董治宝, 吕萍, 李超, 胡光印

Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of Large Ripples on Mars
Zhibao Dong, Lü Ping, Chao Li, Guangyin Hu
图9 火星维多利亚陨击坑开铺圣玛丽露头显示的埋藏大沙波纹(据参考文献[3]修改)
Fig.9 Candidate wind-drag ripple stratification on Mars: Mars Exploration Rover Panoramic Camera image (P2441, sol 1212) of Cape St. Mary outcrop, Victoria crater, Mars (modified after reference [3])
(a) Mars Exploration Rover Panoramic Camera image of Cape St. Mary outcrop, Victoria crater, Mars; (b) Decimeter-scale cross-strata of the white box shows the location of (a); (c) An interpretation of stratal features from (b);(d) Uninterpreted (top) and interpreted (bottom) stratification produced by kinematic modeling of compound bedforms. Yellow and red lines represent erosional surfaces produced by migration of dunes and wind-drag ripples separately; Blue lines indicate wind-drag ripple cross-stratification; Black lines represent uninterpreted stratification