王春连1, 刘成林1*,*, 王立成1, 张林兵2

Reviews on Potash Deposit Metallogenic Conditions
Wang Chunlian1, Liu Chenglin1, Wang Licheng1, Zhang Linbing2
图1 世界主要钾盐矿床分布图 [ 1 ] 1.巴基斯坦盐岭钾盐矿床;2.俄罗斯东西伯利亚涅帕盐矿;3.加拿大萨斯喀彻温钾盐矿;4.美国威利斯顿钾矿;5.白俄罗斯彼里皮亚特钾盐矿;6.美国密执安钾盐矿;7.加拿大新不伦瑞克钾盐矿;8.美国帕拉多克斯钾盐矿;9.美国新墨西哥钾盐矿;10.俄罗斯上卡姆钾盐矿;11.俄罗斯日梁钾盐矿;12.俄罗斯滨里海凹地钾盐矿;13.巴西亚马逊钾盐矿;14.德国蔡希斯坦钾盐矿;15.英国蔡希斯坦钾盐矿;16.中亚钾矿;17.加蓬和刚果盆地钾盐矿;18.巴西塞尔希培钾盐矿;19.泰国-老挝呵叻盆地钾盐矿床;20.西班牙埃布罗钾盐矿;21.德国、法国莱茵地堑钾盐矿;22.意大利中西西里钾盐矿;23.俄罗斯—乌克兰前喀尔巴阡第三纪钾盐矿;24.埃及苏伊士湾捷姆萨钾盐矿;25.埃塞俄比亚达纳基尔洼地钾盐矿;26.以色列—约旦死海钾盐矿;27.中国勐野井钾盐矿;28.美国大盐湖钾盐矿;29.中国青海察尔汗钾盐矿;30.中国新疆罗布泊钾盐矿;31.智利阿塔卡玛钾盐矿
Fig.1 Distributing graph of main kali salt deposits in the world [ 1 ] 1. the potash deposit in salt range of Pakistan; 2. the potash deposit in east Siberia, Russia; 3. the potash deposit in Saskatchewan, Canada; 4. the potash deposit in Williston, USA; 5. the potash deposit in Piatt, Belarus; 6. the potash deposit in Michigan, USA; 7. the potash deposit in New Brunswick, Canada; 8. the potash deposit in Paradox, USA; 9. the potash deposit in New Mecico, USA; 10. the potash deposit in Camden, Russia; 11. the potash deposit in Riliang, Russia; 12. the potash deposit in Caspian depression, Russia; 13. the potash deposit Amazon, Brazil; 14. the potash deposit in Zechstein, Germany; 15. the potash deposit in Zechstein, Britain; 16. the potash deposit in Central Asia; 17. the potash deposit in Gabon and Congo Basin; 18. the potash deposit in Sergipe, Brazil; 19. the potash deposit in Korat basin, Thailand-Laos; 20. the potash deposit in Ebro, Spain; 21. the potash deposit in Rhine graben, Germany and France; 22. the potash deposit in Sicily, Italy; 23. the Tertiary potash deposit in Carpathian, Russian-Ukraine; 24. the potash deposit in Jaguar, Suez Gulf, Egypt; 25. the potash deposit in Danakil, Ethiopia; 26. the potash deposit in dead sea, Israel-Jordan; 27. the potash deposit in Mengye well, China; 28. the potash deposit in great salt lake, USA; 29. the potash deposit in Qarham, Qinghai, China; 30. the potash deposit in Lop Nor, Xinjiang, China; 31. the potash deposit in Artakama, Chile