地球科学进展 ›› 2007, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (8): 872 -878. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2007.08.0872

研究简报 上一篇    

  1. 中国科学院国家科学图书馆兰州分馆,甘肃 兰州 730000
  • 收稿日期:2006-11-20 修回日期:2007-05-15
  • 通讯作者: 王雪梅(1976-),女,重庆人,助理研究员,主要从事资源环境战略情报研究.E-mail: wxm@lzb.ac.cn E-mail:wxm@lzb.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:


A Bibliometrical Analysis of Status and Trends of International Ecological Footprint Research

WANG Xue-mei, ZHANG Zhi-qiang, XIONG Yong-lan   

  1. The Lanzhou Brench Library of the Chinese Academy of Science, Lanzhou 730000, China
  • Received:2006-11-20 Revised:2007-05-15 Published:2007-08-10

生态足迹是定量评价人类对生态系统利用状况的指标,是可持续定量评价的一个热点指标,随着人口数量和消费的持续增长,人类的生态足迹正日益增大。地球究竟承载着多大的人类压力,如何保障地球生态系统的可持续维持和人类的可持续发展,这都是生态足迹所研究的范畴。从文献计量学的角度,对生态足迹的国内外研究状况和态势进行定量解析。在美国科技信息研究所网络数据库(ISI Web of Knowledge)上检索关于生态足迹(ecological footprint)的文献,进行文献计量分析发表文章数量多的国家和机构,以及生态足迹相关文章的主要内容、研究方法等。结果表明,美国发表的文章最多,中国发表的论文较集中在2004年和2006年。生态足迹研究的文章涉及案例分析、理论和方法研究,进行生态足迹的时间动态测度和国别比较的文章较多,生态足迹研究的方法有投入产出法、综合法、成分法,以投入产出法为主。

Ecological footprint is quantificational evaluation index of the status of ecological system appropriation by human beings. It is a hotspot index for quantificational estimation of sustainable development. Nowadays, the ecological footprint is increasing with the increase of population and it's consumption. The research categories of ecological footprint include the carrying capacity of the Earth, the sustainable maintenance of Earth's ecosystem and the sustainable development of human beings, and so on. The research status and trends of the ecological footprint was quantificationally analyzed based on bibliometrical methods. The references about ecological footprint were indexed in the ISI Web of Knowledge. The analysis indicates that the United States has the maximum papers. China papers mainly published during 2004 to 2006 and the important author organizations are Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hongkong University and Lanzhou University. The references of ecological footprint relate to case analysis, theory and methodologies. Most references focus on the temporal dynamic measurements and international comparison. The methodologies mainly include input-output method, compound method, component method. The input-output method is the most important method.


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[2]Xu Zhongmin, Zhang Zhiqiang, Cheng Guodong. Theory, Method and Application of Ecological Econpmics[M]. Zhengzhou: Water Resources Conservance of Yellow River Press,2003.[徐中民,张志强,程国栋. 生态经济学理论方法与应用[M].郑州:黄河水利出版社,2003.]
[3]Xu Zhongmin, Cheng Guodong, Zhang Zhiqiang. A resolution to the conception of ecological footprint[J].China Population, Resource and Environment,2006,16(6):69-78.[徐中民,程国栋,张志强. 生态足迹方法的理论解析[J]. 中国人口·资源与环境,2006,16(6):69-78.]
[4]Wu Longjie,Yang Lin, Su Xin,et al. Advances in ecological footprint[J].Journal of China Agricultural University,2006,11(3):1-8.[吴隆杰,杨林,苏昕,等. 近年来生态足迹研究进展[J]. 中国农业大学学报,2006,11(3):1-8.]
[5]Global Footprint Network[EB/OL]. http://www.footprintnetwork.org/,2006.
[6]WWF International, Global Footprint Network, Kadoorie Farm, Botanic Garden. Asia-Pacific 2005: The Ecological Footprint and Natural Wealth
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[7]Zhang Zhiqiang. Ecological Overshoot: Humanity Consumes More Natural Resource Than the Earth Can Produce-Main Results of the Living Planet Report 2004
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[8]WWF International, Zoological Society of London, Global Footprint Network. Living Planet Report 2006[EB/OL]. http://www.footprintnetwork.org/download.php?id=303,2006.
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