地球科学进展 ›› 2001, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4): 461 -466. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2001.04.0461

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  1. 国土资源部岩溶动力学开放研究实验室,广西 桂林 541004
  • 收稿日期:2001-03-19 修回日期:2001-04-10 出版日期:2001-08-01
  • 通讯作者: 袁道先(1933-),男,浙江诸暨市人,研究员,中国科学院院士,主要从事水文地质、全球变化、岩溶学研究. E-mail:dxyuan@mailbox.gxnu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:



YUAN Daoxian   

  1. Karst Dynamic Laboratory, Ministry of Land and Resources, Guilin 541004,China
  • Received:2001-03-19 Revised:2001-04-10 Online:2001-08-01 Published:2001-08-01

由我国提出的新的国际地质对比计划“全球岩溶生态系统对比”(IGCP 448)已于2000年初由IGCP科学委员会批准,在2000—2004的5年中执行。该项目的科学目标是:对比全球不同气候条件下的宏观岩溶生态系统,揭示其形成机理;对比不同地质条件下微观岩溶生态系统,揭示其对物种选择的影响,为岩溶地区石漠化治理、重建良性生态系统探索新思路,从地理、地质角度对比地下岩溶生态系统;研究岩溶生态系统与人类活动的相互作用。5年中除40余个参与国将作好本国岩溶生态系统研究作为全球对比的基础外,还将重点联合考察罗马尼亚、巴西、中国、西班牙、法国、美国、俄罗斯、澳大利亚等国的典型岩溶区,并作深入对比研究,IGCP448的核心科学问题是岩溶生态系统的运行规律。对如何利用我国地域优势和组织该多边国际合作计划的有利条件,进一步做好我国岩溶生态系统研究提出了若干建议。

The new IGCP project “World Correlation of Karst Ecosystem” was approved early 2000 by the IGCP Scientific Board for implementation from 2000 to 2004. The objectives of the Project are:(1) to compare the karst ecological systems in tropical and subtropical, Mediterranean, Gondwana, arid and semiarid and other regions, their mechanism of formation, and differcnt impacts on human life; (2) to compare the microscopic karst ecological systecm as affected by different geochemical backgrounds and phases of carbonate rocks, especially their impacts on species selection and biodiversity, and thereafter the rehabilitation of karstlands; (3) to compare the subterranean ecological systems of karst on both geographical and geological views, and explore their differences on the evolution of troglobite, troglophile and trogloxene species and relation with surface species;(4)to compare the mutual effects of karst ecological system and human activities, e.g, the impact of karst ecological system on agriculture, forest, human health, and on the other hand, the impact of human activities(urbanization, timbering, mining, quarrying, agriculture, etc.) on karst ecosystem. During the 5 years time, in addition to investigating karst ecosystems of more than 40 participating countries, joint field correlation will take place in typical karst systems in Romania,Brazil, China,Spain,France, USA, Russia, and Australia to compare different karst ecosystems into depth. The key scientific issue of IGCP 448 is the running regularities of a karst ecosystem. A better understanding on such regularities is important for the comprehensive rehabilitation of rock desertified areas in SW China. On the bases of the experiences in China, the paper discusses the structure, driving forces and functions of a karst ecosystem, The differences of the researches in this direction betwecn China and other countries are analyzed. Suggestions on how to take the advantages of the implementation of IGCP 448 and carry out karst ecosystem study in China are put forward.


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