地球科学进展  2018 , 33 (12): 1223-1236 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.12.1223.



刘西川, 高太长*, 贺彬晟, 刘磊, 印敏, 宋堃

国防科技大学气象海洋学院,江苏 南京 211101

Advances and Trends in Atmospheric Measurement by Smartphones*

Liu Xichuan, Gao Taichang*, He Binsheng, Liu Lei, Yin Min, Song Kun

College of Meteorology and Oceanography, National University of Defense Technology, Nanjing 211101, China

中图分类号:  P412.4

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1001-8166(2018)12-1223-14

通讯作者:  *通信作者:高太长(1958-),男,山西太原人,教授,主要从事大气探测研究.E-mail:2009gaotc@gmail.com

收稿日期: 2018-08-21

网络出版日期:  2018-12-10

版权声明:  2018 地球科学进展 编辑部 

基金资助:  *国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“基于双频双极化微波链路的降水类型识别与反演”(编号:41505135)国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于微波链路的区域降水反演”(编号:41475020)资助.


First author:Liu Xichuan(1985-), male, Qinghe County, Hebei Province, Lecturer. Research areas include atmospheric physics and atmospheric measurement technology. E-mail: liuxc85@gmail.com





关键词: 智能手机 ; 嵌入式传感器 ; 参与感知 ; 大气探测


With the development and popularization of smartphones and embedded sensors, a non-professional atmospheric measurement method by using smartphones carried by the public has been proposed recently. Without extra dedicated instrument, this method has many advantages, such as low hardware cost, high spatio-temporal resolution, and wide coverage, and it can supplement the professional atmospheric measurement methods, which has broad applications in the meteorological operation, scientific research, public service, and other fields. At present, the research on the non-professional atmospheric measurement in China is limited. In order to make full use of this method, this paper briefly outlined the states of existing smartphones and embedded sensors, highlighted the measurement of precipitation, air temperature, pressure, aerosols, and radiation by smartphones. To promote the development of smartphones for atmospheric measurement, future research should focus on mechanism study, available sources exploration, data quality control, big data processing, joining and matching with operation, research and service, etc.

Keywords: Smartphone ; Embedded sensors ; Participatory sensing ; Atmospheric measurement.


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刘西川, 高太长, 贺彬晟, 刘磊, 印敏, 宋堃. 智能手机参与大气探测的研究进展与展望*[J]. 地球科学进展, 2018, 33(12): 1223-1236 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.12.1223.

Liu Xichuan, Gao Taichang, He Binsheng, Liu Lei, Yin Min, Song Kun. Advances and Trends in Atmospheric Measurement by Smartphones*[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2018, 33(12): 1223-1236 https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2018.12.1223.

1 引 言





2 基于智能手机的参与感知大气




图1   公众、互联网、智能终端及传感器联合的公众参与大气探测新方式[1]

Fig.1   A new atmospheric measurement method by public, internet, intelligent terminal and sensor[1]

表1   公众参与大气探测的分类、方法和典型案例[1]

Table 1   Classification, methods, and typical cases of public participation in atmospheric measurement[1]

Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network(CoCoRaHS) (http:∥www.cocorahs.org/)
meteorological Phenomenon Identification Near the
Ground (mPING) (http:∥www.nssl.noaa.gov/projects/ping/)
UK snow map (http:∥uksnowmap.com/)
Twitcident (http:∥twitcident.com/)
SnowTweets project (http:∥snowcore.uwaterloo.ca/snowtweets/index.html)
Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) (www.globe.gov)
NOAA Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP) (http:∥wxqa.com/)
Air Quality Egg (http:∥airqualityegg.com)
Weather Signal (http:∥weathersignal.com/)
OpenSignal (http:∥www.opensignal.com)
iSPEX aerosol measuring sensor (www.ispex.nl)
PressureNet (http:∥pressurenet.cumulonimbus.ca/)


3 降水的测量

3.1 基于智能手机的公众报告

召集公众志愿者进行有针对性的大气探测,并将观测资料提供给相关业务和科研机构,最早起源于1998年开始的CoCoRaHS(Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow)[16]。在1997年美国科罗拉多州的一次洪水中,观测站网中的雨量计和天气雷达均漏测了强降水,由此Nolan Doeskin提出建立志愿者观测网络——CoCoRaHS来弥补专业观测的不足[7]

CoCoRaHS的探测仪器主要包括1个10 cm直径的标准雨量计和1个2.5 cm厚的泡沫聚苯乙烯板(上面覆盖金属箔),分别用来测量降水量和冰雹数量及大小(图2)。经过简单培训后,志愿者可通过网站或手机将总降水量、降水强度、冰雹的起止时间、冰雹的大小、种类、下落角度以及造成的相关损失等信息上报到CoCoRaHS中心,最后生成全国范围的降水分布。目前,CoCoRaHS的志愿者数量已由2004年的1 036个发展到2015年的超过20 000个,覆盖范围包括美国全境、波多黎各和加拿大的13个省。CoCoRaHS观测资料被应用于美国国家海洋和大气管理局(National Oceanic and Atmosheric Administration,NOAA)的国家环境信息中心(National Centers for Environmental Information,NCEI)和全球历史气候网(Global Historical Climatology Network,GHCN)中[17],与业务观察站网资料相结合,在临近预报、洪水雷暴预警、雷达估计降水以及气候研究等方面发挥了重要作用。

图2   CoCoRaHS应用的雨量计和冰雹板

Fig.2   Rain gauge and hail pad utilized by CoCoRaHS

2011年美国在进行WSR-88D天气雷达双偏振升级改造时,业务观测站网难以为降水粒子识别算法的优化提供准确的高分辨率地面降水类型资料。因此美国NOAA国家风暴实验室(National Severe Storms Laboratory,NSSL)提出征集非专业人员利用移动智能设备提交降水类型资料,前期命名为mPING计划(mobile Precipitation Identification Near the Ground),后改名为mPING(meteorological Phenomena Identification Near the Ground)[8]

参与者通过下载mPING APP或在线将所观测到的降水类型以及时间、地点等信息提交到mPING服务器[18],APP界面如图3所示。参与者不仅可以立刻得到所提供报告是否被采用的反馈,而且还可以看到其他参与者提交的降水观测报告。前期mPING可以提交13种类型的降水,但是与地面自动气象站相比,非专业的参与者难以区分霰和冰粒,往往容易误判为湿雪,因此后期将降水类型分为雨、雪、冻雨和冰粒4种。尽管区分类型有限,但是已经覆盖了大部分的降水,具有较好的代表性。Pehoski[19]通过研究mPING的冰雹数据库发现,如果参与报告的用户密度足够大,报告的一致性会大大增强。mPING资料经过质量控制后,对于提高双偏振雷达的降水类型识别精度有着积极的推动作用[20],同时在数值预报模式[21]、高速和航空的地面结冰监测等方面也有重要的应用价值[22]

图3   mPING APP界面

Fig.3   Interface of mPING APP



图4   香港CWOS计划

Fig.4   CWOS project of Hongkong



3.2 基于信号衰减效应的降水反演

手机信号在风雨天气往往会受到干扰而导致通话质量下降甚至中断,主要原因在于降水粒子对电磁波信号传播存在一定的衰减效应[34,35],这一效应在手机通信频段也同样存在。移动通信运营商为了保证用户的通话质量,在阴雨天常常采用提高信号发射功率的方法来补偿因天气干扰而有所减弱的通讯信号[36]。根据信号传播路径的不同,利用手机信号衰减效应反演降水可以分为利用手机—基站链路、手机—WiFi链路和基站—基站链路3种,其中,手机—基站链路直接用于手机端通话和数据业务,频率范围为800 MHz2.6 GHz;手机—WiFi链路用于小范围数据交换,频率范围为2.45.0 GHz;基站—基站链路主要用于基站端数据流通信,频率范围为338 GHz[37]。目前利用信号衰减效应反演降水以基站—基站链路为主,其他2种处于初步探索研究阶段。



2009年开始,Overeem等[50]在荷兰全境利用2 400多条链路的多频段蜂窝无线网络进行了降雨实时监测实验[51]。为期2年半的观测实验[52]发现(图5),蜂窝无线网络测量夏季降水的效果较好,但测量冬季降水则有较大的偏差,主要原因在于固态或固液混合态降水粒子与雨滴的衰减特性不一致,导致反演算法无法适用于所有相态的降水。针对这一问题,Ostrometzky等[53]研究了雨、雪和雨夹雪的微波传播衰减模型,基于此提出了无需考虑降水类型的多链路反演降水模型,提高不同类型降水的适用性。Smiatek等[54]在德国开展了商用微波链路网络反演降水的实验,并探讨其在河川径流分析中的应用。

图5   荷兰的微波链路网络及反演结果

Fig.5   Microwave links network and inversed rainrate distribution in Netherland


蜂窝无线网络反演结果与常规观测结果相融合,可以得到更为准确的街道级分辨率的结果,通过时间外推还可以提供未来3 h和6 h的临近预报[57],在强降水引发的洪涝灾害、山体滑坡监测预警、流域监测等方面发挥重要作用[58]。此外,利用蜂窝通信网的信号衰减效应探测雾[59,60]、污染[61]、湿度[62]等其他气象要素的研究也刚刚开始,未来也将发挥重要作用。

在手机—基站链路、手机—WiFi链路方面,气象条件对低频信号传播的衰减相对较弱,但是仍然存在一定的影响[63]。Helhel等[64]发现地物沾湿对900 MHz和1 800 MHz信号传播分别有13 dB和36 dB的影响。Dalip[65]和Usman等[66]分别研究了湿度、气压、温度等大气条件对GSM信号传播的影响。Zamora等[67]基于智能手机研究了3 GHz,2.4 GHz和5 GHz WiFi信号与强降雨的相关关系(图6)。实验发现,5 GHz WiFi信号与降水强度的相关性最好,同时还发现手机信号对降水带来的湿度变化也有一定敏感性。从而进一步验证了利用手机信号测量降水以及其他气象要素的潜力。

图6   Zamora开展的手机信号测量实验

Fig.6   Cellphone signal measurement by Zamora


4 气温的测量

利用智能手机进行温度的测量主要包括利用外置温度传感器、内置环境温度传感器和内置电池温度传感器3种。其中,外置温度传感器则是通过外接专门的温度传感器来测量空气温度或人体温度,通过蓝牙无线或耳机有线传输数据,主要用于可穿戴设备;三星Galaxy S4和S5等部分手机内置了环境温度传感器,主要用于检测环境温度对手机工作的影响;所有智能手机的电池均内置了温度传感器,主要用于监测手机内部及电池的温度,防止温度过高而损坏手机。前两者可以直接测量气温,但是配备相关传感器的智能手机较少,而且大多用于运动、医疗和人体健康监测等方面,并未应用于专门的气象探测,而电池温度传感器则是每个智能手机必备的,手机数量众多,通过建立根据电池温度来推测环境温度的模型,就可以广泛地用于获取气温资料。


图7   智能手机电池的热量传输模型

Fig.7   Heat transfer model of smartphone battery



式中: T¯e,j,dA,day为日平均气温, T¯p,j,dA,day为日平均电池温度, T0为代表平衡温度的常量, mj为系数, εj,d为随机扰动,d为天数。

2012年Overeem等[76]采集了洛杉矶、巴黎、莫斯科、布宜诺斯艾利斯、伦敦、墨西哥城、罗马、圣保罗共8个城市220万部手机的数据,地点覆盖了不同气候区,通过筛选、剔除和时空平均,最终得到了城市日平均气温和智能手机日平均电池温度的关系。基于这一方法反演得到的城市日平均气温与自动气象站观测结果有很好的相关性,二者平均绝对误差为1.45 ℃,平均偏差仅为-0.28 ℃。Pape等[77]和Droste等[78]在巴西圣保罗市开展了2年的观测实验,利用某品牌的系列型手机,不仅可将日平均气温平均绝对误差和平均偏差提高到0.98 ℃和0.02 ℃,而且可以进一步提高时间和空间分辨率,每小时平均气温的平均绝对误差和平均偏差达到2.20和0.16 ℃(图8),智能手机反演结果经过自动气象站的校准后,精度也得到进一步提高。利用数量众多的智能手机获取城市地区的平均气温,将有助于提高温度的空间分辨率,对于研究城市微气象、热岛效应、农业气象及气温日变化规律研究等有重要意义[79]

图8   利用智能手机电池温度反演的日平均气温(上)和小时平均气温(下)(巴西圣保罗地区)

Fig.8   Average daily air temperature (above) and hourly air temperature (below) inversed by battery temperature of smartphone in São Paulo, Brazil

5 气压的测量

2012年开始,三星Galaxy Nexus、摩托罗拉 XOOM和小米2等Android手机和iPhone 6及后续型号手机开始使用嵌入式压力传感器[80],主要目的是通过测量气压来判断手机所处位置的海拔高度,进而提高手机定位的精度,目前广泛应用于海拔高度测量、辅助导航、室内定位、穿戴和健康医疗等领域。此外,根据气压的急剧变化,还可以用于预警天气,应用在一些天气预报类APP中。

Mass等[81]针对智能手机中LPS331 MEMS气压传感器的相对精度和绝对精度(分别为±0.2 hPa和±2.6 hPa),而且具备温度补偿功能,首先提出了利用智能手机嵌入式气压传感器获取气压资料的系统研究。尽管与温湿度相比,气压的测量受智能手机携带者的影响较小,但是仍无法直接将其应用于数值天气预报,必须首先经过校准、预处理和筛选。Kim等[82]研究了基于线性回归的智能手机气压资料的订正方法,并与自动气象站的观测数据进行了验证。随后研究了基于聚类和回归分析的智能手机气压订正方法[83,84],2014年在韩国京畿道(面积10 000 km2)开展了为期半年的观测实验,实验结果表明,经过订正后的智能手机气压资料可以达到与自动气象站气压资料相当的精度。

Madous等[85]研究了智能手机获取的气压资料在中尺度天气分析和预报中的应用,与常规观测站网相比,智能手机获取的气压资料具有极高的空间分辨率。利用集合卡曼滤波对1 h气压及变压进行资料同化,预报结果表明,同化智能手机气压资料后,对于未来1 h气压、风和降水等要素的预报精度有一定改善作用。Hanson[86]修改了PSU WRF-EnKF数据同化模式,使得高分辨率的智能手机气压资料作为海平面气压进行直接同化。敏感性实验表明,智能手机气压资料的同化对于提高2 m温度和10 m风等要素预报的精度都有积极作用。集合预报结果发现,智能手机资料具有与常规地面观测资料相类似的预报效果,因此对于某些缺乏常规观测仪器地区,就可以利用广泛分布的智能手机填补这一空白,为高分辨率数值预报模式提供高分辨率观测资料,从而保证数值天气预报的效果。

6 气溶胶和辐射的测量

智能手机摄像头主要有CCD(Charge Coupled Device)和CMOS(Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor)2种,与CCD相比,CMOS的耗电低、价格低,传输速率快,是目前的主流。随着智能手机的普及,摄像头不仅越来越广泛地应用于人脸识别、心率与脉搏检测、定向与测距等不同领域,在大气辐射和气溶胶的测量中也展现出了极大的潜力。

Ramanathan等[87]首先提出了采用手机拍照测量黑炭粒子的方法,设计了一个微型气溶胶过滤采样器(图9)。空气样本采样后滤纸会呈现不同的灰度,手机对滤纸拍照并传输到成分检测中心,通过与标准校验片的对比得到黑炭的质量浓度,其测量范围可从0.1 μg/m3到200 μg/m3。该方法具有操作简便、实时和低功耗的优点,但是需要仪器体积较大,不便于随时探测。

图9   微型气溶胶采样过滤器与采样样本

Fig.9   Micro aerosol sampling filter and samples

荷兰莱顿大学的Snik等[88]首先设计了适用于手机摄像头的外置分光偏振计(iPhone Spectropolarimeter for Planetary Exploration, iSPEX),iSPEX直接安装在iPhone手机摄像头位置,根据多角度扫描天空背景计算得到不同波段(480580 nm)的线偏振度来反演大气气溶胶的大小、形状和化学成分等[89](图10)。在荷兰征集了8 000多名志愿者进行探测,据此可以得到2 km分辨率的气溶胶光学厚度分布[90]。该手段在实时性、灵活性、时空分辨率、覆盖范围和气溶胶参数方面,可以作为常规星基和地基气溶胶遥感方式的有效补充。通过对志愿者相关专业知识的培训[91],采用众包方式[92]收集并分析iSPEX观测资料,对于评估细颗粒物带来的健康风险,理解大气气溶胶和气候变化之间的关系等具有重要意义。目前,iSPEX是公众参与度最高的智能手机探测气溶胶的手段。

图10   iSPEX及其反演的气溶胶光学厚度

Fig.10   iSPEX and inversed aerosol optical thickness

Igoe等[93,94]在研究LG Optimus手机CMOS摄像头(图11)对长波紫外辐射响应特性以及不同温度暗响应特性的基础上,建立了像素值和辐射的关系。基于此讨论了晴空无云条件下利用太阳辐射反演气溶胶光学厚度的方法[95],在380 nm和340 nm波段处的反演误差在5%10%[96]。设计了用于计算长波紫外辐射(UVA,320~420 nm)波段的气溶胶光学厚度和直接辐射的安卓客户端[97],并分别研究了手机摄像头对UVA宽带和窄带辐射的测量能力[98,99]。将摄像头的外层防护滤镜移除后,还可以把测量范围扩展到中波紫外辐射(UVB,280320 nm)[100],Igoe分别选取了三星Galaxy SII、iPhone 5 m和诺基亚Lumia 800 3种手机摄像头,利用图像RGB三原色方法测试了摄像头对UVB的暗响应、温度响应、辐射响应和频谱响应[101],研究发现3种手机经过辐射订正后,均能够用来定量探测UVB辐射,但是其响应特性各不相同,因此需要分别建立色比与入射光辐照度、曝光时间和图像数字信息的关系模型。

图11   Igoe等利用智能手机装配滤光片与实验场景

Fig.11   Smartphone assembled with filters and experimental scene by Igoe

Cao等[102]在iPhone 4摄像头前加装中性密度滤光片和黄、绿、蓝3种颜色滤光片,通过分析晴空无云和有云条件下成像RGB值的差异,基于langley外推法研究了利用白、蓝、绿、黄4个通道图像反演光学厚度的方法(图12)。反演光学厚度的不确定度为0.12左右,广泛部署后,可以通过适当的定标来提高区域的反演精度。Tith等[103]研究了利用手机CMOS摄像头测量Gamma射线的方法,选取三星Galaxy GT-S5570 mini、Galaxy SII、Galaxy SIII和Huawei P7 4种手机,用黑胶带盖住手机摄像头,研究铯-137和铱-192发射Gamma射线在CMOS图像传感器上留下的光斑,通过定标后,就可以根据光斑的计数得到Gamma射线剂量率。

图12   太阳图像及其反演的气溶胶光学厚度

Fig.12   Solar images and inversed aerosol optical thickness



7 结 语








The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] Muller C L, Chapman L, Johnston S, et al.

Crowdsourcing for climate and atmospheric sciences: Current status and future potential

[J]. International Journal of Climatology, 2015, 35(11): 3185-3203.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 7]      摘要

ABSTRACT Crowdsourcing is traditionally defined as obtaining data or information by enlisting the services of a (potentially large) number of people. However, due to recent innovations, this definition can now be expanded to include ‘and/or from a range of public sensors, typically connected via the Internet.’ A large and increasing amount of data is now being obtained from a huge variety of non-traditional sources02–02from smart phone sensors to amateur weather stations to canvassing members of the public. Some disciplines (e.g. astrophysics, ecology) are already utilizing crowdsourcing techniques (e.g. citizen science initiatives, web 2.0 technology, low-cost sensors), and while its value within the climate and atmospheric science disciplines is still relatively unexplored, it is beginning to show promise. However, important questions remain; this paper introduces and explores the wide-range of current and prospective methods to crowdsource atmospheric data, investigates the quality of such data and examines its potential applications in the context of weather, climate and society. It is clear that crowdsourcing is already a valuable tool for engaging the public, and if appropriate validation and quality control procedures are adopted and implemented, it has much potential to provide a valuable source of high temporal and spatial resolution, real-time data, especially in regions where few observations currently exist, thereby adding value to science, technology and society.
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表面城市热岛多时间尺度变化的遥感研究已取得了阶段性进展。然而,受限于热红外遥感模型与数据的不足,目前典型城市群表面城市热岛的日内逐时变化规律仍不清楚。以MODIS(Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectrometer)遥感影像为主要数据源,结合地表温度日内变化INA08模型,率先模拟并分析了长三角城市群在夏、冬两季的表面城市热岛空间格局与热岛强度的逐时变化特征。结果表明:在夏季,日内所有城市整体而言均呈现热岛效应,但由于城市植被或水体的降温作用,白天至上半夜(08:00~21:00)部分城市存在相对"冷点",而这些"冷点"在21:00之后基本消失。此季节内城市热岛强度与地表温度日内逐时变化规律相似,两者均在上午迅速上升,并于12:00~14:00到达峰值,而后逐渐下降,并持续至次日日出前。在冬季,多数城市在白天出现了"城市冷岛",但"冷岛"多在午后至傍晚(14:00~17:00)消失,此后所有城市均恢复为"热岛"。此季节内城市热岛强度与地表温度日内逐时变化规律区别较大,且以农田和森林为背景计算的城市热岛强度的逐时变化趋势存在明显差异,前者在日内到达峰值的时间(约18:00)显著晚于后者(约13:30)。
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The heterogeneous nature of urban environments means that atmospheric research ideally requires a dense network of sensors to adequately resolve the local climate. With recent advances in sensor technology, a number of urban meteorological networks now exist with a range of research or operational objectives. This article reviews and assesses the current status of urban meteorological networks, by examining the fundamental scientific and logistical issues related to these networks. The article concludes by making recommendations for future deployments based on the challenges encountered by existing networks, including the need for better reporting and documentation of network characteristics, standardized approaches and guidelines, along with the need to overcome financial barriers via collaborative relationships in order to establish the long-term urban networks essential for advancing urban climate research. Copyright 2013 Royal Meteorological Society
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This article discusses the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow Network (CoCoRaHS), an informal education for scientists and citizens. The CoCoRaHS originated in the aftermath of a flash-flood storm that dropped more than 12-inches of rain over a small portion of Fort Collins, Colorado on July 28, 1997, and a similar storm the following evening over the grasslands of northeastern Colorado. These floods were responsible for several fatalities and at least 200 million-dollars in property damage.
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Reliable weather estimation traditionally requires a dense network of meteorological measurement stations. The concept of participatory sensing promises to alleviate this requirement by crowdsourcing weather data from an ideally very large set of participating users instead. Participation may involve nothing more than downloading a corresponding app to enable the collection of such data, given... [Show full abstract]
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The northeast U.S. extratropical cyclone of 8 x80; 9 February 2013 produced blizzard conditions and over 0.6 x80; 0.9 m (2 x80; 3 feet) of snow from Long Island through eastern New England. A surprising aspect of this blizzard was the development and rapid weakening of a snowband to the northwest of the cyclone center with radar reflectivity factor exceeding 55 dBZ. Because the radar reflectivity within snowbands in winter storms rarely exceeds 40 dBZ, this event warranted further investigation. The high radar reflectivity was due to mixed-phase microphysics in the snowband, characterized by high differential reflectivity (ZDR > 2 dB) and low correlation coefficient (CC < 0.9), as measured by the operational dual-polarization radar in Upton, NY (KOKX). Consistent with these radar observations, heavy snow and ice pellets (both sleet and graupel) were observed. Later as the reflectivity decreased to less than 40 dBZ, surface observations indicated a transition to primarily high-intensity dry snow, consistent with lower-tropospheric cold advection. Therefore, the rapid decrease of the 50+ dBZ reflectivity resulted from the transition from higher-density, mixed-phase precipitation to lower-density, dry-snow crystals and aggregates. This case study indicates the value that dual-polarization radar can have in an operational forecast environment for determining the variability of frozen precipitation (e.g., ice pellets, dry snow aggregates) on relatively small spatial scales.
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react-text: 199 Accurate prediction of mixed-phase precipitation remains challenging for numerical weather prediction models even with high-resolution and a sophisticated explicit microphysics scheme and diagnostic algorithm to designate surface precipitation type. Since mixed-phase winter weather precipitation can damage infrastructure and produce significant disruptions to air and road travel, incorrect... /react-text react-text: 200 /react-text [Show full abstract]
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正"有10个手机天气app的下载量超过350万,份额达97.5%;墨迹天气下载量遥遥领先,达到近3亿,份额占48%"。1 手机天气app发展概况1.1手机天气app总量利用关键词"天气"在360手机助手、豌豆荚、安卓市场、91助手、PP助手等几大主流(1)手机助手中检索,检索结果如表1。综合这几大手机助手的检索结果,截至2015年10月,初步统计结果显示手机天气
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手机是人们现代日常生活中的基本通讯联络手段之一.用手机网络信 号可以来监测天气状况.手机微波通讯专家和气象专家的联合研究发现:数字频段通讯微波返回信号的衰减强烈地受近地面雨滴的大小和分布的影响,数字频段通讯 微波返回信号的衰减可获得地面降水的高空间分辨率即时监测资料.研究表明:利用通讯信号衰减测得的降雨值与传统雨量筒的观测值非常接近,精确度要明显高于 雷达观测的结果;并且可以大大弥补传统雨量筒监测的布设站点数量少、空间分辨率低的不足.对强降雨和洪涝的高空间分辨率实时监测,具有重要意义.现在科学 工作者已研制出了用手机网络信号监测降雨的专利产品.深信用手机网络信号监测降雨是人类对降水观测的又一次重大技术进步,必将对高空间分辨率的精细降雨预 报产生推动作用.
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结合数字微波、固定无线接入(M M D S、LM D S)、自由空间光通信(FSO )等技术的特点以及移动通信网络的建设发展,对移动通信基站中继接入中采用无线接入手段的应用情况做了总结。
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Abstract At a wavelength of about 0.9 cm, microwave attenuation is demonstrated to be linearly related to rainfall rate and independent of drop size distribution and temperature. In addition, practical methods for measuring path- and area-averaged rainfall rate are reviewed. A compromise between maximum path-averaged rainfall rate sensitivity and minimum sensing errors may be achieved by the use of one-way methods between the transmitter and the receiver, with a wavelength of 1.5 to 2.0 cm. Corrections for nonspherical drops and for multiple scattering are also discussed.
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[J]. Water Resources Research, 2007, 43(4): W04416.

DOI      URL      摘要

A method to estimate areal evaporation using a microwave link (radio wave scintillometer) in combination with an energy budget constraint is proposed. This radio wave scintillometry-energy budget method (RWS-EBM) is evaluated for its applicability in different meteorological conditions and for its sensitivity to various variables (the structure parameter of the refractive index of air C n 2, the total available energy R n G, the wind velocity u, the effective average vegetation height h 0, and the correlation coefficient between the temperature and humidity fluctuations r TQ ). The method is shown to be best suited for use in wet to moderately dry conditions, where the latent heat flux is at least a third of the total available energy (i.e., Bowen ratio 2). It is important to accurately measure the total available energy and the wind velocity as the RWS-EBM is most sensitive to these variables. The Flevoland field experiment has provided the data, obtained with a 27-GHz radio wave scintillometer (over 2.2 km), a large-aperture scintillometer (also 2.2 km), and four eddy covariance systems, which are used to test the RWS-EBM. Comparing 92 daytime measurements (30-min intervals) of the evaporation estimated using the RWS-EBM to that determined in alternative manners (eddy covariance and two-wavelength scintillometry) leads to the conclusion that the method provides consistent estimates (coefficient of determination r 2 = 0.85 in both cases) under relatively wet conditions.
[44] Leijnse H, Uijlenhoet R, Stricker J N M.

Hydrometeorological application of a microwave link: 2. Precipitation

[J]. Water Resources Research, 2007, 43(4): W04417.

DOI      URL      摘要

The suitability of a 27-GHz microwave link for measuring path-averaged precipitation is investigated. Theoretical analyses show that the specific attenuation of an electromagnetic signal at this frequency varies nearly linearly with the rainfall intensity, which is ideal for line-integrating instruments. The dependence of this relation on the drop size distribution and on the temperature is small, so that uncertainties in these variables do not play large roles in the estimation of rainfall intensity. Data from an experiment with a 4.89-km microwave link and a line configuration of seven tipping bucket rain gauges are used to test whether this instrument is indeed suitable for the estimation of path-averaged rainfall. Results from this experiment show that the attenuation due to wet antennas can have a significant effect on the retrieved rainfall intensity. However, when a two-parameter wet antenna correction function is applied to the link data, comparisons with the rain gauge data show that the instrument is indeed well suited for the measurement of path-averaged rainfall
[45] Leijnse H, Uijlenhoet R, Stricker J.

Rainfall measurement using radio links from cellular communication networks

[J]. Water Resources Research, 2007, 43(3): W03201. DOI:10.1029/2006WR004989.

URL      摘要

We investigate the potential of radio links such as employed by commercial cellular communication companies to monitor path-averaged rainfall. We present an analysis of data collected using two 38-GHz links during eight rainfall events over a 2-month period (October-November 2003) during mostly stratiform rainfall in the Netherlands. Comparisons between the time series of rainfall intensities estimated using the radio links and those measured by a nearby rain gauge and a composite of two C band weather radars show that the dynamics of the rain events is generally well captured by the radio links. This shows that such links are potentially a valuable addition to existing methods of rainfall estimation, provided the uncertainties related to the reference signal level, signal level resolution, wet antenna attenuation, and temporal sampling can be resolved.
[46] Messer H, Zinevich A, Alpert P.

Environmental monitoring by wireless communication networks

[J]. Science, 2006, 312(5 774): 713.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The global spread of wireless networks brings a great opportunity for their use in environmental studies. Weather, atmospheric conditions, and constituents cause propagation impairments on radio links. As such, while providing communication facilities, existing wireless communication systems can be used as a widely distributed, high-resolution atmospheric observation network, operating in real time with minimum supervision and without additional cost. Here we demonstrate how measurements of the received signal level, which are made in a cellular network, provide reliable measurements for surface rainfall. We compare the estimated rainfall intensity with radar and rain gauge measurements.
[47] Zinevich A, Alpert P, Messer H.

Estimation of rainfall fields using commercial microwave communication networks of variable density

[J]. Advances in Water Resources, 2008, 31(11): 1 470-1 480.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The use of commercial microwave radio networks which are a part of cellular communication infrastructure for mapping of the near-the-ground rainfall is challenging for many reasons: the network geometry in space is irregular, the distribution of links by frequencies and polarizations is inhomogeneous, and measurements of rain-induced attenuation are distorted by quantization. A non-linear tomographic model over a variable density grid is formulated, and its applicability and performance limits are studied by means of a simulated experiment using a model of a real microwave network. It is shown that the proposed technique is capable to accurately measure integrated near-the-ground rainfall amounts over the area of 3200 km 2 with a bias smaller than 10%. In urban area, where the density of microwave links is high, the average correlation in space between the simulated model and reconstructed rainfall fields reaches 0.89 over the variable density grid with average cell size of 5.7 km 2 and 0.74 when interpolated into the rectangular grid with pixel size 0.775 0.775 km 2, for the quantization interval of 0.1 dB.
[48] Zinevich A, Messer H, Alpert P.

Frontal rainfall observation by a commercial microwave communication network

[J]. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2009, 48(7): 1 317-1 334.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT ABSTRACT A novel approach for reconstructionof rainfall spatial-temporal dynamics,from a wireless microwave,network is presented. It employs a stochastic space-time model based on a rainfall advection model, assimilated using a Kalman filter. The technique is able to aggregate the data in time and space along the direction of motion of the rainfall field, which is recovered from the simultaneous observation of a multitude of microwave links. The technique is applied on a standard microwave,communication network used by cellular communication system and comprising 23 microwave links, and it allows observation of near-surface rainfall at the temporal resolutions of 1 minute. The accuracy of the method is demonstrated by comparing instantaneous rainfall estimates with measurements from five rain gauges, reaching correlations of up to 0.85 at 1 minute time interval with bias and RMSE of -0.2 mm h,1. The results are compared to those of other spatial reconstruction techniques. The proposed dynamic,rainfall reconstruction approach can be applied to larger scale dynamic rainfall assimilation methods, enabling interpolation over data-void regions and straightforward incorporation of data from other sources, e.g. rain gauge networks and radars. 3
[49] Goldshtein O, Messer H Z A.

Rain rate estimation using measurements from commercial telecommunications links

[J]. IEEE Transactions on Signal Process, 2009, 57(4): 1 616-1 625.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this paper, we propose a novel method for estimating the rain rate at any given point within a two-dimensional plain using measurements of the received signal level extracted from power control records of an existing deployed fixed wireless communication network. The path-average rainfall intensity along each microwave radio link is estimated from the rainfall-induced attenuation using an empirical relationship. The proposed algorithm consists of appropriate preprocessing of the links data, followed by a modified weighted least squares algorithm to infer on the rain level at any given point in space. The algorithm can be used to interpolate measurements onto a regular grid to construct a two-dimensional rainfall intensity field. The novelty of the proposed estimation method comes from its ability to be applied on an arbitrary geometry network comprising different microwave links lengths and frequencies and allowing easy integration of rain gauge observations into the model to improve estimation accuracy. The technique has been applied to an existing fixed wireless communication network comprising 22 microwave links covering an area of about 15times15 km2 and operating at carrier frequencies of about 20 GHz. The resulting rainfall field estimates have been compared to rain gauge stations in the vicinity and to weather radar data, showing good agreement.
[50] Overeem A, Leijnse H, Uijlenhoet R.

Measuring urban rainfall using microwave links from commercial cellular communication networks

[J]. Water Resources Research, 2011, 47(12): W12505. DOI:10.1029/2010WR010350.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The estimation of rainfall using commercial microwave links is a new and promising measurement technique. Commercial link networks cover large parts of the land surface of the earth and have a high density, particularly in urban areas. Rainfall attenuates the electromagnetic signals transmitted between antennas within this network. This attenuation can be calculated from the difference between the received powers with and without rain and is a measure of the path-averaged rainfall intensity. This study uses a 17-day data set of, on average, 57 single-frequency links from 2009 to estimate rainfall in the Rotterdam region, a densely populated delta city in Netherlands ( 1250 km, >1 million inhabitants). A methodology is proposed where nearby links are used to remove signal fluctuations that are not related to rainfall in order to be able to reliably identify wet and dry weather spells. Subsequently, received signal powers are converted to path-averaged rainfall intensities, taking into account the temporal sampling protocol and attenuation due to wet antennas. Link-based rainfall depths are compared with those based on gauge-adjusted radar data. In addition, the rainfall retrieval algorithm is applied to an independent data set of 21 rainy days in 2010 with on average 16 single-frequency links in the same region. Rainfall retrievals are compared against gauge-adjusted radar rainfall estimates over the link path. Moreover, the retrieval algorithm is also tested using high-resolution research link data to investigate the algorithm's sensitivity to temporal rainfall variations. All presented comparisons confirm the quality of commercial microwave link data for quantitative precipitation estimation over urban areas.
[51] Overeem A, Leijnse H, Uijlenhoet R.

Country-wide rainfall maps from cellular communication networks

[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013, 110(8): 2 741-2 745.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Accurate and timely surface precipitation measurements are crucial for water resources management, agriculture, weather prediction, climate research, as well as ground validation of satellite-based precipitation estimates. However, the majority of the land surface of the earth lacks such data, and in many parts of the world the density of surface precipitation gauging networks is even rapidly declining. This development can potentially be counteracted by using received signal level data from the enormous number of microwave links used worldwide in commercial cellular communication networks. Along such links, radio signals propagate from a transmitting antenna at one base station to a receiving antenna at another base station. Rain-induced attenuation and, subsequently, path-averaged rainfall intensity can be retrieved from the signal's attenuation between transmitter and receiver. Here, we show how one such a network can be used to retrieve the space-time dynamics of rainfall for an entire country (The Netherlands, similar to 35,500 km(2)), based on an unprecedented number of links (similar to 2,400) and a rainfall retrieval algorithm that can be applied in real time. This demonstrates the potential of such networks for real-time rainfall monitoring, in particular in those parts of the world where networks of dedicated ground-based rainfall sensors are often virtually absent.
[52] Overeem A, Leijnse H, Uijlenhoet R.

Two and a half years of country-wide rainfall maps using radio links from commercial cellular telecommunication networks

[J]. Water Resources Research, 2016, 52(10): 8 039-8 065.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[53] Ostrometzky J, Cherkassky D, Messer H.

Accumulated mixed precipitation estimation using measurements from multiple microwave links

[J]. Advances in Meteorology, 2015. DOI:10.1155/2015/707646.

[本文引用: 1]     

[54] Smiatek G, Keis F, Chwala C, et al.

Potential of commercial microwave link network derived rainfall for river runoff simulations

[J]. Environmental Research Letters, 2017, 12(3): 034026.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Commercial microwave link networks allow for the quantification of path integrated precipitation because the attenuation by hydrometeors correlates with rainfall between transmitter and receiver stations. The networks, operated and maintained by cellphone companies, thereby provide completely new and country wide precipitation measurements. As the density of traditional precipitation station networks worldwide is significantly decreasing, microwave link derived precipitation estimates receive increasing attention not only by hydrologists but also by meteorological and hydrological services. We investigate the potential of microwave derived precipitation estimates for streamflow prediction and water balance analyses, exemplarily shown for an orographically complex region in the German Alps (River Ammer). We investigate the additional value of link derived rainfall estimations combined with station observations compared to station and weather radar derived values. Our river runoff simulation system employs a distributed hydrological model at 100 100 m grid resolution. We analyze the potential of microwave link derived precipitation estimates for two episodes of 30 days with typically moderate river flow and an episode of extreme flooding. The simulation results indicate the potential of this novel precipitation monitoring method: a significant improvement in hydrograph reproduction has been achieved in the extreme flooding period that was characterized by a large number of local strong precipitation events. The present rainfall monitoring gauges alone were not able to correctly capture these events.
[55] Doumounia A, Gosset M, Cazenave F, et al.

Rainfall monitoring based on microwave links from cellular telecommunication networks: First results from a West African test bed

[J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 2014, 41(16): 6 016-6 022.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Rainfall monitoring based on commercial terrestrial microwave links is tested for the first time in Burkina Faso, in Sahelian West Africa. In collaboration with one national cellular phone operator, Telecel Faso, the attenuation on a 2965km long microwave link operating at 765GHz was monitored at 165s time rate for the monsoon season 2012. The time series of attenuation is transformed into rain rates and compared with rain gauge data. The method is successful in quantifying rainfall: 95% of the rainy days are detected. The correlation with the daily rain gauge series is 0.8, and the season bias is 6%. The correlation at the 565min time step within each event is also high. These results demonstrate the potential interest of exploiting national and regional wireless telecommunication networks for monitoring rainfall in Africa, where operational rain gauge networks are degrading and the hydrometeorological risk increasing.
[56] Gosset M, Kunstmann H, Zougmore F, ,et al.

Improving rainfall measurement in gauge poor regions thanks to mobile telecommunication networks

[J]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.2016,97(3): ES49-ES51.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 2015 ; e-View doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00164.1
[57] Tollefson J.

Rain forecasts go mobile—Analysis of wireless communications data could give accurate weather at street level

[J]. Nature, 2017, 544: 146-147.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Real-time analysis of wireless communications data could improve weather forecasts around the world.
[58] Jia Le.

New trend in weather forecasting—Using mobile phone signals to predict rainfall

[J]. Science, 2017, 69(3): 8.

[本文引用: 1]     



[J]. 科学, 2017, 69(3): 8.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[59] David N, Alpert P, Messer H.

The potential of commercial microwave networks to monitordense fog-feasibility study

[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, 2013, 118(20): 11 750-11 761.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Here we show the potential for dense fog monitoring using existing measurements from wireless communication systems. Communication networks widely deploy commercial microwave links across the terrain at ground level. Operating at frequencies of tens of gigahertz, they are affected by fog and are, practically, an existing, sensor network, spatially distributed worldwide, which can provide crucial information about fog concentration and visibility. The goal of this paper is to show the feasibility for fog identification and intensity estimation. A method is proposed and is demonstrated by two cases of heavy fog that took place in Israel. During these events, fog covered wide areas (tens of kilometers) and caused severe decrease in visibility, dropping as low as several tens of meters. Liquid water content and visibility values were estimated using measurements from tens of microwave links deployed in the observed area for each event. Each of the links provided a single measurement which was taken simultaneously across all of the links in the system. The values were found to be in the range of 0.5-0.8 gr/m(3), high concentration values that match the maximum value range observed in field measurements carried out for prior studies in different test areas in the world. The visibility ranges calculated, between 30 and 70 m, fit the visibility assessments from the specialized measuring equipment operating in the observed area at the same time. These results point to the strong potential of the proposed technique.
[60] David N, Sendndik O, Messsser H, et al.

Cellular network infrastructure—The future of fog monitoring?

[J]. Bullitin of American Meteorological Society, 2015, 96(10): 1 687-1 698.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[61] David N, Gao H O.

Using cellular communication networks to detect air pollution

[J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50(17): 9 442-9 451.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Accurate real time monitoring of atmospheric conditions at ground level is vital for hazard warning, meteorological forecasting, and various environmental applications required for public health and safety. However, conventional monitoring facilities are costly and often insufficient, for example, since they are not representative of the larger space and are not deployed densely enough in the field. There have been numerous scientific works showing the ability of commercial microwave links that comprise the data transmission infrastructure in cellular communication networks to monitor hydrometeors as a potential complementary solution. However, despite the large volume of research carried out in this emerging field during the past decade, no study has shown the ability of the system to provide critical information regarding air quality. Here we reveal the potential for identifying atmospheric conditions prone to air pollution by detecting temperature inversions that trap pollutants at ground level. The technique is based on utilizing standard signal measurements from an existing cellular network during routine operation.
[62] Zohidov B, Andrieu H, Servièes M, et al.

The potential of microwave communication networks to detect dew-experimental study

[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2015, 8(9): 4 396-4 404.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

At microwave frequencies of tens of GHz, various hydrometeors cause attenuations to the electromagnetic signals. Here, we focus on the effect of liquid water films accumulating on the outer coverage of the microwave units during times of high relative humidity (RH). We propose a novel technique to detect moist antenna losses using standard received signal level (RSL) measurements acquired simultaneously by multiple commercial microwave links (MLs). We use the generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) for detecting a transient signal of unknown arrival time and duration. The detection procedure is applied on real RSL measurements taken from an already existing microwave network. It is shown that moist antenna episodes can be detected, information which provides the potential to identify dew, an important hydro-ecological parameter.
[63] Sharma P K, Sharma D,Singh R K.

Development of propagation model by considering different climatic conditions

[J]. Magnt Research Report, 2014, 2(6): 389-401.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract: It is important to consider many technical issues before going to design and establish an expensive Wireless system. It is necessary to see the mathematical predictions or calculations of different parameters before going to design such type of systems. One of those parameters is path loss. Here the mathematical study of path loss is carried out in different climatic conditions like summer, winter, etc. The study helped to design better wireless network for the urban areas which has the same atmospheric conditions like Narnaul, Haryana (INDIA). The comparative study between fields measured data and path loss models shows that the Okumura path loss model is giving better results than other path loss models. Still it needs some modification to give accurate results in the mentioned environment. The modification of Okumura model is given by considering climatic effects along with the area factor in the above mentioned area. The goal of this paper is to analyze attenuation impact on the performance of a mobile station respectively on the received signal quality to the end user. In the end of the paper, two approaches have been followed to verify and test the developed Okumura path loss model. In the first approach the developed path loss model attenuation has been compared with reference attenuation of Fog and Rain which were given by M. Sridhar and Altshuler. In second approach a comparative analysis has been done between field measured data and the developed Okumura model in Hisar (Haryana, India).
[64] Helhel S, Ozen S, Goksu H.

Investigation of GSM signal variation dry and wet earth effects

[J]. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 2008, 1: 147-157.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[65] Dalip Kumar V.

Effect of environmental parameters on GSM and GPS

[J]. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2014, 7(8): 1 183-1 188.

[本文引用: 1]     

[66] Usman A U, Okereke O U, Omizegba E E.

Instantaneous GSM signal strength variation with weather and environmental factors

[J]. American Journal of Engineering Research, 2015, 4(3): 104-115.

[本文引用: 1]     

[67] Zamora J L F, Kashihara S, Yamaguchi S.

Radio signal-based measurements for localized heavy rain detection using smartphones

[C]∥ IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference. San Jose, California, USA, 2013.

[本文引用: 1]     

[68] Liu Xichuan, Gao Taichang, Liu Lei, et al.

Discussion on electromagnetic scattering characteristics of ice-water two-phases particles in atmosphere

[J]. Progress in Geophysics, 2013, 28(1): 71-82.

[本文引用: 1]     

[刘西川, 高太长, 刘磊, .


[J]. 地球物理学进展, 2013, 28(1): 71-82.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[69] Yin Min, Jiang Shitai, Gao Taichang, et al.

Microwave characteristics of rain attenuation and its application in rainfall measurement

[J]. Meteorological Science and Technology, 2015, 43(1): 1-7.

[本文引用: 1]     

[印敏, 姜世泰, 高太长, .


[J]. 气象科技, 2015, 43(1): 1-7.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[70] Jiang Shitai, Gao Taichang, Liu Xichuan, et al.

Investigation of the inversion of rainfall field based on microwave links

[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2013, 62(15): 154 303.

[本文引用: 1]     

[姜世泰, 高太长, 刘西川, .


[J]. 物理学报, 2013, 62(15): 154 303.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

本文基于微波雨衰的幂律关系,研究了使用微波链路反演降雨场 的方法,采用层析技术建立了降雨场反演模型。并利用 SIRT 算法与正则化算法实现对降雨场层析反演模型的求解。数值模拟结果表明,该模型与反演算法能够较为准确地重建降雨场强度与空间分布特征,能够提供高时空分辨 率的二维降雨强度分布。因此,利用微波衰减数据进行降雨探测可以作为常规的雨量计与天气雷达观测手段的有效补充。
[71] Gao Taichang, Song Kun, Liu Xichuan, et al.

Research on the method and experiment of path rainfall intensity inversion using a microwave link

[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2015, 64(17): 174 301.

[本文引用: 1]     

[高太长, 宋堃, 刘西川, .


[J]. 物理学报, 2015, 64(17): 174 301.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

从大气气体吸收衰减模型出发,基于微波雨衰特性和雨滴谱统计资料建立了微波链路降雨有效衰减的修正模型和视距微波链路的降雨反演模型.设计并搭建一条视距微波链路测雨实验系统,利用降雨反演模型反演了路径平均降雨强度,并与雨滴谱仪进行了同步对比.观测结果表明,视距微波链路降雨反演模型的反演雨强与雨滴谱仪测量结果的相关系数大多高于0.6,最高可达0.9647;累积降雨量的绝对误差大多在0.5 mm以内,最小偏差仅有0.0827 mm;相对偏差大部分在15%以内,最小相对误差为3.3415%.实验结果验证了微波链路反演降雨的有效性和准确性.
[72] Song Kun, Gao Taichang, Liu Xichuan, et al.

Method and experiment of rainfall intensity inversion using a microwave link based on support vector machine

[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2015,64(24): 244 301.

[本文引用: 1]     

[宋堃, 高太长, 刘西川, .


[J]. 物理学报, 2015, 64(24): 244 301.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

为提高微波链路雨致衰减反演雨 强精度,在Mie散射理论、气体吸收衰减模型以及Gamma雨滴谱分布的基础上,将支持向量机引入到微波链路测量降水中,提出了基于支持向量机的微波链路 雨强反演方法,并开展了15—20 GHz频段的视距微波链路与地面雨滴谱仪的同步观测降雨实验.实验结果表明,基于支持向量机的微波链路雨强反演模型的反演雨强与实测雨强的相关系数全部高 于0.6,最高达到0.9674;雨强的均方根误差最小值为0.5780 mm/h,累积降雨量的绝对最小误差仅为0.0080 mm;相对偏差大部分在10%以内,最小偏差为0.7425%.实验结果验证了基于支持向量机的微波链路雨强反演方法的有效性、准确性和适用性,对于进一 步提高微波链路反演降雨精度、改善降水监测效果具有重要意义.
[73] Song Kun, Gao Taichang, Liu Xichuan, et al.

Method and experiment of path rainfall intensity inversion using a microwave link based on nonspherical rain-induced model

[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2017, 66(5): 154 301.

[本文引用: 1]     

[宋堃, 高太长, 刘西川, .


[J]. 物理学报, 2017, 66(5): 154 301.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

以T矩阵理论、Gamma谱分布为理论基础,基于Pruppacher-Beard降雨粒子模型,对OTT雨滴谱仪的Gamma谱参数历史资料与降雨强度值进行非线性拟合得到具有实地谱分布的幂律系数,建立适合于本地区的雨衰模型,提出了基于非球形雨衰模型的微波链路雨强反演方法,分析了温度对模型幂律系数的影响,并开展了15—20 GHz频段的视距微波链路与地面雨滴谱仪的同步观测降雨实验.实验结果表明:反演雨强的相关系数全部高于0.6,最高达到了0.96,RMSE最小值为0.79,累积降雨量的绝对偏差在2.47 mm以内,最小偏差仅为0.28 mm,相对误差低于1.84%.实验结果验证了基于非球形雨衰模型的微波链路雨强反演方法的有效性、准确性和适用性,对于进一步提高微波链路反演降雨精度、改善降水监测效果具有重要意义.
[74] Xue Y, Liu X C, Gao T C, et al.

Regional attenuation correction of weather radar using a distributed microwave-links network

[J]. Advances in Meteorology, 2017.DOI:10.1155/2017/8621239.

[本文引用: 1]     

[75] Zhang P, Liu X, Li Z, et al.

Attenuation correction of weather radar reflectivity with arbitrary oriented microwave link

[J]. Advances in Meteorology, 2017. DOI:10.1155/2017/6124149.

[本文引用: 1]     

[76] Overeem A, Robinson J C R, Leijnse H,et al.

Crowdsourcing urban air temperatures from smartphone battery temperatures

[J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 2013, 40(15): 4 081-4 085.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[77] Pape J J, Overeem A, Leijnse H, et al.

Urban air temperature estimation from smartphone battery temperatures

[C]∥EMS Annual Meeting. Sofia, Bulgaria, 2015.

[本文引用: 1]     

[78] Droste A, Pape J J, Overeem A, et al.

Using smartphone batteries as an urban thermometer

[C]∥EGU General Assembly. Vienna, Austria, 2017.

[本文引用: 1]     

[79] Droste A M, Pape J J, Overeem A, et al.

Crowdsourcing urban air temperatures through smartphone battery temperatures in São Paulo, Brazil

[J]. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 2017, 34(9): 1 853-1 866.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Crowdsourcing as a method to obtain and apply vast datasets is rapidly becoming prominent in meteorology, especially for urban areas where traditional measurements are scarce. Earlier studies showed that smartphone battery temperature readings allow for estimating the daily and city-wide air temperature via a straightforward heat transfer model. This study advances these model estimations by studying spatially and temporally smaller scales. The accuracy of temperature retrievals as a function of the number of battery readings is also studied. An extensive dataset of over 10 million battery temperature readings is available for S茫o Paulo (Brazil), for estimating hourly and daily air temperatures. The air temperature estimates are validated with air temperature measurements from a WMO station, an Urban Fluxnet site, and crowdsourced data from 7 hobby meteorologists' private weather stations. On a daily basis temperature estimates are good, and we show they improve by optimizing model parameters for neighbourhood scales as categorized in Local Climate Zones. Temperature differences between Local Climate Zones can be distinguished from smartphone battery temperatures. When validating the model for hourly temperature estimates, initial results are poor, but are vastly improved by using a diurnally varying parameter function in the heat transfer model rather than one fixed value for the entire day. The obtained results show the potential of large crowdsourced datasets in meteorological studies, and the value of smartphones as a measuring platform when routine observations are lacking.

Look at the Role of Pressure Sensors in Smart Phones

[J]. Cards World, 2012, 17(11): 53.

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[J]. 金卡工程, 2012, 17(11): 53.]

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正压力传感器首次在智能手机上使用是在Galaxy Nexus上,而之后推出的一些Android旗舰手机里也包含了压力传感器,如Galaxy S Ⅲ、Galaxy Note 2和小米2,不过大家对于压力传感器仍非常陌生。其实,压力传感器在这里是用来测量大气压的,但测量大气压对于普通的手机用户来说又有什么作用呢?海拔高度测量对于喜欢登山的人来说,都会非常关心自己所处的高度。海拔高度的测量方法,一般常用的有2种方式,一是通过GPS全球定位系统,二是通过测出大气压,然后根据气压值计算出海拔高度。由于受到技术和其它方面原因的限制,
[81] Mass C F, Madaus L E.

Surface pressure observations from smartphones

[J]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2014, 95(9): 1343-1349.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Not Available
[82] Kim N Y, Kim Y H, Yoon Y, et al.

Correcting air-pressure data collected by mems sensors in smartphones

[J]. Journal of Sensors, 2015.DOI:10.1155/2015/245498.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We present a novel correction method for air-pressure data collected by microelectromechanical pressure sensors embedded in Android-based smartphones, in order to render them usable as meteorological data. The first step of the proposed correction method involves removing the mechanically derived outliers existing beyond the physical limits and those existing outside 3 , as well as a reduction to the mean sea level pressure using the altitude data from digital elevation models. The second correction step involves classifying data by location and linear-regression analysis utilizing the temperature and humidity sensed by the smartphone to reduce correction errors by performing the analysis according to personalized settings. Air-pressure data obtained from smartphones is subject to several influential factors, depending on the users external environment. However, once corrected for spatial location, temperature, and humidity and for individual users after a comprehensive quality control, the corrected air-pressure data was highly reliable as an auxiliary resource for automatic weather stations.
[83] Kim Y H, Ha J H, Yoon Y, et al.

Improved correction of atmospheric pressure data obtained by smartphones through machine learning

[J]. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2016. DOI:10.1155/2016/9467878.

URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A correction method using machine learning aims to improve the conventional linear regression (LR) based method for correction of atmospheric pressure data obtained by smartphones. The method proposed in this study conducts clustering and regression analysis with time domain classification. Data obtained in Gyeonggi-do, one of the most populous provinces in South Korea surrounding Seoul with the size of 10,000???km2, from July 2014 through December 2014, using smartphones were classified with respect to time of day (daytime or nighttime) as well as day of the week (weekday or weekend) and the user???s mobility, prior to the expectation-maximization (EM) clustering. Subsequently, the results were analyzed for comparison by applying machine learning methods such as multilayer perceptron (MLP) and support vector regression (SVR). The results showed a mean absolute error (MAE) 26% lower on average when regression analysis was performed through EM clustering compared to that obtained without EM clustering. For machine learning methods, the MAE for SVR was around 31% lower for LR and about 19% lower for MLP. It is concluded that pressure data from smartphones are as good as the ones from national automatic weather station (AWS) network.
[84] Ha J H, Kim Y H.

A survey on data correction of observation and prediction using machine learning: Preliminary study for optimizing oil spill model

[J]. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2016, 11(16): 8 892-8 895.

[本文引用: 1]     

[85] Madaus L E, Mass C F.

Evaluating smartphone pressure observations for mesoscale analyses and forecasts

[J]. Weather and Forecasting, 2017, 32(4): 511-531.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[86] Hanson G S.

Impact of Assimilating Surface Pressure Observations from Smartphones on a Regional, High Resolution Ensemble Forecast: Observing system simulation experiments

[D]. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University, 2016.

[本文引用: 1]     

[87] Ramanathan N, Lukac M, Ahmed T, et al.

A cellphone based system for large-scale monitoring of black carbon

[J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45: 4 481-4 487.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Black carbon aerosols are a major component of soot and are also a major contributor to global and regional climate change. Reliable and cost-effective systems to measure near-surface black carbon (BC) mass concentrations (hereafter denoted as [BC]) globally are necessary to validate air pollution and climate models and to evaluate the effectiveness of BC mitigation actions. Toward this goal we describe a new wireless, low-cost, ultra low-power, BC cellphone based monitoring system (BC_CBM). BC_CBM integrates a Miniaturized Aerosol filter Sampler (MAS) with a cellphone for filter image collection, transmission and image analysis for determining [BC] in real time. The BC aerosols in the air accumulate on the MAS quartz filter, resulting in a coloration of the filter. A photograph of the filter is captured by the cellphone camera and transmitted by the cellphone to the analytics component of BC_CBM. The analytics component compares the image with a calibrated reference scale (also included in the photograph) to estimate [BC]. We demonstrate with field data collected from vastly differing environments, ranging from southern California to rural regions in the Indo-Gangetic plains of Northern India, that the total BC deposited on the filter is directly and uniquely related to the reflectance of the filter in the red wavelength, irrespective of its source or how the particles were deposited. [BC] varied from 0.1 to 1 g m 3 in Southern California and from 10 to 200 g m 3 in rural India in our field studies. In spite of the 3 orders of magnitude variation in [BC], the BC_CBM system was able to determine the [BC] well within the experimental error of two independent reference instruments for both indoor air and outdoor ambient air. Accurate, global-scale measurements of [BC] in urban and remote rural locations, enabled by the wireless, low-cost, ultra low-power operation of BC_CBM, will make it possible to better capture the large spatial and temporal variations in [BC], informing climate science, health, and policy.
[88] Snik F, Heikamp S, Boer J D, et al.

iSPEX: The creation of an aerosol sensor network of smartphone spectropolarimeters

[C]∥EGU General Assembly. Vienna, Austria, 2012.

[本文引用: 1]     

[89] Apituley A.

iSPEX: First results of aerosols measured by smartphones in the Netherlands

[C]∥ Proceedings of the European Aerosol Conference. Prague, Czech, 2013.

[本文引用: 1]     

[90] Frans Snik, Rietjens J H H, Apituley A, et al.

Mapping atmospheric aerosols with a citizen science network of smartphone spectropolarimeters

[J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 2014, 41(20): 7 351-7 358.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[91] Land-Zandstra A M, Devilee J L A, Snik F, et al.

Citizen science on a smartphone: Participants' motivations and learning

[J]. Public Understanding of Science, 2016, 25(1): 45-60.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Citizen science provides researchers means to gather or analyse large datasets. At the same time, citizen science projects offer an opportunity for non-scientists to be part of and learn from the scientific process. In the Dutch iSPEX project, a large number of citizens turned their smartphones into actual measurement devices to measure aerosols. This study examined participants' motivation and perceived learning impacts of this unique project. Most respondents joined iSPEX because they wanted to contribute to the scientific goals of the project or because they were interested in the project topics (health and environmental impact of aerosols). In terms of learning impact, respondents reported a gain in knowledge about citizen science and the topics of the project. However, many respondents had an incomplete understanding of the science behind the project, possibly caused by the complexity of the measurements. The Author(s) 2015.
[92] Fang Lingsheng.

Smart phone science

[J]. World Science, 2016, 38(5): 26-28.

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[J]. 世界科学, 2016, 38(5): 26-28.]

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[93] Igoe D, Parisi A, Carter B.

Characterization of a smartphone camera's response to ultraviolet a radiation

[J]. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2013, 89(1): 215-218.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

As part of a wider study into the use of smartphones as solar ultraviolet radiation monitors, this article characterizes the ultraviolet A (UVA; 320 400 nm) response of a consumer complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS)-based smartphone image sensor in a controlled laboratory environment. The CMOS image sensor in the camera possesses inherent sensitivity to UVA, and despite the attenuation due to the lens and neutral density and wavelength-specific bandpass filters, the measured relative UVA irradiances relative to the incident irradiances range from 0.0065% at 380 nm to 0.0051% at 340 nm. In addition, the sensor demonstrates a predictable response to low-intensity discrete UVA stimuli that can be modelled using the ratio of recorded digital values to the incident UVA irradiance for a given automatic exposure time, and resulting in measurement errors that are typically less than 5%. Our results support the idea that smartphones can be used for scientific monitoring of UVA radiation.
[94] Igoe D, Parisi A V, Carter B.

A method for determining the dark response for scientific imaging with smartphones

[J]. Instrumentation Science & Technology, 2014, 42(5): 586-592.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The proliferation of smartphone technology has provided an unprecedented opportunity for greater community participation in collaborative scientific observations that were once out of reach due to cost, accessibility, and ease of use. Currently, there have been several applications making use of the various sensors included in a smartphone, particularly the image sensor, which has been used in a wide range of scientific endeavors including air quality and medicine. Like all digital image sensors, the smartphone sensor is subject to noise, particularly that related to dark current. The objective of this article is to present the development and testing of a method to determine the dark response that a smartphone camera may experience under different temperatures representative of the environmental conditions for scientific imaging. This has required the development and testing of a specially developed application. This was tested in the evaluation and analysis of the dark response of a smartphone camera for the range of 8 38 C. The mean of the dark response was relatively unchanged over this range. The method developed in this paper allows the rapid and easy determination of the dark response of smartphone image sensors, enabling this to be readily subtracted from the signal in the development of scientific investigations.
[95] Igoe D P, Parisi A V, Carter B.

Evaluating UVA aerosol optical depth using a smartphone camera

[J]. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2013, 89(5): 1 244-1 248.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract This research evaluates a smartphone complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) image sensor's ability to detect and quantify incident solar UVA radiation and subsequently, aerosol optical depth at 340 and 38002nm. Earlier studies revealed that the consumer grade CMOS sensor has inherent UVA sensitivities, despite attenuating effects of the lens. Narrow bandpass and neutral density filters were used to protect the image sensor and to not allow saturation of the solar images produced. Observations were made on clear days, free from clouds. The results of this research demonstrate that there is a definable response to changing solar irradiance and aerosol optical depth can be measured within 5% and 10% error margins at 380 and 34002nm respectively. The greater relative error occurs at lower wavelengths (34002nm) due to increased atmospheric scattering effects, particularly at higher air masses and due to lower signal to noise ratio in the image sensor. The relative error for solar irradiance was under 1% for observations made at 38002nm. The results indicate that the smartphone image sensor, with additional external narrow bandpass and neutral density filters can be used as a field sensor to evaluate solar UVA irradiance and aerosol optical depth. 08 2013 The American Society of Photobiology.
[96] Igoe D.

Development and Characterisation of a Modified Smartphone Camera for Determining UVA Aerosol Optical Depth

[D]. Queensland: University of Southern Queensland, 2013.

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[97] Igoe D P, Parisi A, Carter B.

Smartphone-based and roid APP for determining UVA aerosol optical depth and direct solar irradiances

[J]. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2014, 90: 233-237.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This research describes the development and evaluation of the accuracy and precision of an Android app specifically designed, written and installed on a smartphone for detecting and quantifying incident solar UVA radiation and subsequently, aerosol optical depth at 340 and 380 nm. Earlier studies demonstrated that a smartphone image sensor can detect UVA radiation and the responsivity can be calibrated to measured direct solar irradiance. This current research provides the data collection, calibration, processing, calculations and display all on a smartphone. A very strong coefficient of determination of 0.98 was achieved when the digital response was recalibrated and compared to the Microtops sun photometer direct UVA irradiance observations. The mean percentage discrepancy for derived direct solar irradiance was only 4% and 6% for observations at 380 and 340 nm, respectively, lessening with decreasing solar zenith angle. An 8% mean percent difference discrepancy was observed when comparing aerosol optical depth, also decreasing as solar zenith angle decreases. The results indicate that a specifically designed Android app linking and using a smartphone image sensor, calendar and clock, with additional external narrow bandpass and neutral density filters can be used as a field sensor to evaluate both direct solar UVA irradiance and low aerosol optical depths for areas with low aerosol loads.
[98] Igoe D, Parisi A V.

Broadband direct UVA irradiance measurement for clear skies evaluated using a smartphone

[J]. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2014, 167(4): 1-5.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

UVA wavelengths (320-400 nm) have been implicated in recent studies to contribute to melanoma induction and skin photoaging in humans and damage to plants. The use of smartphones in UVA observations are a way to supplement measurements made by traditional radiometric and spectroradiometric technology. Although the smartphone image sensor is not capable of determining broadband UVA irradiances, these can be reconstructed from narrowband irradiances, which the smartphone, with narrowband and neutral density filters, can quantify with discrepancies not exceeding 5%. Three models that reconstruct direct broadband clear sky UVA were developed from narrowband irradiances derived from smartphone image sensor pixel data with coefficients of determination of between 0.97 and 0.99. Reasonable accuracy and precision in determining the direct broadband UVA was maintained for observations made with solar zenith angles as high as 70 . The developed method has the potential to increase the uptake of the measurement of broadband UVA irradiances.
[99] Igoe D, Parisi A V.

Evaluation of a smartphone sensor to broadband and narrowband ultraviolet a radiation

[J]. Instrumentation Science & Technology, 2015, 43(3): 283-289.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Smartphone image sensor response is compared for broadband and narrowband (34002nm and 38002nm) UVA wavelengths (320–40002nm) based on previous studies that have demonstrated quantitative response to solar radiation at 38002nm and 34002nm to reconstruct broadband irradiance. This article compares broadband and narrowband sensing using a common readily accessible smartphone equipped with a broadband UVA filter that displayed strong sensitivity to long wavelength UVA irradiances from 37002nm with a maximum at 38002nm. However, the use of narrow passband and neutral density filters allowed quantitative observations at the biologically significant wavelength of 34002nm. Narrow passband filter observations also had less variation at 34002nm than observed for broadband measurements. The results indicate that the smartphone image sensor, with the addition of narrow passband and neutral density filters, is a viable tool for UVA observations, but is unsuitable for broadband filter measurements.
[100] Igoe D P, Amar A, Parisi A V, ,et al.

Characterisation of a smartphone image sensor response to direct solar 305 nm irradiation at high air masses

[J]. Science of the Total Environment,2017, 587/588: 407-413.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61Novel means of measuring and quantifying solar 305nm radiation are proposed.61The use of a smartphone image sensor with only external filters was used.61The smartphone provides an inexpensive, accessible and accurate UVB measuring tool.61Accurate measurements of solar 305nm made at high air masses (>2)
[101] Turner J, Parisi A V, Igoe D P, et al.

Detection of Ultraviolet B radiation with internal smartphone sensors

[J]. Instrumentation Science & Technology, 2017, 45(6): 618-638.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Smartphones have the potential to monitor ultraviolet radiation within the terrestrial solar spectrum. Additionally, the ability to accurately estimate personal ultraviolet exposure using a smartphone may one day allow an individual control of their ultraviolet exposure. Previous studies have demonstrated the detection of ultraviolet A from 320 to 40065nm with a smartphone. However, the measurement of ultraviolet B from 280 to 32065nm is desirable to monitor biological effects such as erythema. No previous reports have been reported for the detection of ultraviolet B detection with a smartphone camera. This study characterized the ultraviolet B response of smartphone cameras and shows that these devices detect this radiation without additional hardware. Three smartphones were tested in the ultraviolet B waveband for dark response, temperature response, irradiance response, and spectral response. The used protocols adhered to international standards where applicable. All characterized smartphones were sensitive to ultraviolet B radiation; however, each type provides a unique response.
[102] Cao T, Thompson J E.

Remote sensing of atmospheric optical depth using a smartphone sun photometer

[J]. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(1): e84119.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In recent years, smart phones have been explored for making a variety of mobile measurements. Smart phones feature many advanced sensors such as , capability, and accelerometers within a handheld device that is portable, inexpensive, and consistently located with an end user. In this work, a smartphone was used as a sun photometer for the remote sensing of atmospheric optical depth. The top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) irradiance was estimated through the construction of Langley plots on days when the sky was cloudless and clear. Changes in optical depth were monitored on a different day when clouds intermittently blocked the sun. The device demonstrated a measurement precision of 1.2% relative standard deviation for replicate photograph measurements (38 trials, 134 datum). However, when the accuracy of the method was assessed through using optical filters of known transmittance, a more substantial uncertainty was apparent in the data. Roughly 95% of replicate smart phone measured transmittances are expected to lie within 11.6% of the true transmittance value. This uncertainty in transmission corresponds to an optical depth of approx. 0.12-0.13 suggesting the smartphone sun photometer would be useful only in polluted areas that experience significant optical depths. The device can be used as a tool in the classroom to present how aerosols and gases effect atmospheric transmission. If improvements in measurement precision can be achieved, future work may allow monitoring networks to be developed in which citizen scientists submit acquired data from a variety of locations.
[103] Tith S, Chankow N.

Measurement of gamma-rays using smartphones

[J]. Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 2016, 6: 31-37.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) image sensor of a smartphone has been known for its sensitivity to gamma-rays. In this research, some smartphones were selected and tested for measurement of gamma-rays emitted from Cesium-137 and Iridium-192 sources. During measurements, the phones were set in video mode while the camera lenses were covered with black adhesive tape to prevent light exposure. Interaction of gamma-rays with the CMOS appeared as flashing bright spots on the image. The bright spots were then counted by using the freely available ImageJ software. Preliminary results indicated that the number of bright spots increased linearly with increase of gamma-ray dose rate. An in-house Android application software was then developed for real-time counting of the bright spots. The application software also allowed users to input a calibration equation so that the phones could simultaneously convert the count rate to display in dose rate. This research demonstrated that, after appropriate calibration, smartphones could be used as gamma-ray measuring devices for radiation safety control involving high activity sources such as in industrial radiography, gamma-ray irradiation facility and medical treatment.
[104] Liu Xiaoyang.

Research and Implementation of Air Quality Monitoring System Based on Participatory Sensing

[D]. Beijing: Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2014.

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[D]. 北京: 北京邮电大学, 2014.]

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[105] Chen Hongbin, Zheng Guoguang.

Mobile systems for monitoring the atmosphere and its environments based on commercial transport platforms

[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2005, 20(5): 520-524.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]     

[陈洪滨, 郑国光.


[J]. 地球科学进展, 2005, 20(5): 520-524.]

DOI      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

