武登云, 任治坤, 吕红华, 刘金瑞, 哈广浩, 张弛, 朱孟浩

Morphology and Dynamics of Alluvial Fan and Its Research Prospects
Dengyun Wu, Zhikun Ren, Lü Honghua, Jinrui Liu, Guanghao Ha, Chi Zhang, Menghao Zhu
图4 山前沿正断层发育的典型冲积扇(据参考文献[75]修改)
Fig.4 Typical alluvial fans located along a normal fault at a range front(modified after reference [75])
Sourcing drainage basins are entrenched in the mountainous footwall. Triangular facets indicate the mountain front. The fans prograde towards the axial river in the hanging wall basin