地球科学进展 ›› 2021, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 185 -197. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2021.014

研究论文 上一篇    下一篇

常明恒 1( ), 左洪超 1( ), 摆玉龙 2, 段济开 1   
  1. 1.兰州大学大气科学学院,甘肃 兰州 730000
    2.西北师范大学物理与电子工程学院,甘肃 兰州 730070
  • 收稿日期:2020-10-09 修回日期:2021-01-16 出版日期:2021-04-13
  • 通讯作者: 左洪超 E-mail:changmh19@lzu.edu.cn;zuohch@lzu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Two Localization Methods Based on Fuzzy Control

Mingheng CHANG 1( ), Hongchao ZUO 1( ), Yulong BAI 2, Jikai DUAN 1   

  1. 1.College of Atmosphere Science,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China
    2.College of Physics and Electrical Engineering,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou 730070,China
  • Received:2020-10-09 Revised:2021-01-16 Online:2021-04-13 Published:2021-04-19
  • Contact: Hongchao ZUO E-mail:changmh19@lzu.edu.cn;zuohch@lzu.edu.cn
  • About author:Chang Mingheng (1992-), male, Qin’an County, Gansu Province, Ph. D student. Research areas include data assimilation observation error. E-mail: changmh19@lzu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China “Observational study on the interaction between nonturbulence and turbulence in the stable boundary layer over the uniform underlying surface in the arid region of Northwest China”(41875009)


In the process of ensemble data assimilation, due to the false correlation between the remote observation and the assimilation state, which affects the performance of DA, more attention has been paid to the localization methods. In addition, because of the limited ensemble size, it is easy to cause phenomena such as under-sampling and underestimation of covariance, which makes the filtering effect divergent. The fuzzy control algorithm is proposed, which is mainly used to judge the distance between the observation point and the state update point to assign the corresponding observation weight to the observation point, and then adjust the localization coefficient to update the background error covariance and observation error covariance, respectively. Thus, an effective state estimation is obtained. Based on BL and RL method, coupled with fuzzy control, the Background Covariance Fuzzy (BCF) and Fuzzy Observation Covariance (FOC) were proposed. We conducted an experiment on the Lorenz-96 model, and the BCF and the FOC method exhibited better assimilation effect with the small ensemble size and localization radius. By analyzing the Taylor diagram, it was found that the new algorithms had a high correlation with the observation point and small spatial variability. Finally, the robustness of BCF and FOC algorithms was further verified under the different dimensional fuzzy controller. It will provide a good research platform for data assimilation error processing in the future.


图1 BLRL算法的预报和更新过程
Fig.1 The prediction and update process of BL and RL algorithms
图1 BLRL算法的预报和更新过程
Fig.1 The prediction and update process of BL and RL algorithms
图2 局地化函数的选取
Fig.2 The selection of localization function
图2 局地化函数的选取
Fig.2 The selection of localization function
图3 三角隶属度函数
Fig.3 The triangular membership function
图3 三角隶属度函数
Fig.3 The triangular membership function
表1 模糊控制规则表
Table 1 The rule table of fuzzy control
表1 模糊控制规则表
Table 1 The rule table of fuzzy control
图4 BCFFOC算法的区别
Fig.4 The difference between BCF and FOC algorithms
图4 BCFFOC算法的区别
Fig.4 The difference between BCF and FOC algorithms
图5 集合数对4种方法同化效果的影响
Fig.5 The influence of ensemble size on assimilation effect of four algorithms
图5 集合数对4种方法同化效果的影响
Fig.5 The influence of ensemble size on assimilation effect of four algorithms
图6 不同集合数下4种同化方法的MAE变化情况
Fig.6 The MAE changes of four assimilation algorithms
图6 不同集合数下4种同化方法的MAE变化情况
Fig.6 The MAE changes of four assimilation algorithms
图7 集合数和局地化半径对4种同化算法的影响
Fig.7 The influence of ensemble size and localization radius with the different ensemble sizes on the four assimilation algorithms
图7 集合数和局地化半径对4种同化算法的影响
Fig.7 The influence of ensemble size and localization radius with the different ensemble sizes on the four assimilation algorithms
图8 观测数据随时间步长的变化曲线
Fig.8 The change curve of observation data over time
图8 观测数据随时间步长的变化曲线
Fig.8 The change curve of observation data over time
图9 4种同化算法的泰勒图
Fig.9 The Taylor diagram of the four assimilation algorithms
图9 4种同化算法的泰勒图
Fig.9 The Taylor diagram of the four assimilation algorithms
图10 4种算法的RMSE值和AES值比较
Fig.10 The comparison between RMSE and AES of four algorithms
图10 4种算法的RMSE值和AES值比较
Fig.10 The comparison between RMSE and AES of four algorithms
表2 4种算法同化性能比较
Table 2 The performance of the four algorithms
表2 4种算法同化性能比较
Table 2 The performance of the four algorithms
图11 L5L10L15L20BCFFOCRMSE值比较
Fig.11 The comparison RMSE of the BCF and FOC methods under the dimension is L5L10L15 and L20
图11 L5L10L15L20BCFFOCRMSE值比较
Fig.11 The comparison RMSE of the BCF and FOC methods under the dimension is L5L10L15 and L20
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