地球科学进展 ›› 2002, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (3): 348 -354. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2002.03.0348

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王旭晨 1,戴民汉 2   
  1. 1.美国麻省州立大学波士顿分校环境与海洋科学系,美国 波士顿 02125; 2.厦门大学海洋环境科学教育部重点实验室环境科学研究中心,福建 厦门361005
  • 收稿日期:2001-05-10 修回日期:2001-08-22 出版日期:2002-12-20
  • 通讯作者: 王旭晨(1955-),男,山东人,教授,主要从事海洋有机地球化学及同位素地球化学研究.E-mail: xuchen.wang@umb.edu.cn E-mail:xuchen.wang@umb.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:



WANG Xu-chen 1 , DAI Min-han 2   

  1. 1. Environmental, Coastal and Ocean Sciences Department, University of Massachusetts at Boston, MA 02125, USA; 2. Key Laboratory for Marine Environmental Science of Ministry of Education/Environmental Science Research Center, Xiamen University, Xiamen  361005, China
  • Received:2001-05-10 Revised:2001-08-22 Online:2002-12-20 Published:2002-06-01

天然放射性碳(14C)是年代测定的有效手段,它在考古学和地质学的应用已有几十年的历史。过去10年中,伴随着加速器质谱仪(AMS)技术和检测灵敏度的提高,AMS已经能够检测少于mg C量级样品中自然丰度水平的14C,这大大扩展了14 C在自然科学,特别是地球科学研究中的应用范畴。简要评述了利用天然14 C进行海洋地球化学研究的应用,重点介绍了前景广阔、并已取得显著成果的应用领域。

Naturally occurred radiocarbon (14C), as a powerful tool, has been used for decades for archeological and geological dating. Recent development and applications of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) have made it possible to detect 14C  at its natural abundance in very limited sample sizes (<mg C). This has greatly increased the range of applications using 14C in natural science, particularly in the Earth sciences. In this paper, we briefly reviewed the principal and some recent applications of using natural 14C  in marine geochemical studies mainly in three areas:①14C studies of carbon cycling in the ocean; ②Using 14C as a tracer to determine the sources, transformation and turn over of the major organic compound classes in different organic carbon pools in the ocean; and ③14C studies of compound-specific biomarkers in marine sediments.  These studies have shown novel results and demonstrated that natural radiocarbon measurements at compound level provide a new and sensitive tool for determining the sources, transformation and biogeochemical processes of carbon cycle in  oceans in the past and at present both at large and small scales.


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