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夏松(), 刘鹏(), 江志红, 程军
Simulation Evaluation of AMO and PDO with CMIP5 and CMIP6 Models in Historical Experiment
Song XIA(), Peng LIU(), Zhihong JIANG, Jun CHENG

图1. 历史试验全球平均SST距平及增暖趋势随时间变化
(a) CMIP5;(b) CMIP6;黑色实线代表全球平均SST距平,黑色虚线代表增暖趋势

Fig.1. The historical experiment global mean SST anomaly and its warming trend with time
(a) CMIP5;(b) CMIP6;Solid black lines represent global mean SST anomaly and dashed black lines represent the warming trend