龙上敏, 刘秦玉, 郑小童, 程旭华, 白学志, 高臻

Research Progress of Long-term Ocean Temperature Changes in the Southern Ocean
Shangmin Long, Qinyu Liu, Xiaotong Zheng, Xuhua Cheng, Xuezhi Bai, Zhen Gao
图7 CMIP5CMIP6模式对南大洋SST的模拟偏差图
(a)历史时期(1979—2005年)CMIP5多模式集合平均与观测(ERSST v5)之差;(b)CMIP6多模式集合平均(MME)与观测之差;(c)CMIP6与CMIP5的MME之差(即两代模式模拟偏差的变化);(d)CMIP6相对于CMIP5模式模拟偏差变化的百分比(%);所有的黑色等值线均为图7a中CMIP5模式的SST模拟偏差等于0的位置;CMIP5和CMIP6模式均为27个,且CMIP6中的各个模式均为CMIP5中对应模式的升级版本
Fig.7 Model biases of Southern Ocean SST in CMIP5 and CMIP6
Differences in annual-mean climatology (1979-2005 mean) SST between (a) CMIP5 MME and observation (ERSST v5); (b) CMIP6 MME and observation and (c) CMIP6 MME and CMIP5 MME; (d) The percentage change in the CMIP6 model bias relative to that from CMIP5; Black contours in all panels are the zero contour in Figure 7a; The number of models for the MME is 27 for both CMIP5 and CMIP6, with each CMIP6 model being the updated version from its family predecessor in CMIP5