李琼, 王姣姣, 潘保田

Numerical Simulation of the Influence of Tectonics and Precipitation on the Evolution of Alluvial Fans at the Northern Foot of Qilian Mountains
Qiong Li, Jiaojiao Wang, Baotian Pan
图3 模拟流域达到均衡后,构造和气候变化对冲积扇比降和流域平均侵蚀速率的影响
Fig.3 After achieving steady state, the effects of tectonic and climate change on fan slope and mean drainage erosion rate of Xigou River, Dayekou River, respectively
(a) and (b): Xigou River, (c) and (d): Dayekou River; U+: 100% increase in uplift rate; U-: 50% decrease in uplift rate; P+: 100% increase in precipitation rate; P-:50% decrease in precipitation rateⅹ