxies for late Pleistocene East Asian monsoon variation. Abrupt shifts in monsoon proxies occur over 10(2)-10(3) yr time scales, potentially forced by a variety of factors and influenced by site location and site-specific changes in sedimentation.
[63] Frechen M.

Loess in Europe

[J]. E & G Quaternary Science Journal, 2011, 60(1): 3-5.

[本文引用: 1]     

[64] Thiel C, Horváth E, Frechen M.

Revisiting the loess/palaeosol sequence in Paks, Hungary: A post-IR IRSL based chronology for the ‘Young Loess Series’

[J]. Quaternary International, 2014, 319(5): 88-98.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In Hungary, many loess/palaeosol sequences have been found to be discontinuous. In order to allow for correlations with other Quaternary records, reliable chronologies are needed. We therefore apply post-IR infrared (IR) stimulated luminescence (post-IR IRSL; pIRIR 290 ) dating to the uppermost 20m of the loess sequence at Paks. The pIRIR 290 ages are compared with blue quartz OSL ages to test for potential age overestimation due to poor signal re-setting, and the observed good agreement is taken to imply that the more difficult to bleach pIRIR 290 signal was reset prior to deposition. Our pIRIR 290 based chronology reveals that most of the Late Pleistocene loess was deposited during marine isotope stage (MIS) 3 and during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). This is in disagreement with formerly published ages. The discrepancy can most likely be explained by anomalous fading (resulting in an age underestimate); this conclusion is supported by our uncorrected ‘standard’ IRSL ages. We further confirm that the Basaharc Double soil complex can be correlated with MIS 7; the underlying loess and soils cannot be dated accurately because the pIRIR 290 signal approaches saturation.
[65] Forman S L, Pierson J.

Late Pleistocene luminescence chronology of loess deposition in the Missouri and Mississippi River valleys, United States

[J]. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2002, 186(1): 25-46.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The loess stratigraphy of the mid-continental U.S. is an important proxy record for the advance of the North American ice sheet into the catchment of the Mississippi, Missouri and Ohio rivers. One of the most outstanding problems is deciphering the age of the loess deposits in this area during the Late Pleistocene. We used multiple-aliquot additive dose procedures under infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and single aliquot regeneration (SAR) protocols to resolve ages of loess at the Loveland Silt type locality, Iowa, the Pleasant Grove School section, Illinois, and the Bonfils Quarry section, Missouri. Radiocarbon dated levels in the Peoria Loess and Roxana Silt were used to test the accuracy of the IRSL and SAR methods. SAR on polymineral and quartz extracts yielded underestimates in age by 20–55%, whereas IRSL gave concordant ages to the 14 C control and was used to date the loess sequences. The oldest loess, the Bonfils Silt, gave IRSL ages between 159 and 264 ka and are considered non-finite estimates because the luminescence response was near saturation with additive β dose. The Loveland Silt at the type locality exhibited considerable luminescence in growth with additive β dose and yielded the mean age of 159±14 ka ( n =4). The Teneriffe Silt gave a mean IRSL age of 93±5 ka ( n =4) which, overlaps at two σ with a previous TL age and indicates deposition sometime between 100 and 80 ka. The Roxana Silt yielded stratigraphically consistent IRSL ages between ca. 60 and 30 ka. Luminescence and radiocarbon dating indicate that there were four distinct periods of loess deposition in the Mississippi and Missouri river basins at ca. 180–140 ka, 100–80 ka, 60–30 ka, and 25–12 ka which are concordant with periods of meltwater input to the Gulf of Mexico, another proxy of glaciation in mid-continental North America.
[66] Berger G W.

Luminescence chronology of late pleistocene loess-paleosol and tephra sequences near Fairbanks, Alaska

[J]. Quaternary Research, 2003, 60(1):70-83.

DOI      URL      摘要

Thermoluminescence (TL) and infrared-stimulated luminescence (IRSL) sediment-dating methods have been applied to paleosol- and tephra-bearing loess sequences younger than marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 7 at three important sites. TL ages indicate the development of significant paleosols 09080475,000 and 09080430,000 yr ago in the loess sequence at the Gold Hill site. Relatively minor soil development occurred 09080470,000 and 09080448,000 yr ago. Like the 09080475,000-yr-old soil, the 30,000-yr-old soil is apparently of global extent, and consistent in timing with inferred warm intervals elsewhere (e.g., Greenland, Europe, western and central China). At Birch Hill, replicate TL dating of primary loess combined with two earlier TL results from the same site, and with an earlier mean fission-track-glass-shard age of 140,000 00± 10,000 yr for the associated Old Crow tephra, yield a more precise numeric age of 142,300 00± 6600 yr for this Alaska/Yukon chronostratigraphic marker ash bed. Three of the TL ages at the Halfway House site are difficult to interpret, but combined with other evidence, they indicate: (1) the upper 50900096 m of loess from Halfway House is not part of the Gold Hill Loess (equivalent to pre-MIS 5 age) as long thought by T.L. P0108w0108, but rather is much younger; (2) the regionally significant variegated tephra, found in the Fairbanks and Klondike areas and previously thought to be older than MIS 5, has an age of 77,800 00± 4100 yr (late MIS 5).
[67] Miao X D, Hanson P R, Wang H, et al.

Timing and origin for sand dunes in the Green River Lowland of Illinois, upper Mississippi River Valley, USA

[J]. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2010, 29(5): 763-773.

DOI      URL      摘要

OSL and radiocarbon ages also indicate that dunes were reactivated during the early, middle and late Holocene. Some eolian activation occurred within well-defined dry intervals in the upper Midwest, suggesting that increased aridity may have been the primary driver in mobilizing sand. However, many ages do not correspond to drier periods. In contrast to the relative coherency of the Pleistocene OSL ages from multiple study sites, the Holocene OSL ages do not overlap from one site to another, suggesting that increased aridity alone cannot explain the multiple phases of dune reactivation in the Holocene. Therefore, we conclude that the combined effect of localized disturbances and greater aridity acted in concert to increase eolian sand activity in the Holocene. The multiple periods of eolian activity during the Holocene suggest a high potential for future sand activation in the region, and these results are informative for environmental prediction and potential future mitigation.
[68] Muhs D R, Cattle S R, Crouvi O, et al.

Loess records

[M]∥Mineral Dust. Netherlands: Springer,2014.

[本文引用: 1]     

[69] Cao G C, Long H, Zhang J R, et al.

Quartz OSL dating of last glacial sand dunes near Lanzhou on the western Chinese Loess Plateau: A comparison between different granulometric fractions

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2012, 10: 32-36.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating technique is a reliable method to determine the ages of sand dune sediments. While it seems logical to assume that for these windblown materials (such as sand dune sediments) grains from different sized fractions are suitable for optical dating and would yield identical ages, this was not previously explicitly demonstrated yet. In this study, six samples were selected from the sand dunes intercalated in loess strata near Lanzhou, western Chinese Loess Plateau, and different grain-size quartz fractions (e.g. 38–6302μm, 90–15002μm, 150–20002μm, 200–25002μm and 250–30002μm) were extracted to compare the OSL ages of different grain-size quartz. The results show that: (1) quartz OSL ages derived from different grain-size fractions produce identical ages within errors, confirming that the ages resulting from both coarse silt-sized (or middle grain of 38–6302μm) and sand-sized (90–30002μm) quartz can represent the periods of sand dune accumulation; (2) the OSL ages of the selected sand dune samples fall into ca. 28–1802ka, suggesting that the sand dune accumulation occurred during the marine isotope stage 2 (MIS 2) in current study area, which might imply regional increased aridity on the western Chinese Loess Plateau.
[70] Kang S G, Wang X L, Lu Y C.

Quartz OSL chronology and dust accumulation rate changes since the Last Glacial at Weinan on the southeastern Chinese Loess Plateau

[J]. Boreas, 2013, 42(4): 815-829.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The fine-grained (4–1165μm) quartz Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating technique was applied to the Weinan section on the southeastern Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) with a high luminescence sampling resolution (10- and 20-cm intervals). Fifty-eight OSL ages, spanning c. 1–7465ka, were obtained for the 10-m loess–palaeosol sequences. The reliability of the OSL dating and the constructed chronology was confirmed by comparing the OSL ages with independent dates from other studies and by correlation with palaeoclimatic time series. The closely spaced OSL ages at Weinan indicate that the mean dust accumulation rate (DAR) of L1–1 (MIS 2, 7.0±0.965cm65ka611) is lower than those of L1–3 (MIS 4, 19.1±6.165cm65ka611) and L1–2 (MIS 3, 16.0±0.765cm65ka611) and that the mean DAR61c. 30–2065ka ago (11.4±2.465cm65ka611) is higher than that c. 20–1065ka ago (3.0±0.165cm65ka611) in L1–1. The subsequent calculation of the mass accumulation rate (MAR) indicates that the MAR of L1–1 (10765g65m61265a611) is much lower than those of L1–2 (24765g65m61265a611) and L1–3 (30765g65m61265a611). By comparing the mean DAR results during the Last Glacial at Weinan with those at a further six sites from other studies, we observed that the mean DAR of L1–2 is higher (lower) than that of L1–1 on the eastern (western) CLP, and that the mean DAR during MIS 2 has an evident transition from high to low at c. 2065ka on the entire CLP. Possible mechanisms for the above mean DAR changes at orbital and sub-orbital time scales are presented.
[71] Li Chuanxiang, Song Yougui, Qian Linbo, et al.

The history of climate change recorded by the grain size at the Zhaosu loess section in the central Asia since the last glacial period

[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2011, 29(6): 1 170-1 179.

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[李传想, 宋友桂, 千琳勃, .


[J]. 沉积学报, 2011, 29(6): 1 170-1 179.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

对处于西风区的中亚昭苏黄土进行了粒度分析,重建了末次冰期以来的气候环境变化历史。粒度分析表明,昭苏黄土粉砂粒级含量最高,平均含量接近78%,黏土粒级次之,砂粒含量最低,具有典型的风尘堆积特征。剖面粒径〉63μm含量变化能与格陵兰冰芯进行良好对比,记录了Heinrich事件和Younger Dryas冷事件及D-O旋回等具有全球意义的气候波动事件,揭示中亚地区末次冰期以来的气候变化具有全球特征。
[72] Sawakuchi A O, Blair M W, Dewitt R, et al.

Thermal history versus sedimentary history: OSL sensitivity of quartz grains extracted from rocks and sediments

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2011, 6(2): 261-272.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) sensitivity of quartz has a significant influence on luminescence dating procedures. Furthermore, identifying the natural controls of quartz OSL sensitivity is an important step towards new applications of OSL in geology such as provenance tracing. We evaluate the OSL sensitivity (total and the proportion of the informally assigned fast, medium and slow components) of single grains of quartz extracted from 10 different igneous and metamorphic rocks with known formation conditions; and from fluvial and coastal sediments with different sedimentary histories and known source rocks. This sample suite allows assessment of the variability of the OSL sensitivity of single quartz grains with respect to their primary origin and sedimentary history. We observed significant variability in the OSL sensitivity of grains within all studied rock and sediment samples, with the brightest grains of each sample being those dominated by the fast component. Quartz from rocks formed under high temperature (>500掳C) conditions, such as rhyolites and metamorphic rocks from the amphibolite facies, display higher OSL sensitivity. The OSL sensitivity of fluvial sediments which have experienced only a short transport distance is relatively low. These sediments show a small increase in OSL sensitivity downstream, mainly due to a decreasing fraction of -渄im- grains. The quartz grains from coastal sands present very high sensitivity and variability, which is consistent with their long sedimentary history. The high variability of the OSL sensitivity of quartz from coastal sands is attributed more to the mixture of grains with distinct sedimentary histories than to the provenance from many types of source rocks. The temperature of crystallization and the number of cycles of burial and solar exposure are suggested as the main natural factors controlling the OSL sensitivity of quartz grains. The increase in OSL sensitivity due to cycles of erosion and deposition surpasses the sensitivity inherited from the source rock, with this increase being mainly related to the sensitization of fast OSL components. The discrimination of grains with different sedimentary histories through their OSL sensitivities can allow the development of quantitative provenance methods based on quartz.
[73] Moreno E.

An assessment of the luminescence sensitivity of Australian quartz with respect to sediment history

[J]. Geochronometria, 2011, 38(3): 199-208.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study provides a preliminary systematic characterisation of OSL sensitivity, with respect to sediment history, of single grains of Australian quartz from a variety of source rocks and depositional contexts. Samples from two distinct lithologies and with relatively short modern sedimentary histories were compared in an examination of the influence of rock type on OSL sensitivity. Sediments derived from weathered sandstone were found to be brighter than those from metamorphosed schists, suggesting that sensitivity may be inherited from the source rock and its earlier sedimentary history. Secondly, quartz from the same source, but different modes of deposition, was compared to assess the effect on sensitivity of nature of exposure to light during the most recent bleaching event. Quartz grain sensitivity appears not to vary depending on the mode of sediment deposition, suggesting that the nature of exposure to light during deposition is less important in the sensitisation process. This study highlights the complexity and variety of natural sedimentary quartz, demonstrating the limitations of an investigation based solely on OSL sensitivity. Further systematic investigation into the physical, geological and geomorphological characteristics of sediments is proposed to better understand the mechanisms of luminescence sensitisation in quartz.
[74] Li S H.

Identification of well-bleached grains in the optical dating of quartz

[J]. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2001, 20(12): 1 365-1 370.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A simple means of identifying poorly bleached samples is proposed for the dating of quartz using the single-aliquot additive-dose optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) protocol. For a well-bleached sample, it is shown that the equivalent dose ( D e ) does not change with the ratio of the natural OSL from a brief (0.1聽s) stimulation to the 110掳C thermoluminescence from a subsequent small test dose. In contrast, in a poorly bleached sample, the D e increases strongly at higher values of the ratio. These observations suggest that this ratio can be used as an indicator of whether or not a sample is well bleached. The OSL/TL ratio is also likely to be sensitive to such factors as thermal history and feldspar contamination.
[75] Fan T L, Fan Y X, Zhao H,et al.

Investigations on the degree of bleaching of quartz OSL signals using modern aeolian dust from western Loess Plateau, China

[J]. Geochronometria, 2013, 40(3): 165-176.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Optically Stimulated Luminescence signal of quartz extracted from modern aeolian dust with known maximum age (about decades) was analyzed in terms of degree of bleaching. The results of dose recovery tests show that the modified double single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol with the early background subtraction is robust for dating these modern dusts using small aliquots. Bleaching of these dusts is discussed based on the distribution of De values in histograms, scatter plots of D e versus sensitivity corrected natural OSL signal and comparison between measured D e and expected D e . The results indicate that most dusts were completely bleached but some dusts were not completely bleached. For those incompletely bleached dusts in Lanzhou area, the maximum OSL age overestimation is up to 鈭1 ka, which might be caused by fast deposition accompanied by heavy sand/dust storms. The research suggests that cautions should be given to OSL ages younger than 1 ka in the western China close to deserts.
[76] Constantin D, Cameni A, Panaiotu C, et al.

Fine and coarse-quartz SAR-OSL dating of Last Glacial loess in Southern Romania

[J]. Quaternary International, 2015, 357(30): 33-43.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Previous single aliquot regenerative optically stimulated luminescence (SAR-OSL) dating studies of representative loess sections in southeastern Romania revealed severe discrepancies among the ages obtained on fine (4–11μm) and coarse (63–90μm) grains of quartz. The current study aims at expanding these investigations by extending the area of study to the more westerly loess deposits in the Lower Danube Basin. The luminescence properties of the grain sizes of quartz extracted from 18 samples collected from the Last Glacial loess layer at Lunca section (Wallachian Plain) are examined and compared. Investigations confirm the reliability of the SAR-OSL protocol previously applied to Romanian loess (preheat at 220°C for 10s, cutheat at 180°C and elevated temperature OSL). Despite this, the obtained equivalent doses on coarse quartz are higher than those obtained on fine material for most samples, as in the case of our previous studies. These results into fine quartz OSL ages that are significantly lower compared to the coarse quartz age results. However, the ages obtained for the uppermost two samples are in very good agreement. Ages spanning from 19±2 ka to 43±4 ka on fine quartz and from 20±2 ka to 54±6 ka on coarse quartz have been obtained for the loess deposited during Last Glacial period. Based on the fine as well as the coarse quartz chronology significantly low sedimentation rates were computed for the Last Glacial Maximum period and MIS 3. OSL ages and magnetic susceptibility measurements indicate that the loess layer corresponding to the Early Glacial period (MIS 4) is very thin at this site and affected by pedogenesis. Regarding the investigation into the cause of the observed age discrepancy we present evidence through time resolved investigations that the observed behaviour is typical of quartz and cannot be accounted by feldspar contamination. We confirm once more that the growth of the OSL signal in nature does not correspond to the laboratory generated SAR dose response curve that is best described by a sum of two saturating exponential functions. The differences observed between the natural and the laboratory dose response for the two quartz fractions are believed to be a cause for the different chronologies reported.
[77] Fan Y X, Zhao H, Chen F H.

The equivalent dose of different grain size quartz fractions from lakeshore sediments in the arid region of north China

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2010, 5(2): 205-211.

DOI      URL      摘要

Equivalent dose ( D e) values were measured by using medium aliquots of different grain size quartz fractions of five lakeshore sediments from the arid region of north China. There are two different relationships between D e values and grain sizes of these five samples. The first relationship is that the D e02values obtained from various grain sizes are in agreement within 1 delta errors. The second relationship is that D e values are similar to each other for fractions between 125 and 300 μm, while the D e value of the 63–90 μm fraction is 406555% smaller than others. For example, the D e values obtained for sample #3 are 20.15 ± 1.19 Gy, 19.80 ± 0.83 Gy and 20.93 ± 1.06 Gy for fractions of 90–125, 125–150 and 250–300 μm respectively, but are 10.79 ± 0.84 Gy for the 63–90 μm fraction. The second relationship can't be interpreted by previous studies of both dosimetry and heterogeneous bleaching. It is deduced for sample #2, #3 and #6 that fine particles (<90 μm) intruded after the dominant sedimentation. Comparison of OSL ages from different grain size fractions of sample #2 with a radiocarbon age from the same lithologic layer supports that fractions coarser than 125 μm yield more reliable burial ages, while the fraction finer than 90 μm yields underestimated ages for some lakeshore sediments from this arid region.
[78] Bateman M D, Boulter C H, Carr A S,et al.

Detecting post-depositional sediment disturbance in sandy deposits using optical luminescence

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2007, 2(1/4):57-64.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Post-depositional mixing or exhumation is common in surficial sediments, yet may be unobservable from field evidence. However, any disturbance may have significant consquences in terms of establishing a reliable luminescence age determination. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) measurements, particularly measurements at the single grain level, can be used to gain an insight into both contemporary and past post-depositional processes. This paper examines sites from Texas and Florida (USA) with independent chronological control to demonstrate the potential effects of varying degrees of bioturbation on OSL. Results show that contemporary soil forming processes clearly impact on the palaeodose ( D e) replicate distributions which are measured in order to derive an OSL age. Significant levels of scatter and apparently zero dose grains are observed in the upper-most sediments; declining with depth from the surface. D e replicates from undisturbed and fully bleached sediments are unskewed, show low overdispersion (OD) and comparable single grain and single aliquot OSL ages. Bioturbated sediments, however, may show highly skewed multi-model D e distributions with higher OD values, zero dose grains at depth, and significant diffences between single grain and single aliquot results. True burial ages may be derived from minimally bioturbated sediments through the application of statistical analysis such as finite mixture modelling to isolate D e components. However, for significantly bioturbated sediments, the latter approach, even at the single grain level, produces inaccurate ages. In such cases we argue that additional evidence (both dating and contexual) may be required to identify with confidence the burial D e population.
[79] Aitken M J.

Thermoluminescence Dating

[M]. London:Academic press, 1985:76-79.

[本文引用: 3]     

[80] Galbraith R F, Roberts R G.

Statistical aspects of equivalent dose and error calculation and display in OSL dating: An overview and some recommendations

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2012, 11(8):1-27.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

All Quaternary dating methods involve the measurement of one or more variables to estimate the age of a sample. Each measured quantity has an associated error and uncertainty, and may also be subject to natural variation. We review the statistical estimation of such uncertainties and variation for comparing and interpreting age estimates, with specific reference to the estimation of equivalent dose (De) values in the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of sediments. We discuss statistical aspects of OSL signal and background estimation, the determination of De values for multi-grain aliquots and individual mineral grains from the same and different samples, and the extent of variation commonly observed among such estimates. Examples are drawn from geological and archaeological contexts. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of various graphical methods of displaying multiple, independent estimates of De, along with statistical tests and models to compare and appropriately combine them. Many of our recommendations are applicable also to the clear presentation of data obtained using other Quaternary dating methods. We encourage the use of models and methods that are based on well established statistical principles and, ideally, are validated by appropriate numerical simulations; and we discourage the adoption of ad hoc methods developed using a particular set of measurement conditions and tested on a limited number of samples, as these may not be applicable more generally. We emphasise that the choice of statistical models should not be made solely on statistical grounds (or arbitrary rules) but should take into account the broader scientific context of each sample and any additional pertinent information.
[81] Huntley D J, Lamothe M.

Ubiquity of anomalous fading in K-feldspars and the measurement and correction for it in optical dating

[J]. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(7): 1 093-1 106.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[82] Reimann T, Tsukamoto S.

Dating the recent past (<500 years) by post-IR IRSL feldspar-Examples from the North Sea and Baltic Sea coast

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2012, 10(10): 180-187.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[83] Singhvi A K, Bronger A, Pant R K, et al.

Thermoluminescence dating and its implications for the chronostratigraphy of loess-paleosol sequences in the Kashmir Valley (India)

[J]. Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience Section, 1987, 65(1): 45-56.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The Karewa deposits of the tectonic basin of Kashmir in India are overlain by eolian loess. This loess (up to 25 m thick) is divided by several paleosols, which have been recently studied and classified in detail. Thermoluminescence dating of these deposits in conjunction with micromorphological analysis enables the following conclusions:
[84] Bronger A, Pant R K, Singhvi A K.

Pleistocene climatic changes and landscape evolution in the Kashmir Basin, India: Paleopedologic and chronostratigraphic studies

[J]. Quaternary Research, 1987, 27(2): 167-181.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The Kashmir Basin is filled with Pliocene-Pleistocene fluvio-lacustrine sediments. On the flank of the Pir Panjal these sediments, called “Lower Karewas”, are covered with loess deposits up to 25 m thick that contain numerous middle and late Pleistocene paleosols, mostly polygenetic pedocomplexes, which were classified by micromorphological studies. Thermoluminescence dates provide a chronostratigraphy of the late Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequences. On the Himalayan flank, the “Upper Karewas” are covered only with late Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequences. Their base is the last interglacial soil, developed ca. 110,000 ± 10,000 yr B.P. This soil is genetically comparable to the modern soil and, therefore, is thought to have developed under a deciduous forest in a “xeric” soil moisture regime. The loesses of last glacial age on both flanks of the basin contain three humus-rich Ah, mostly Aht, horizons, indicating three warm and mostly humid climatic episodes between ca. 80,000 and 50,000 yr B.P. The middle Pleistocene loesses contain at least four Bwt, or thick Bt, horizons developed during four interglacial periods, having climates similar to the present. Large parts of the Karewa Lake must have lasted until the end of the penultimate glacial age.
[85] Rendell H M.

Environmental changes during the Pleistocene in the Potwar Plateau and Peshawar Basin, northern Pakistan

[J]. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, Part A: Physical Sciences,1988, 54(3): 390-398.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[86] Agrawal D P, Juyal N, Sharma P, et al.

Palaeogeography of the loess deposits of Kashmir

[J].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India, 1988, 54(3): 385-391.

[本文引用: 1]     

[87] Wintle A G.

Anomalous fading of thermo-luminescence in mineral samples

[J]. Nature, 1973, 245(5 421): 143-144.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[88] Buylaert J P, Murray A S, Thomsen K J, et al.

Testing the potential of an elevated temperature IRSL signal from K-feldspar

[J]. Radiation Measurements, 2009, 44(5): 560-565.

DOI      URL      摘要

Thomsen, K.J., Murray, A.S., Jain, M., B03tter-Jensen, L. [2008. Laboratory fading rates of various luminescence signals from feldspar-rich sediment extracts. Radiat. Meas. 43, 1474–1486] have identified a number of feldspar signals which show significantly less anomalous fading than the conventional IRSL signal stimulated at 5002°C and detected in the blue–violet region of the spectrum. One of these was the post-IR IR signal in which first an IR bleach is carried out at a low temperature (e.g. 10002s at 5002°C) and a remaining IRSL signal is measured at an elevated temperature (10002s at 22502°C; detection in the blue–violet region). It is the latter signal that is of interest in this paper. We test such a post-IR IR dating protocol on K-feldspar extracts from a variety of locations and depositional environments and compare the results with those from the conventional IR at 5002°C protocol. Based on laboratory tests (recycling ratio, recuperation, dose recovery) we show that our SAR protocol is suitable for these samples. The observed post-IR IR fading rates (mean g 2days02=021.6202±020.06%/decade, n02=0224; assuming logarithmic fading) are significantly lower than those measured at 5002°C (mean g 2days02=023.2302±020.13%/decade, n02=0224). The signal is bleachable in nature although residual doses of the order of a few Gy are to be expected. After fading correction the ages are indistinguishable from those measured by IR at 5002°C over an age range from a few ka to >26002ka. However, the correction factor for anomalous fading is only 6539% of that of the conventional IR at 5002°C signal. This smaller correction factor makes the new post-IR IR ages much less dependent on the inherent assumptions included in the fading correction model.
[89] Huntley D J, Lian O B.

Some observations on tunneling of trapped electrons in feldspars and their implications for optical dating

[J]. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2006, 25(19): 2 503-2 512.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Anomalous fading in feldspars is now understood to be caused by the tunnelling of electrons from one defect site to another. Here we present some experimental observations concerning the phenomenon. The fading rates of a variety of feldspar crystals and K-feldspar separates from sediments are reported. It is found that (1) the fading rates of 77 K-feldspar extracts from sediments range from 1 to 10%/decade, with an average value of about 5%/decade, (2) the fading rates of K-feldspars extracted from sediments derived largely from volcanic bedrock are not higher than those from non-volcanic bedrock as is widely thought, (3) the fading rates of 31 individual feldspars range from 1 to 35%/decade, (4) in plagioclase feldspars the fading rate increases with increasing Ca and/or Fe content, (5) the fading rate increases with laboratory radiation dose at large doses, (6) for samples for which the time elapsed since burial is long enough for their luminescence to be in saturation, the fading rate is correlated with the ratio of the field saturation intensity to the laboratory saturation intensity; extrapolation to zero fading rate shows that trap emptying as a result of thermal eviction is not significant, and that the mean thermal lifetime in temperate environments of electrons in traps relevant to dating is 猢4 Ma., and (7), different aliquots of a sample can have fading rates that differ by a factor as large as two even if the aliquots contain several thousands of grains, thus it is necessary to ensure when correcting ages for anomalous fading that the fading rate used is that applicable to the aliquots on which the equivalent dose is measured.
[90] Zhao H, Li S H.

Luminescence isochron dating: A new approach with different grain sizes

[J]. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2002, 101(1/4): 333-338.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract A new approach to isochron dating is described using different sizes of quartz and K-feldspar grains. The technique can be applied to sites with time-dependent external dose rates. It is assumed that any underestimation of the equivalent dose (De) using K-feldspar is by a factor F, which is independent of grain size (90-350 microm) for a given sample. Calibration of the beta source for different grain sizes is discussed, and then the sample ages are calculated using the differences between quartz and K-feldspar De from grains of similar size. Two aeolian sediment samples from north-eastern China are used to illustrate the application of the new method. It is confirmed that the observed values of De derived using K-feldspar underestimate the expected doses (based on the quartz De) but, nevertheless, these K-feldspar De values correlate linearly with the calculated internal dose rate contribution, supporting the assumption that the underestimation factor F is independent of grain size. The isochron ages are also compared with the results obtained using quartz De and the measured external dose rates.
[91] Auclair M, Lamothe M, Huot S.

Measurement of anomalous fading for feldspar IRSL using SAR

[J]. Radiation Measurements,2003, 37(4): 487-492.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Age underestimates and wide equivalent paleodose distributions are commonly observed in IRSL dating of feldspar minerals using both multiple and single aliquot methods. For well-bleached sediments, this is thought to be caused primarily by anomalous fading. This article explains how to assess a fading rate ( g value), which can be used to correct the measured optical ages. It also shows how different fading rates are obtained on single-aliquots using different protocols. It is found that the g value deduced from delayed L i/ T i measurements is strongly dependent on the timing of the preheat treatment. For the single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol (SAR), best results are obtained using delayed L i/ T i ratios if the samples are preheated before storage.
[92] Li B, Li S H, Wintle A G, et al.

Isochron measurements of naturally irradiated K-feldspar grains

[J]. Radiation Measurements, 2007, 42(8): 1 315-1 327.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The equivalent doses of K-feldspar grains in a range of grain sizes from 90 to 250 μ m mathContainer Loading Mathjax diameter were measured using a single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol for the infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) signals for two samples of desert sand. The equivalent doses for each sample were compared with that for the 125 – 150 μ m mathContainer Loading Mathjax grains of quartz from the same samples. The results suggested that the K-feldspar equivalent doses were underestimated because of anomalous fading. Measurements of the decay of the IRSL signals following laboratory irradiation for these two samples, and an additional one from a previously published isochron study, showed anomalous fading during the period of laboratory storage. The decay rate was about 3% per decade for all samples and was independent of the grain size used. Using plots of equivalent doses for K-feldspars as a function of their calculated internal dose rate, and the quartz equivalent dose as a function of grain size, it was concluded that the IRSL signal derived from the internal dose rate had not faded over the 13,000 years that had elapsed since the grains were deposited.
[93] Li B, Li S H, Wintle A G, et al.

Isochron dating of sediments using luminescence of K-feldspar grains

[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2008, 113(F2).DOI:10.1029/2007JF000900.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[1] A new method for dating well-bleached sediments is presented, with results for thirteen samples from China. The method uses an isochron constructed from the measurement of natural radiation doses received by potassium-feldspar grains in a range of grain sizes using the infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) signal. The age of deposition of the sediment is calculated from this isochron and from the internal dose rate to the grains from 40K and 87Rb in the crystal lattice. This procedure appears to overcome age underestimation due to anomalous fading, a phenomenon that has precluded conventional luminescence dating of K-feldspars and would be applicable to K-feldspars for which the natural dose is beyond the linear dose response region. Also, since the isochron IRSL method is reliant on only the internal dose rate, it overcomes problems related to (1) changes in past dose rate due to postdepositional migration of radionuclides, (2) changes in water content as water-lain sediments dry out, (3) spatial heterogeneity in the gamma dose rate, and (4) uncertainties in the cosmic ray dose rate during the period of sample burial.
[94] Thomsen K J, Murray A S, Jain M, et al.

Laboratory fading rates of various luminescence signals from feldspar-rich sediment extracts

[J]. Radiation Measurements, 2008, 43(9): 1 474-1 486.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Feldspar as a retrospective dosimeter is receiving more and more attention because of its useful luminescence properties; in particular the dose response curve extends to significantly higher doses than quartz. However, feldspars have one major disadvantage; both the thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signals exhibit anomalous (athermal) fading. Much of the OSL work carried out on feldspars in recent years has focussed on determining fading rates and correcting for them. Almost all work has been carried out using IR stimulation at 50 掳C detected in the blue region of the spectrum. In contrast, we have determined fading rates for various sedimentary feldspar samples using different stimulation and detection windows. If the initial part of the OSL signal is used the lowest fading rate is observed with post-IR blue stimulation (UV detection), but if a later part of the signal is used the lowest fading rate is obtained for IR stimulation (blue detection). Daylight bleaching experiments show that, unlike quartz, the initial and final parts of the feldspar OSL signal bleach at approximately the same rate. Stimulation at elevated temperatures significantly reduces the apparent fading rate. This signal appears to bleach more rapidly in daylight than the signal observed when stimulation is at 50 掳C (for IR stimulation and blue detection). We conclude that there are OSL signals from sedimentary feldspars which fade at a significantly lower rate than the signal used conventionally, and that further testing of these signals is warranted to see if they are dosimetrically useful.
[95] Murray A S, Buylaert J P, Thomsen K J, et al.

The effect of preheating on the IRSL signal from feldspar

[J]. Radiation Measurements, 2009, 44(5): 554-559.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

It is difficult to relate the IRSL signal from feldspar to a particular region of the TL curve; prior IR stimulation reduces the TL signal over a wide range of temperatures. Such data are apparently consistent with the observation from pulse anneal experiments that a laboratory-induced IRSL signal is detectably eroded by a relatively low temperature preheat. These results can be explained by a distribution of trap depths of IR sensitive traps, and/or by changes in recombination probability induced by IR exposure. To investigate the relative importance of these processes, we first examine the relationship between the loss of blue IRSL and TL signals with preheating, and the effect of prior IRSL on the TL signal. Using IRSL measured at 50 °C and a SAR protocol, we then examine the dependence on preheat temperature of equivalent dose (D e), laboratory fading rate ( g), and the resulting luminescence age, from three sedimentary potassium-rich feldspar extracts. We demonstrate that there is no systematic increase in D e for a preheat temperature range from 6580 °C to 65320 °C (60 s duration). After fading correction, age plateaus vary slightly over the temperature range examined, but there is no evidence for an increase in age with preheat temperature. We therefore conclude that the main dosimetry trap(s) in feldspar are not significantly eroded by laboratory heating for up to 60 s at 320 °C, and we tentatively identify the source of this IRSL as a TL peak lying between 410 and 420 °C; this suggestion is consistent with a kinetic analysis of sensitivity-corrected IRSL data. The corollary to our observations is that shallow (unstable) traps do not give rise to a significant IRSL signal.
[96] Thiel C, Buylaert J P, Murray A, et al.

Luminescence dating of the Stratzing loess profile (Austria)—Testing the potential of an elevated temperature post-IR IRSL protocol

[J]. Quaternary International, 2011, 234(1): 23-31.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Feldspar infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) signals saturate at 652000Gy, i.e. 65500–700ka (assuming a dose rate of 3–4Gy/ka, typical for loess) and it is therefore theoretically possible to date Middle Pleistocene loess. However, the accuracy of age estimates is hampered by anomalous fading, which leads to significant age underestimation. Fading corrections have been proposed but these corrections are reliant on inherent assumptions and in any case are inapplicable at large doses (as the growth curve approaches saturation). Recent studies have identified a post-IR IRSL signal that shows less fading and is thus less dependent on accurate fading corrections. This study builds upon these investigations and applies a post-IR IRSL SAR dating protocol to polymineral fine-grain samples of the loess/palaeosol sequence in Stratzing, Lower Austria. After a preheat at 320°C (60s) and an IR bleach at 50°C (200s) IRSL was measured at 290°C for 200s; the same set of conditions were used to measure the response to a test dose. Recycling ratios, recuperation and dose recovery tests show that this protocol is suitable for the loess under investigation, although finite residual doses of up to 20Gy are observed. For the oldest samples, the natural signal is in, or close to, saturation, indicating that fading is negligible in nature. This observation is inconsistent with the measured laboratory fading rates of 1–1.5%/decade and needs further investigation.
[97] Buylaert J P, Jain M, Murray A S, et al.

A robust feldspar luminescence dating method for Middle and Late Pleistocene sediments

[J]. Boreas, 2012, 41(3): 435-451.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Top of page Abstract Signal stability – physical model Sample preparation, analytical facilities and dose-rate determination Samples and published age control Additional quartz OSL age control Feldspar luminescence characteristics Results and discussion Conclusions Acknowledgements References Luminescence dating is used extensively to provide absolute chronologies for Late Pleistocene sediments. Nowadays, most optical dates are based on quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). However, the application of this signal is usually limited to the last 6510065ka because of saturation of the quartz luminescence signal with dose. In contrast, the feldspar infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) dose–response curve grows to much higher doses; this has the potential to extend the datable age range by a factor of 4–5 compared with quartz OSL. However, it has been known for several decades that this IRSL signal is unstable, and this instability often gives rise to significant age underestimation. Here we test against independent age control the recently developed feldspar post-IR IRSL approach to the dating of sediments, which appears to avoid signal instability. A physical model explaining our observations is discussed, and the method is shown to be accurate back to 60065ka. The post-IR IRSL signal is reduced by exposure to daylight more slowly than that from quartz and low-temperature IRSL, preventing its general application to young (e.g. Holocene) sediments. Nevertheless, this new approach is widely applicable (feldspar of appropriate luminescence behaviour is even more ubiquitous than quartz). These characteristics make this a method of great importance for the dating of Middle and Late Pleistocene deposits.
[98] Li B, Li S H.

Luminescence dating of K-feldspar from sediments: A protocol without anomalous fading correction

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2011, 6(5): 468-479.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

A protocol for optical dating of potassium-rich feldspar (K-feldspar) is proposed. It utilizes the infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) signal measured by progressively increasing the stimulation temperature from 50 to 250°C in step of 50°C, so-called multi-elevated-temperature post-IR IRSL (MET-pIRIR) measurements. Negligible anomalous fading was observed for the MET-pIRIR signals obtained at 200 and 250°C. This was supported by equivalent dose (D e ) measurements using the IRSL and MET-pIRIR signals. The D e values increase progressively from 50°C to 200°C, but similar D e values were obtained for the MET-pIRIR signal at 200 and 250°C. Measurement of modern samples and bleached samples indicates that the MET-pIRIR signals have small residual doses less than 5Gy equivalent to about 1–2ka. We have tested the protocol using various sedimentary samples with different ages from different regions of China. The MET-pIR IRSL ages obtained at 200 and 250°C are consistent with independent and/or quartz OSL ages.
[99] Karimi A, Frechen M, Khademi H.

Chronostratigraphy of loess deposits in northeast Iran

[J]. Quaternary International, 2011, 234(1): 124-132.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Little information is available on the paleoclimate evolution of northeast Iran relating to global cold and warm stages. The loess/paleosol sequences from southern Mashhad and Kalat-e Naderi areas were studied to determine the landscape evolution and to set up the first chronological framework for the Pleistocene deposits in northeast Iran. The loess deposits in these areas are less thick (up to 12 m) and have a more patchy distribution than in the Caspian Lowland of northern Iran. Infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) dating of loess or loess derivatives from the Robat-e Khakestari, Tappeh Salam and Deh Gheybi sections (a) and (b) from southern Mashhad, as well as Kalat-e Naderi sections (a) and (b) in Kalat-e Naderi area provides a more reliable chronological framework for climate and environmental changes taken place over for the time period including the penultimate and last interglacial/glacial cycles. The Robat-e Khakestari section, the Kalat-e Naderi sections (a) and (b), and to some extent the Tappeh Salam section include loess/paleosol sequences, which are chronologically in excellent agreement with the loess record of the Caspian Lowland in northern Iran. The Deh Gheybi sections (a) and (b) include loess-like sediments and fluvial deposits that make their interpretation difficult. Loess accumulated during MIS 2 at the Robat-e Khakestari section and at the Kalat-e Naderi sections (a) and (b) suggesting a more windy and arid Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in northeast Iran. Paleosols, correlating most likely with MIS 5, were covered by fluvial sediments at the Kalat-e Naderi section (a). The absence of loess deposits correlating to MIS 3 and MIS 4 at the Robat-e Khakestari section is very likely to have been caused by fluvial processes and water erosion.
[100] Lauer T, Vlaminck S, Frechen M, et al.

The Agh Band loess-palaeosolsequence—A terrestrial archive for climatic shifts during the last and penultimate glacial-interglacial cycles in a semiarid region in northern Iran

[J]. Quaternary International, 2017, 429(30): 13-30.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

The results show that the Agh Band profile yields a climate archive reaching from MIS 7 to MIS 2. Several chronological hiatuses of some 10ka show that periods of intense loess accumulation were interrupted by phases of only minor loess sedimentation and/or erosion. The Agh Band profile is subdivided by several shifts in grain-size distribution. The coarsening- and fining up trends correlate with increasing and decreasing wind-velocity, respectively. In the central part of the Agh Band loess sequence a weakly developed palaeosol is preserved which was developed at around 80ka. Furthermore, the loess deposits formed from about 100ka to 60ka ago show banded structures. A pedocomplex including two well-developed palaeosols consisting of Bw(y) horizons and a CB-horizon as well as intercalated loess can be found in the lower part of the sequence also evidenced by the increased values of magnetic susceptibility. The corresponding luminescence age estimates indicate that the palaeosols represent a period of increased humidity and landscape stability during late MIS 7 and MIS 6. Hence, in the Agh Band loess, various changes in the palaeo-sedimentary system, triggered by changes in climate can be observed. This yields important information on the sensitive response of sedimentary systems and landscapes within semi-arid regions to shifts in moisture and possibly temperature.
[101] Li B, Jacobs Z, Roberts R G, et al.

Review and assessment of the potential of post-IR IRSL dating methods to circumvent the problem of anomalous fading in feldspar luminescence

[J]. Geochronometria, 2014, 41(3): 178-201.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Quartz has been the main mineral used for optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of sediments over the last decade. The quartz OSL signal, however, has been shown to saturate at relatively low doses of 鈭200-400 Gy, making it difficult to be used for dating beyond about 200 thou-sand years (ka), unless the environmental dose rate is low. The infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) from feldspars has been shown to continue to grow to higher dose levels than quartz OSL. The application of IRSL dating of feldspars, however, has long been hampered by the anomalous fading effect. Recent progress in understanding anomalous fading of the infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) signals in potassium-feldspar has led to the development of post-IR IRSL (pIRIR) protocols and also a multiple elevated temperature (MET) stimulation (MET-pIRIR) protocol. These procedures have raised the prospect of isolating a non-fading IRSL component for dating Quaternary deposits containing feldspars. In this study, we review the recent progress made on (1) overcoming anomalous fading of feldspar, and (2) the development of pIRIR dating techniques for feldspar. The potential and problems associated with these methods are discussed.
[102] Li B, Roberts R G, Brumm A, et al.

IRSL dating of fast-fading sanidine feldspars from Sulawesi, Indonesia

[J]. Ancient TL, 2016, 34(2): 1-13.

[本文引用: 1]     

[103] Buylaert J P, Yeo E Y, Thiel C, et al.

A detailed post-IR IRSL chronology for the last interglacial soil at the Jingbian loess site (northern China)

[J]. Quaternary Geochronology, 2015, 30(6):194-199.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The chronology of dust deposition and climate during the last interglacial is poorly known on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Here, 51 samples were taken from the 655m S1 palaeosol (MIS5) at the desert marginal Jingbian site to develop what is currently the most detailed S1 chronology on the Plateau using instrumental dating techniques. We use the post-IR IRSL signal from sand-sized grains of K-rich feldspar. Signal resetting in the agricultural layer shows that it is possible to almost completely zero this signal in nature. First IR stimulation plateau measurements show that there is no clear dependence of D e on first IR stimulation temperature between 50 and 260°C suggesting negligible signal fading. Resultant ages are consistent with a last interglacial age (65130 to 6575 ka) and are also consistent within errors with continuous linear sedimentation rates. The average mass accumulation rate for S1 is 65150gm 612 a 611 , considerably higher than at many other sites but within the overall range of Loess Plateau estimates. The remarkably stable sediment accumulation at the site contrasts with a more complex record of environmental and monsoonal change recorded in grain-size and magnetic susceptibility.
