地球科学进展 ›› 1992, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (2): 35 -. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.1992.02.0035
学术研究动态 上一篇 下一篇
Wu Chuan zhen
用最先进的Lacoste-D型重力仅可以进行微伽级的重力浏量和在此墓础上的微重力研究,使微重力方法在实践中得到很好的应用与验证,也为重力学的研究开辟了新的分 支领域。
Gravity measurement (in Microgal class) and microgravity study based on it can be carried out by using advanced Lacoste-D gravimeter. In this way,the microgravity method has got an excellent test and application in practice;it has also opened up a new branch of gravity research. At present,it is more and more important in our national economy and construction of national defence to probe into the small-scale density anomaly bodies and caves at shallow layer as well as the distribution of small-scale structures and the local heterogeneity or artificial structures in historical remains near ground. Consequently,Microgravity measurement and the analysis method on it possess particular sig- nificence and have a far-reaching prospect.
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