张凌, 王平, 陈玺赟, 殷勇

Review in Detrital Zircon U-Pb Geochronology: Data Acquisition, Analysis and Comparison
Ling Zhang, Ping Wang, Xiyun Chen, Yong Yin
图9 长江全流域样品似然系数和2D-MDS图(据参考文献[67]修改)
Fig.9 Intersample likeness and 2D-MDS (modified after reference [67])
(a) Using the likeness comparison metric: Compare intersample of trunk-to-trunk, trunk-to-tributary, and tributary-to-tributary. N equals the number of comparisons per histogram. Higher values indicate higher similarity between pairwise comparisons. (b)The nonmetric MDS (main) and Shepard plot (inset). Trunk stream samples are given as filled colors, with warmer colors (red-orange-yellow) indicating farther downstream sampling; Tributary edge colors indicate downstream location. Solid and dashed lines indicate the closest neighbors and second closest neighbors in likeness, respectively