刘秦玉, 张苏平, 贾英来

Study About Ocean Eddy Effect on Strong Convection in Local Atmosphere over the Kuroshio Extension Region
Qinyu Liu, Suping Zhang, Yinglai Jia
图3 冬季黑潮延伸体海域大气响应为垂直混合机制的2 070个反气旋涡(a, c)和1 719个气旋涡(b,d)合成的大气垂直剖面图[17]
(a)~(d)中填色为负的压力坐标下垂直速度,向上为正;(a)和(b)中等值线为比湿,(c)和(d)中等值线为垂直涡动热通量;垂直速度单位为1×10-2 Pa/s,比湿为1×10-3 J/(kg·s),Q12’为1×10-2 g/kg;图中没有*标记的位置为通过显著不为0的99%信度t-检验;(e)和(f)分别为反气旋涡和气旋涡的海表面温度异常合成的剖面,单位R是涡旋半径
Fig.3 Composite patterns of vertical profiles of atmospheric response by Vertical Momentum Mixing mechanism type for 2 070 anticyclone (a, c) and 1 719 cyclone (b, d) respectively in winter Kuroshio Extension region[17]
Colors in (a)~(d) are negative vertical velocity in pressure coordinates, positive values indicate upward motion; Contours in (a) and (b) are specific humidity, contours in (c) and (d) are vertical eddy heat. Unit of vertical velocity is 1×10-2 Pa/s, unit of specific humidity is 1×10-3 J/(kg·s), Q12’ is 1×10-2 g/kg; All values shown without an asterisk are significantly different from zero at the 99% confidence level based on t testing; (e), (f) The composite SST profiles along the background wind direction across eddy centers, R is the eddy radius