董治宝, 吕萍, 李超, 胡光印

Unique Aeolian Bedforms of Mars: Transverse Aeolian Ridges
Zhibao Dong, Lü Ping, Chao Li, Guangyin Hu
图3 火星 Gamboa陨击坑中央峰南—东南地段展示的横向沙脊( T)与沙丘( D)、巨型沙波纹( M)以及大沙波纹( R)之间的关系(据参考文献[ 11]修改)
HiRISE影像:PSP_002721_2210;来源:NASA/JPL/U of A
Fig.3 The relationship between TARs( T) and dunes( D), mega-ripples( M) and large-ripples( R) in the south-southeast of the central peak of Gamboa crater modified after reference11])
HiRISE image: PSP_002721_2210; Source: NASA/JPL/U of A