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苏绕绕(), 赵珍()
The Evolution and Driving Factors of the North Canal System Since the End of the 16th Century
Raorao SU(), Zhen ZHAO()

图3. 清代北运河主河道坡度、高程与部分时段水深
(a)北运河北京—天津段坡度分级及地表水环境; (b)北京—天津段高程剖面; (c)1810—1822年档案记录的北运河水深状况

Fig.3. The slope, elevation and water depth of the main channel of the North Canal in the Qing Dynasty
(a)The slope classification and surface water environment in the Beijing-Tianjin section of the North Canal; (b)Beijing-Tianjin section elevation profile; (c)The water depth of the North Canal recorded in the archives from 1810 to 1822