蔡树群1, 刘统亚1,2, 何映晖1, 吕海滨1,2, 陈植武1, 刘军亮1, 谢皆烁1, 许洁馨1

A Prospect of Study on the Effect of Shear Current Field on Internal Waves in the Northeastern South China Sea
Cai Shuqun1, Liu Tongya1,2, He Yinghui1, Lü Haibin1,2, Chen Zhiwu1, Liu Junliang1, Xie Jieshuo1, Xu Jiexin1
chematic showing the different types of Kuroshio intrusions[ 14 ] Curve 1 (grey):The mean position of the Kuroshio as it partially enters the Luzon Strait. Curve 2a (thick, solid):The South China Sea Branch of the Kuroshio enters and flows southwestward along the shelf break; Curve 2b (short dashed):An anticyclonic loop current is formed by the Kuroshio before its returning to the mean path; Curve 2c (long dashed):An anticyclonic eddy detached from the type 2b intrusion; Curve 3 (thin, solid):The Kuroshio enters in the northern part of the strait and forms a cyclonic circulation before returning to the mean path