夏阳, 张立飞*

The Advance of Petrologic Mechanism of Dehydration Embrittlement in Intermediate-depth Earthquakes
Xia Yang, Zhang Lifei
图1 深度与地震数量统计图 发生于1964年1月至1986年2月之间, 按深度统计震级不小于5级( m b ≥5)的年均地震数量。上面一条线统计了全球范围内的地震, 而下面一条线从中排除了汤加-克马德克地区(据文献[ 3 ]绘)
Fig. 1 Distribution of earthquakes with depth Number of earthquakes per year occurring between January 1964 and February 1986 and having m b of 5.0 or greater. The upper line shows rates for the entire world, while the lower line excludes the earthquakes in the Tonga-Kermadec region after reference [ 3 ]