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董治宝(), 李超, 吕萍, 胡光印
Eroded Dunes: Inspiration from Mars
Zhibao DONG(), Chao LI, Ping LÜ, Guangyin HU

图5. 火星典型的砂岩化古沙丘(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
(a)阿波里那沟南部砂岩化古沙丘(HiRISE影像PSP_010453_1675_RED,中心点位置:12.60°S, 178.08°E);(b)科普莱特斯深谷东部砂岩化古沙丘(HiRISE影像ESP_025389_1690_RED,中心点位置:11.14°S, 284.90°E);箭头代表沙丘发育风向

Fig.5. Typical fossilized dunes on Marssource: NASA/JPL/UA
(a) Fossilized dunes in the south of Apollinaris Sulci (HiRISE image PSP_010453_1675_RED, center point: 12.60°S, 178.08°E); (b) Fossilized dunes in the east of Coprates Chasma (HiRISE image ESP_025389_1690_RED, center point: 11.14°S, 284.90°E);Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development