翟盘茂, 倪允琪, 陈阳

Mechanism and forecasting method of persistent extreme weather events: review and prospect
Zhai Panmao, Ni Yunqi, Chen Yang
图4 图4a2002年6月25~29日南方持续性暴雨期间200 hPa高空流线图;b2008年1月27~30日南方持续性低温雨雪期间高空流线图 其中带箭头等值线代表流线,阴影代表水平风速单位:ms
Fig.4 aDisplays the streamlines for persistent heavy precipitation at 200 hPa during 2002.06.25~29; bShows streamlines for the persistent low temperature during 2008.01.27~30 The contours denote the streamlines and the shadings indicate the horizontal wind speedunit:ms