田野, 田云涛

Fundamentals and Applications of Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Material(RSCM)Thermometry
Ye Tian, Yuntao Tian
图13 汶川地震科学钻井-1岩芯照片及不同位置拉曼分析结果(据参考文献[88]修改)
(a)龙门山断裂主要岩芯照片;(b)断层泥与角砾岩D1/G峰宽度比值与强度比值对比图;(c) 断层泥与角砾岩G、D1峰宽比及G峰与D1峰拉曼频移位置。插图显示断层泥G峰频移相对角砾岩增大;PSZ: 主滑动区域
Fig.13 Wenchuan Earthquake Fault Scientific Drilling WFSD-1 borehole core with sample depth locations and results of Raman analyses (modified after reference [88])
(a) Core images of the WFSD-1 borehole; (b) Defect to graphite band (D1/G) peak width ratio versus D1/G intensity ratio; (c) Ratio of G and D1 peak width of gouge to average breccia peak width versus G band peak position. Inset shows systematic shift toward higher frequencies of G band observed in black gouge with respect to fault breccia; PSZ denotes the Principal Slip Zone