田野, 田云涛

Fundamentals and Applications of Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Material(RSCM)Thermometry
Ye Tian, Yuntao Tian
图12 剪切摩擦实验后样品拉曼光谱特征,及其与初始材料的对比(据参考文献[88]修改)
(a) 初始样品与剪切摩擦实验后样品拉曼光谱D1/G峰宽值与D1/G强度值的变化;(b) 经初始样品标准化后的剪切样品D1/G半高宽值与D1与G峰拉曼频移位置
Fig.12 Raman spectra analyses of gouges sheared in rock friction experiments, and comparison with the initial material (modified after reference [88])
(a) Defect band to graphite band (D1/G) width versus intensity ratios of samples before and after friction experiments; (b) Plots of D1 and G peak widths of sheared gouges verseus the D1/G width ratio normalized by average starting material